Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry on Tuesday addressed COVID-19 concerns, a more existential consideration in light of the Republican National Convention coming to town in August.
Curry has maintained for weeks that the city has “flattened the curve,” and has expressed confidence that a “full arena” convention is possible.
However, all appearances are that in Florida and elsewhere, COVID-19 is spreading, with over 80,000 cumulative cases in the state and close to 3,000 confirmed deaths as of numbers released Tuesday by the Department of Health.
The 2,112 cases in Duval include 80 new cases Tuesday, a single-day record. Curry reported the number represented a total positive percentage of 2.8%, down from the peak on April 6.
Journalists here and elsewhere have expressed concerns, but Curry continued to maintain that the city had “flattened the curve” and cautioned media that was the goal, rather than full-scale eradication of the disease.
“Don’t move the goalposts,” the Mayor said, adding that it would be “ridiculous” for “some in the media” to “suggest quarantine” because of positive cases in the city.
“The story the data is telling us is not that the virus is on the rise,” Curry said.
“We have flattened the curve in Jacksonville,” he added, with “hospital capacities returned to pre-COVID levels” and “significant decreases” in “COVID-19 alert cases” for Fire and Rescue.
“As we rapidly increased testing,” Curry said the city “knew” that positive tests would result.
“My team and I are watching the percentages of positives … steadily decreasing for months now,” Curry said. “Hospital cases are down, transports are down.
VP Mike Pence said Charlotte could not provide “assurances” regarding a full occupancy convention. His comments suggested that Jacksonville had been willing to offer such assurances, a potentially risky position in light of the rising number of cases.
Pence’s assertion on Fox and Friends contravened Gov. Ron DeSantis who said the “shape of the pandemic” will drive logistics ultimately. But those assurances, Curry noted, are conditional.
“We have told the RNC that given the trends that we have … that we can have a full scale convention,” Curry said, noting that safety protocols, including temperature checks and testing, would be part of the planning process.
Saying again that “indefinitely quarantining is not an option,” the Mayor noted that two months out, it’s “time to plan as if open for business.”
“At this point in time, we are planning a convention at the arena. We are not going to put people at risk,” Curry said, adding that “nothing in life is certain. If things change, we’ll adapt accordingly at the time.”
CDC guidelines call for social distancing and the Mayor noted those will “exist until we have a vaccine.”
“We got word of this convention days ago,” Curry said, adding that “the planning has started to [have the convention] in a responsible way.”
June 16, 2020 at 12:56 pm
Jax is or is pretty close to begin a non-white majority city! So, how in the hell did all the African-Americans and Hispanics there allow a damned Republican to be elected mayor?
Get Curry the hell outta’ there – and PROTEST that Donnie Dimwit speech to a fare-thee-well!
Vote Dem 2020!
Bill In Palatka
June 16, 2020 at 1:57 pm
Jax residents are being sold out by their mayor, whose only concern isn’t public safety but instead its pleasing Trump/Desantis and the GOP hierarchy, whose asses he’s been kissing for years.
Coronavirus cases are INCREASING. Coronavirus deaths are INCREASING. These increases ARE NOT simply a result of testing, which is STILL NOT INSTANTLY AND WIDELY AVAILABLE. The increase is coming as a result of loosening restrictions, and hurried reopenings.
Curry has shown he is a totally incompetent mayor, and a stooge for Desantis/Trump. If the local newspaper wasn’t a Republican tool (Florida Times-Union), then maybe Jax residents would get a better picture of Curry’s ineptitude, including that quite suspicious JEA deal.
June 16, 2020 at 2:44 pm
Agree completely with Bill in Palatka.
The R’s, Governor, Tallahassee, Scott/Rubio, Mayor Curry
will do and say absolutely anything to ensure that Trump gets his
big moment on the 27th.
It is going to be a catastrophe. Tens of thousands of people with no masks
coming from all 50 states. Trump supporters in the streets and you know there
will be protesters. Could get ugly. No worries, the ‘LAW & ORDER” President
will make sure that the area is properly militarized.
All hotels and AirBnB booked. Are they going to bus people in? Are they still
doing cruise ships? Cruise ships! Lord help us all.
Sonja Fitch
June 16, 2020 at 3:04 pm
Looting Lenny does not care about the lives of the folks here in Jacksonville! Looting Lenny gonna do as the cult leader trump demands. Sick and pathetic are all of the goptrump CULT. Including Desantis! We are struggling through a damn pandemic white men!!!!
Frankie M.
June 16, 2020 at 3:45 pm
Lenny is king of moving the goalposts. We flattened the curve for now but what about all those people coming in from God knows where. They are bringing everyone they’ve come into contact with. But wth…we gotta convention to plan!
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