Joe Gruters: 100 days until President Donald Trump is reelected

Donald Trump
All eyes are on Florida ahead of November.

Today marks 100 days until the General Election on November 3, and it could not be a more important election.

Floridians, do you want a leader who stands up for our communities, supports law and order, and will rebuild our economy? Or do you want a leader who has adopted a radical platform, wants schools to remain closed, to defund the police, and raise our taxes? The answer is the former.

And the candidate is President Donald Trump.

In 2016, Trump made promises to Floridians and after three and a half years in office, he has delivered on those promises. From repealing and replacing an outdated tax code to renegotiating fairer trade deals, to leading us through an unprecedented pandemic, and leading the Great American Comeback, Trump has proved to be the leader America needs.

Trump worked with Republican leaders in Congress to reform our outdated tax code, which resulted in over 82% of middle-income Americans taking home more money in their paychecks. It is estimated that over 12,600 jobs were created in the Sunshine State and that Floridians received an average tax cut of $1,345. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has vowed that the “first thing” he will do in office is to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and raise taxes on Floridians. Reverting to the old tax code would cost taxpayers over $3.8 trillion over the next decade.

Earlier this month, Trump’s United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) went into effect, providing a much-needed boost across all industries in Florida, which need relief now more than ever. The USMCA replaced the disastrous NAFTA trade deal that Biden proudly supported, which resulted in 15,000 American jobs lost every year. Thanks to Trump, the USMCA will support over 27,000 agricultural jobs in the Sunshine State.

While Trump has led Floridians through this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, Biden continues to be a day late and a dollar short. Trump has led a bold, whole-of-government approach to fighting the pandemic, from banning travel from China and Europe at the onset of the virus, to providing lifesaving resources to states like Florida. In order to keep our economy afloat, the Trump administration worked aggressively with Republicans in Congress to negotiate the Paycheck Protection Program — with over 393,000 loans totaling over $32 billion being sent to Floridian small businesses.

Before the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States, Floridians were experiencing record-low unemployment and booming job growth thanks to the Trump economy. While Biden continues to hide in his basement, Trump has been leading our Great American Comeback. In June, we received another uplifting jobs report, where Americans saw over 4.8 million jobs added — smashing all expectations. Trump wants to safely rebuild our economy and reopen our schools, while Joe Biden sees the pandemic as a political opportunity and has sided with unions to keep schools closed.

In addition to Trump’s “Promises Made, Promises Kept” agenda, the Trump campaign and RNC have been investing in Florida since last cycle. Having never left the state in 2016, Florida Trump Victory, the joint operation between the Trump campaign, RNC, and the Republican Party of Florida, has over 180 staffers in all 67 counties of the Sunshine State. We have been building the largest data-driven ground game operation in the history of politics.

Our team is battle-tested, having hit our 10 millionth voter contact in the state. We are ready to help Republicans win up and down the ticket in November.

Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign has just found Florida on a map. Our thousands of volunteers on the ground are extremely enthusiastic for Trump, and no amount of hires at the eleventh hour from Democrats can deliver the White House for Biden.

All eyes are on Florida ahead of November, and we are confident that with Trump’s “Promises Made, Promises Kept” agenda, coupled with our unrivaled ground game, Florida can yet again deliver its 29 electoral votes for Trump and elect Republicans up and down the ticket in November.


Joe Gruters is chair of the Republican Party of Florida.

Guest Author


  • Andre

    July 26, 2020 at 6:41 am

    You are full of. Shit. He has been the most despicable president in our nation’s history . He aligns himself with dictators because he wants to run this country like one , which he has proven.
    – 36 people in his campaign indicted and some sent to prison.

    – want to get rid of Obama care with no plan

    – tax cuts put billions in the pocket of corporations

    – He said he would take on China? They bitched slapped him.

    – Impeached.

    – Mueller report / which his hack AG squashed!

    – A disastrous response to the pandemic.

    – He inherited the Obama economy and by the way his job creation numbers are lower than Obama.

    He has failed our country. And you can believe Reagan and Bush sr are rolling in their graves.

    Trump will lose in a landslide!!!!!

  • Ocean Joe

    July 26, 2020 at 7:15 am

    The virus won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.

  • S.B. Anthony

    July 26, 2020 at 7:22 am

    Lol, Gruters, keep fever dreaming.

  • Sonja Fitch

    July 26, 2020 at 8:20 am

    You gotta to wonder if this guy is brainwashed or brain dead!!!! Putin loving traitor trump does not give two scoops of shit about any issue you mentioned! Pedophile Rapist Trump cares only about Pedophile Rapist Trump!

  • Paula

    July 26, 2020 at 9:05 am

    Double checked to make sure it wasn’t April 1st!

  • DisplacedCTYankee

    July 26, 2020 at 12:22 pm

    Yep, the Dear Leader definitely has made Floriduh great again.

  • Ed Freeman

    July 26, 2020 at 12:42 pm

    Oh Joe, you are such an embarrassment to Sarasota.  How could such a nice city raise such a buffoon?  I’m sure Queens, NY asks itself that question everyday.  You are right however, that until the pandemic the US economy was doing OK.  Yet, getting us through a crisis is the very definition of leadership, Joe.  Donald Trump has failed by any measure.  The American people can clearly see the dismal failure before their very eyes.  Donald Trump has already lost.

  • Jim

    July 26, 2020 at 1:40 pm

    You have to be soulless, godless, heartless, and fundamentally un-American to continue to support the most criminal president in US history through the biggest string of lies imaginable.

    The biggest lie is that Joe Biden is in any way a socialist. The fact is the GOP has no agenda other than pushing more and more wealth upwards to the richest few in this country at the expense of everyone else. I say this not because I’m a socialist, but because I love my country, and so I hate seeing what is being done to the overwhelming majority of its people. I say this out of a sense of fairness and common sense: we need to build the economy from its base, which is working people, not from the wealth of the few at the top — which are the only people Donald Trump represents.

    The GOP has to lie about Biden being a socialist because it has nothing else to offer: it has no plan, no agenda, no beliefs, and no heart. So it has to make you afraid of socialists, immigrants, and Mexicans, while it lies to you about a terrible pandemic and does nothing about it.

  • FedUp

    July 26, 2020 at 1:56 pm

    How much did it cost your campaign to get this article placed Joe?

  • Patti Ireland

    July 26, 2020 at 2:03 pm

    Yet another perfect example of a Republican in complete denial of reality. BTW- the issue that is creating “all eyes on Florida” is the mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic, and our Trump sycophant governor. Aside from the fact that nothing Trump has done has been helpful to Floridians (and Americans) who are not uber wealthy, many Floridians who have been a part of his base have found this pandemic and both Trump and DeSantis’ handling of it to be abhorrent. I think the author must be delusional if he thinks that Trump has the widespread support he is claiming.

  • Carol

    July 26, 2020 at 3:08 pm

    Well, this author has certainly been drinking the Kool-Aide! Fact check, anyone? Yeah, probably not. I guess it would be a pretty overwhelming project.

  • eagreenhalgh

    July 27, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    Former President Obama may have been a traitor who is alleged to have tried to subvert the Constitution of America to form a Socialist government. Allegations are explained on

    • Patti Ireland

      July 27, 2020 at 2:06 pm

      There is SO much BS in the link, that I would have to write a dissertation to fully refute it- so I will hit on one point that shows the author has no clue as to what he is talking about. He refers to ” Hitler’s Socialist Government”- Hitler’s Government was not a Socialist Government. It was a Fascist dictatorship. Socialism is an economic system, and while there are variants, it generally is where the resources of the state are managed for the benefit of all. Hitler’s economic system was one that was controlled by a small cadre of wealthy cronies. He privatized what had previously been state industries ( the exact opposite of socialism)
      The author also claims that the concentration were not originally “death camps”, but “labour cities” of workers with factories and living quarters, although workers could not leave due to “Austerity measures”.
      The author is a full on loony conspiracy theorist. An, BTW- Obama did nothing to try to form a “Socialist Government.

  • Steven Howell

    August 4, 2020 at 9:16 am

    When you support an anti-science, nationalist, racist, xenophobic candidate who calls the free press an “enemy of the people,” you identify yourself as someone with equally evil, un-American values. Noted.

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