Having spent about $15 million on its swing-state advertising in the past five weeks, Joe Biden‘s presidential campaign intends to spend $15 million more this week across Florida and five other states.
The campaign announced Tuesday it is ramping up its general election paid media efforts across TV, radio, digital, and print, while releasing another COVID-19-related commercial, “Truth,” one on Biden’s record, “Tested,” and a new Spanish-language ad, “Soñar es lograr.”
The Florida advertising, which last week expanded into Fort Myers, will now move into Panama City and Pensacola and Mobile, Alabama, as the Biden campaign stakes a claim in the Panhandle.
In “Truth,” a one-minute ad, Biden makes a case for a unified, national approach, personal responsibility, and lead-by-example leadership from the White House to battle the coronavirus outbreak. The commercial begins with Biden describing rising COVID-19 case and fatality numbers in Texas, Florida and other states, as he says, “We have to meet it as one country.”
“We’ve got to fight this together. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Limit the size of the crowd. It may be inconvenient. It may be uncomfortable. But it’s the right thing to do as an American,” Biden says. “We need a President who will level with the American people, a President who will tell us the unvarnished truth, a President who will take responsibility, instead of always blaming others. A President who will listen to the experts, follow the science, allow them to speak. A President who will lead and be an example for the nation”
“Tested,” also a minute long, has a coronavirus theme as well. In the ad, a narrator talks about the current health care and economic crises in America and contends that Biden is battle-tested from his time as Vice President to former President Barack Obama, and that he led efforts to stop the massive economic slide of 2008 and to contain the Ebola crisis of 2014.
The new Spanish-language ad, “Soñar es lograr,” being released in Arizona and Florida, uses narrators selected to speak to communities found in given markets, talking about Biden’s commitment to making the American dream possible to all, including immigrants.