U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, in a produced video he tweeted out Thursday afternoon, stood against a “mob” seeking to destroy a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Washington.
While the mob wasn’t yet present when Scott recorded the video, people were expected to congregate Thursday evening to attempt to tear down the Emancipation Memorial in Lincoln Park.
Protesters under the aegis of the Freedom Neighborhood, reports Newsweek, plan to tear down the statue because Black people had no say in its development or placing.
Scott objected strenuously, saying that the move reflected “anarchy” aided and abetted by “left wing mayors, left wing governors sitting on the sidelines and watching things happen.”
“I’ve got a statue of Lincoln behind me with the Emancipation Proclamation,” Scott said. “It was started by a freed slave and started with her first earnings when she was free.”
“Lincoln was not a Confederate soldier or Confederate general,” Scott added, “but we have individuals around this country vowing to tear down this statue.”
“They are delusional. They are wrong. They are ignorant of our history,” the Senator continued. “This is anarchy.”
“This is exactly what happens in communist countries,” Scott continued. “They come in. They start tearing down the statues. They rewrite history and try to rename everything.”
“What’s next? Is it the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, are they going to start burning our books, rewriting history.”
“They hate our country and they want to make sure our children and grandchildren hate this country,” Scott said. “It has got to stop.”
The Senator, being interviewed on the Guy Benson Show Thursday on Fox News Radio, elaborated on his comments.
“He signed the Emancipation Proclamation to free them!”
Scott reprised his riff on “what they do in communist countries,” saying “they hate America” and “think we’re fundamentally evil.”
For Scott, the defense of the Lincoln statue continues a recent trend of bemoaning the destruction of monuments to U.S. Presidents of the 19th century.
A Tuesday afternoon Tweet found the Senator defending monuments against the depredations of “liberal politicians” and “the mob” they enable. In that case, the statue was of Andrew Jackson, best known for signing the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
Reports of a mob planning to tear down a monument honoring Abraham Lincoln and Emancipation tonight is outright unacceptable.
It’s time to stop the madness being led by the radical Left to destroy and rewrite history. America is a beacon of FREEDOM and HOPE. pic.twitter.com/hUXosJkxUG
— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020 at 3:37 pm
So, the friggin’ crook who ripped off Medicare and Medicaid to the tune of more than $1.5 BILLION – that crook – thinks he’s somehow better than an “anarchist”? Personally, I’d prefer the government to be in the hands of a group of anarchists – even “black” ones – rather than leaving it the hands of true criminals like Donnie Dimwit and Shouldabenafelon Scott!
Screw Scott! He’s true POS.
Ocean Joe
June 25, 2020 at 4:00 pm
I applaud Senator Scott. If the mob spots him they will run home and protect their valuables.
Kafantaris George
June 25, 2020 at 4:07 pm
Have we forgotten that our country was born out of the anarchy of the Boston Tea Party? Or that the Second Amendment is but a codification of our right to some anarchy. After all, the bearing of arms is intended to check a tyrannical government — not to protect us from the bad guys. So unless folks are ready to disavow the Second Amendment, they should settle down and accept the occasional anarchy that our heritage entails.
Ed V
June 29, 2020 at 5:38 pm
Well put!
June 25, 2020 at 5:08 pm
If there is only one statue that needs to be defaced, it is ‘Abe Lincoln’s’ stature.
On 27th April, 1861 Lincoln completely abolished Habeas Corpus in
the Union and assumed dictatorial powers. Much of
the Bill of Rights was cancelled. Southern churches were put to the
torch and priests and ministers were imprisoned for refusing to say
prayers for Lincoln… who was an atheist.
Widespread dissent in the North against such flouting of the
Constitution saw over three hundred newspapers or journals closed
down by executive order with their offices often destroyed and their
publishers imprisoned. No media dissent was permitted by Lincoln.
Even publishers who merely advocated peaceful compromise had, at
the very least, their newspapers closed down. No dissent of any kind was tolerated and estimates are that over
30,000 people in the north were imprisoned, many of them based
merely on suspicion.
NOW THAT’S A TYRANT. I’m sure Scott loves Lincoln.
Robert Dunn
June 25, 2020 at 5:28 pm
How do you like Democrat Socialism? just like the third world isn’t it. Democrat Governor’s & Mayors ordering Police to stand down while the city is looted, burned citizens beaten in the streets, monuments destroyed, police stations actually taken over and allowed to occupied. Antifa and BLM are the criminals.
What do these Mayors & Governors have in common?
Tom Wolf (Gov PA), Jim Kenney (Mayor Philadelphia), JB Pritzker (Gov Il), Lori Lightfoot (Mayor Chicago), Gavin Newsom (Gov CA) Kate Brown (Gov OR), Ted Wheeler (Mayor Portland OR), Jay Inslee (Gov WA), Jenny Durkan (Mayor Seattle), Andrew Cuomo (Gov NY), Bill Di Blasio, (Mayor NY) Tim Walz (Gov MN) Jacob Frey (Mayor MN), Lyda Krewson (Mayor St. Louis), Gretchen Whitmer (Gov MI), Mike Duggan (Mayor Detroit) , Keisha Bottoms (Mayor Atlanta GA)
All are Democrats who kept the economy in their states and cities closed as long as they could (many still are) and ordered Police in their cities to stand down.
There is no moderate wing of the Democrat party people and they really don’t care about taxpayers except for their vote. If you vote for Joe Biden, you are voting for Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren’s far left platform.. Joe will follow the radical left’s agenda or Joe won’t get the support (and he is of) Nancy Pelosi, Val Demings, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Valerie Jarrett,. Rashida Talib, Stacy Abrams, Ayanna Pressley, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Tom Perez, Maxine Waters, Al Green, and llhan Omar.
This is the core of the socialists leftist wing of the Democrat party in Washington and they are firmly in charge.
Democrat Platform & Goals: Democrats want to make this election all about President Trump. NOT their platform & Goals. At least know who & what you are voting for.
*End all deportations of illegal aliens, if you get here, you stay. Bernie’s website calls it a “moratorium” on deportations.
*Citizenship for 20 to 50 million illegal aliens, DACA & TPS recipients with a cost of billions.
*Massive tax increases. All Democrat candidates have committed to tax increases of various amounts.
*Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Green new deal.(which would create massive unemployment, 100,000 jobs estimated in the transportation industry alone.) Joe Biden supports.
*De-fund & terminate border patrol & ICE.
*Free Health Care for Illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients (taxpayer funded with one estimate at 52 trillion)
*Ending of all private / employer based health care. “Medicare for all”, Feds run everything.
*Illegal Aliens eligible for welfare & food stamps. (Elizabeth Warrens plan adopted)
*Reparations for race’s harmed by Caucasians. Joe Biden committed to “Reverend” Al Sharpton’s, support for Sheila Jackson Lee’s racist reparations bill in the House. Basically a tax will be levied on all Caucasians in America. (you can’t make this stuff up)
*Sanctuary Cities & States. Joe Biden supports sanctuary city’s.
*Free college for all, including illegal aliens (taxpayer funded estimates in the billions. Bernie Sanders plan adopted.
*Decriminalization of illegal entry into our country.
*Open Borders.
*Drivers Licenses for illegal aliens (already happening in states with Democrat leadership.
*Late term abortions up to 9 months.
*Ending of all private / employer based health care. “Medicare for all”, Feds run everything.
* Destruction and erasing our history.
Mel Thomas
June 25, 2020 at 8:29 pm
Most people don’t even know the Democrats platform. I understand why they want to keep it secret. Attack trump for anything is the only platform democrats know. The only people Democrats care about is non citizens with dark skin color.
Michael R Traugott
June 26, 2020 at 11:18 am
June 26, 2020 at 2:27 pm
You have definitely drank your fill of the b.s cool aid called FOX NEWS havent you… Lock Him Up.. Trumpty Dumpty is the scum of the Earth
June 25, 2020 at 6:05 pm
If anarchy happens, whose fault is it? Oh yeah, the people in charge of everything, THE REPUBLICANS! Ever hear of “The buck stops here?” Wake up people, vote for Democrats, the people who know what they are doing and actually give a shit.
June 25, 2020 at 8:25 pm
Who’s fault is it? The Democrat Governors and Mayors who allow it to happen. Mr. Dunn’s post above illustrates it perfectly.
Mel Thomas
June 25, 2020 at 8:32 pm
“If anarchy happens, whose fault is it?”
People like you…..and
Tom Wolf (Gov PA), Jim Kenney (Mayor Philadelphia), JB Pritzker (Gov Il), Lori Lightfoot (Mayor Chicago), Gavin Newsom (Gov CA) Kate Brown (Gov OR), Ted Wheeler (Mayor Portland OR), Jay Inslee (Gov WA), Jenny Durkan (Mayor Seattle), Andrew Cuomo (Gov NY), Bill Di Blasio, (Mayor NY) Tim Walz (Gov MN) Jacob Frey (Mayor MN), Lyda Krewson (Mayor St. Louis), Gretchen Whitmer (Gov MI), Mike Duggan (Mayor Detroit) , Keisha Bottoms (Mayor Atlanta GA)Nancy Pelosi, Val Demings, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Valerie Jarrett,. Rashida Talib, Stacy Abrams, Ayanna Pressley, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Tom Perez, Maxine Waters, Al Green, and llhan Omar.
June 26, 2020 at 12:18 pm
You left out Donald Trump.
Frank Rizzo
June 25, 2020 at 8:39 pm
Rick Scott is a fruitcake. How he got elected is a mystery to me.
June 26, 2020 at 1:31 am
Well, Thursday has come and gone. No “mob” anywhere in sight. No law enforcement hanging around waiting for the mob. President Lincoln untouched. Hmmm. Maybe it was a troll, a hoax, this bs group of a few angry people calmed the hell down.
Just a laugh riot that Scott ran over there to stand against the mob. Rants about it on twitter and FOX. If he’s so “into” President Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation,freed slaves and AMERICA, then he should focus his energy and moral outrage into legislation that would help the black community. But he won’t. He does not possess the testicular fortitude.
He’s running around, clutching his pearls, screaming all of the “catch words” and phrases. All for an audience of one.
Can’t wait for his next event featuring his righteous indignation.
Sonja Fitch
June 26, 2020 at 6:09 am
Rick Dicky just playing! Look at him the lead in a Nazi movie! Hush Scott !
D. Light
June 27, 2020 at 7:57 am
Another selected Zionist stooge selected for doing ZIONIST crimes throughout the world.This Men in Black character named Rick Scott is a blackmailed brown noser for Israel is a true criminal!The biggest medicare fraudster who plead the 5th 75 times and gotta away with it pretty much. This guy is a lying sack of shit! And that’s an insult to shit….. Shit has more uses than this space 👽
John Pearson
June 27, 2020 at 1:25 pm
President Lincoln’s motivation for Emancipation was to save the Union. He was pro-slavery!
June 27, 2020 at 2:02 pm
Rick Scott is an odious snake. He cheated in business, lied to the courts, stripped the state of employment security, education, water management with his only objective to make himself look good and get re-elected.
Then he obstructed the Florida constitution and disregarded the legal results of state amendments to delay or deny the people’s will for conservation, felon voting rights, and medical marijuana, with the help of his henchmen in the state legislature.
Now he is hoping to slither into the White House in a few years. Fat chance, the game is up, Rick.
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