As Lake County Republican Rep. Anthony Sabatini endeavors to make himself Florida’s leading opponent of face mask mandates, filing lawsuits around the state and decrying “Mask-Nazis,” his election opponents responded calling him “childish” and “a baby.”
Sabatini, of Howie in the Hills, has filed and discussed preparing lawsuits seeking to strike down face mask mandates filed in various counties initiated by officials seeking to stop or slow down the sudden resurgence of COVID-19, including in Orange and Leon. He’s also undertaken as high-profile a campaign denouncing such rules as unnecessary and unconstitutional.
In a tweet Friday he declared officials advocating such rules as “Mask-Nazis,” and urged them to read a post he retweeted about Scandinavian countries discouraging mask-wearing.
There are three Democrats running in the August 18 primary seeking a shot at Sabatini in House District 32, covering most of Lake County. Ryan Morales of Clermont called him “childish” and said, “he seriously just needs to grow up.” Linda Kero of Leesburg declared, “He’s a baby. He’s a spoiled baby.” A third Democrat, Stephanie Dukes of Clermont, did not respond.
“It’s sickening to see him do this,” Morales said.
“I think it is terribly irresponsible to the people of his district,” Kero said.
In response, Sabatini dismissed them as “nut jobs” throwing “emotional temper tantrums.”
Sabatini said he does not believe there is an imminent public health crisis in Florida.
Instead, he believes that the rising COVID-19 infection numbers are reflections of increased testing, finding large numbers of asymptomatic people who weren’t showing up in previous testing, and that even rising hospitalization numbers in places like Orange and Seminole counties are suspect indicators.
Masks, he said, should be left up to individuals and businesses. The government does not really have a crisis it needs to address, Sabatini claims. And even it did, it should not be addressed with what he considers an unconstitutional abridgment of people’s rights by requiring them to wear masks in public. “I think they’re worth fighting for,” he said.
“It does bother me that people try to silence and stop the debate and seek to inhibit conversation about these types of policies and try to vilify anybody who actually questions it. I think that’s sick and disturbing,” he said.
He defended his “Mask-Nazis” insult as a variation of the “soup Nazi” gag from the Seinfeld sitcom in the 1990s, saying it was his attempt to bring a sense of humor into politics.
House District 32 has a heavy Republican base and is in a county with a tradition of supporting politicians whose statements and policies sometimes test the extremes of right-wing conservatism. Sabatini has routinely sought to test those bounds himself. Democrats are charging that this time he may have gone too far, even for many of the county’s Republican voters.
They’re eager to try to hold him accountable.
“At the end of the day, he has blood on his hands,” Morales said.
Morales noted that he used to paint houses, a job that required him to wear masks for hours at a time. It was no big deal, and he thinks the health benefits in a pandemic make them worth it, he said. He pointed out that Sabatini himself wears masks when he is told to by commanders in the National Guard.
“I think people in his district should be incensed by his words. It’s not cute,” Kero said.
Sabatini’s response: “These are people that are complete nut jobs, radical, left-wing, goofy people who are going to lose by double-digits on Election Day and are probably already crying about it, so they’re having emotional temper tantrums.”
The greater-Orlando area is seeing dramatically increasing numbers of new cases in the past week, including in Orange and Lake counties. The region recorded 1,807 new cases on Friday, up from the record 1,238 on Thursday, up from the record of 1,017 on Wednesday.
In Lake County, a record 94 cases were recorded Friday. In Lake, 10% of 798 test results came back positive. Lake is now poised to become the sixth county in the six-county Central Florida region to surpass the 1,000 mark.
“The virus doesn’t know the difference between a Democrat and a Republican. This is not the flu. And the numbers are skyrocketing. He should know this,” Kero said.
“You know, with the recent spikes throughout the state of Florida, and the increases in deaths, technically people like him are partly responsible because they are continuing the narrative that masks don’t work,” Morales said.
But to Sabatini, there is nothing to see in those numbers.
“We’re more likely discovering the spread of the virus that had already been in place,” Sabatini said.
When asked directly if he thought there was an imminent public health crisis, he said, “No.”
Fed Up
June 26, 2020 at 4:02 pm
Wearing a mask is not a partisan test.
It is an IQ test!
Sonja Fitch
June 26, 2020 at 4:13 pm
Til vaccine this is the vaccine wear a mask stupid. Wash your hands and social distance! Better still you just stay home!
S.B. Anthony
June 26, 2020 at 4:47 pm
“Sabatini said he does not believe there is an imminent public health crisis in Florida.”
Is this guy conscious?
June 26, 2020 at 9:39 pm
Must have gone to the same school as Gohmert and Gaetz.
Get this man a straight jacket… and a muzzle.
A Poor Oppressed Disabled Victim of The Mask NAZI's
June 29, 2020 at 7:05 pm
Oh, HELL yes!
I beetch slapped my first mask NAZI today in a grocery store
July 4, 2020 at 2:35 pm
Wearing a mask for a virus is the same insanity as putting up a chain link fence to keep mosquitoes out. The virus is WAY smaller than the mesh of the mask. All you are doing by wearing a mask is keeping a nice, warm, moist breeding ground for bacteria and other pathogens to breed in STRAPPED TO YOUR FACE SO YOU CAN INHALE THESE PATHOGENS AND GET SICK, which is what they WANT so they can further artificially inflate their already grossly inflated COVID numbers to keep the people in a state of fear and under their mind control.
The Nazis made jews wear a gold star…..YOUR government is making you wear a mask, which does NO GOOD at all, other than more chance of you getting sick, to further their cause which is the enslavement of the people.
July 5, 2020 at 9:11 am
After reading that Sabatini has added Saint Augustine to the list of munis he is suing for having masks mandated indoors by City Council I decided to research his term of office online. Thank you for publishing the list of his potential successors in November. Saint Augustine Beach and Saint JOhns County, the latter being perhaps runner-up for majority GOP registered voters both caved in to the threat of (expensive) litigation brought with the approval of the RNC and Trump, a vicious abuse of power.
We have family who live in The Villages who report regularly the prevailing conditions there RE COVID and mask use: they tell us BOTH are increasing rapidly so it seems there’s thousands of Republicans who DO have common sense enough to follow the direction of the global health agencies rather than the inept ramblings and flaming rhetoric of our President and his acolytes Ron DiSantis and this guy Sabatini.
Perhaps to his dubious credit Scott has kept quiet on the subject of masks, odd for a guy who made millions in the health care industry and now supposedly represents the interests of Florida’s citizens.
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