The Republican State Leadership Committee said this week that it was in a much better position at the end of Q2 2020 than it was at the same checkpoint in the last two election cycles.
The committee and its partner group, the State Government Leadership Foundation, raised a combined $10.8 million between April 1 and June 30. The haul is $5 million better than what the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee managed over the same period.
RSLC works to elect Republicans in down-ballot, state-level offices. DLCC does the same for Democrats.
“The RSLC, its members, and donors know that the direction of our country for the next decade hangs in the balance of state elections this year, and have stepped-up accordingly,” said Bill McCollum, RSLC Chairman and former Florida congressman and Attorney General.
“Our mission at the outset of the election cycle has been to raise more money than we’ve ever raised before and to ensure that state Republicans have the resources they need to compete with and defeat their liberal opponents. We’re well on our way to achieving that, but we know that the road ahead remains among the toughest we’ve ever traveled. We won’t let our foot off the gas.”
In a Saturday email, RSLC charted gave some further context by charting their 2020 fundraising numbers against their efforts in past election cycles.
To-date, RSLC has raised $16.8 million this election cycle. That’s 61% more than the $10.5 million the committee had managed through Q2 2018 and 35% more than the $12.5 million it had raised through Q2 2016.
“We’re exceptionally proud of our success thus far this year — and grateful to all of our supporters for helping us to break as many records as we have,” said RSLC Board Member and long-time Republican strategist Karl Rove.
“But we are fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Democrats are hellbent on gerrymandering themselves into near-permanent power for the next decade — and they have liberal billionaires at their disposal to write the blank checks to make it happen. That means we have to keep fighting harder than we’ve ever fought before and win every day we can. Our country depends on it.”