After two days of glowing coverage of the Democratic National Convention, Senator Marco Rubio has seen enough.
The Florida Republican, in a tweet Wednesday morning, spotlighted ongoing street violence in Portland as a sign of the mainstream media’s misplaced priorities.
“We have a Marxist mob perpetrate historic levels of violence & disorder in major American cities. But you would never know it from watching/reading most major traditional media outlets or the convention of one of our two major political parties.”
Rubio was famously ambivalent about President Donald Trump even after the heated presidential primaries of 2016 were resolved.
But in 2020, the second-term Senator is rolling up his sleeves and pitching in, with culture war rhetoric designed to make the case that Trump can do what Democratic nominee Joe Biden cannot.
On a press call Monday organized by the Trump campaign, the Senator said that Trump’s reelection was nothing short of a “generational challenge.”
Biden, said Rubio Monday, is the frontman for a “very different Democratic Party” from past incarnations, driven by “fringe left-wing movements” and “radical groups in the Democratic Party” who are calling for “defunding the police” and the “$93 trillion Green New Deal.”
In that call, the Senator rehearsed arguments that will prove familiar by November.
The last six months have been characterized by “rapid increases in violent crime” in cities, Rubio said. The Senator suggested that’s just a taste of the “violence, anarchy, and disorder” to come during a Biden/Harris administration.
Rubio wondered, regarding Biden, “is he strong enough” to deal with “elements in the party” working to “push him farther left than he’s ever been before?”
Should Biden be elected, Rubio harbors “very serious doubts about strength in the White House.”
ANTIFA and other radical groups could have their way under a Democratic administration, Rubio warned.
Expect the Senator to lean into the partisan scrum this fall, when he is not on the ballot. And even to take aim at Republicans not on the Trump train.
Rubio has sparred with the “never Trump” group of Republican consultants known as The Lincoln Project, likening their work to “political prostitution” after one of their founders said that if Rubio were in Castro’s Cuba, he would have become a revolutionary.
Mary Pezzi
August 19, 2020 at 9:29 am
What an out of touch jerk Marco Rubio is… and big-time supporter of the Racist Trump admin.
S.B. Anthony
August 19, 2020 at 9:36 am
Rubio needs to go out with the trash along with trump.
For some stupid reason, he thinks that lashing himself to trump,
of whom he’s petrified like the little boy he is, is going to help
him with his political future. Rubio needs to wake up and realize he’s reached
his apex and it’s all downhill from here. He should get a nice cushy
job in the public sector and live out the rest of his days on Calle Ocho.
carlos villanueva
August 19, 2020 at 12:16 pm
Calle Ocho has nothing to with this and mixing them together makes your message mute. Calle Ocho is a Business Sector which is hurting now from no tourist and the closure of its nightlife. You also mean Rubio should get a job in the private sector. He has a job in the Public Sector now which is why we are commenting on the awful job he has performed for the Public. When you say a Latin should work on Calle Ocho it is offensive as stating a black person should go get a job in Liberty City . Think before you comment and assure your message is not perceived as bigotry.
Ocean Joe
August 19, 2020 at 1:08 pm
I share your umbrance for what sounded like a slap at Cuban Americans. Having grown up in Florida, Miami was a tired redneck town when the Cubans showed up and with other immigrants it is now a world class city.
That said, Everybody hates Castro. Murdered and imprisoned many, dumped his worst criminals on us in the Mariel. Brutal dictator.
BUT HERE IS THE QUESTION FOR MARCO: What led to Castro’s rise to power?
Why were peasants willing to risk their lives standing up to the army?
Was it the over-accumulation of wealth by the privileged few and highly corrupt government while masses lived in abject poverty?
Why couldn’t the same thing happen here?
How does your constant support for tax cuts for the wealthy, no taxes on corporations, and opposition to health care for the poor and middle class help prevent our own Castro?
And looking at Trump, his populist claims never match his dictatorial actions.
Actually, to Marco’s credit, he lamented the tax cut’s failure to deliver the promised results. Of course had he considered the last giant tax cut stilted to the rich, he would have known the concept that they pay for themselves and grow the economy is, as George Bush, Sr, called it: voodoo economics. It accomplishes one thing: it widens the wealth gap. So when he worries about chaos in the streets…it comes from the top.
carlos villanueva
August 19, 2020 at 9:50 am
All of this has gone on under this Administrations watch and also the watch of the GOP. So if it is occurring now while they have control of the nation his comments make no sense. This administration was behind the wheel of the car and they caused the accident. Now they want to state someone else was driving when the police arrives to the scene. That is a criminal offense.
The GOP and this administration should use Portland as an example to how the country in general is about to boil over from unemployment, delays in financial assistance to the citizens and flat out anxiety over our well being. I believe the GOP has shown the disregard for the American Voters they know it and are using every dirty trick in the book to save there own skin. Its to late they had there chance and to this day are playing hardball with those that need help the most. Shame on Marco and Shame on the GOP. The will of the American People will not be broken by a bunch of lame elected officials. One Nation Under God.
August 19, 2020 at 9:58 am
How nice to see Rubio grovel for the con man that humiliated him in front of millions. Republican party is so full of gutless wimps how does anyone still support them?
Edward Freeman
August 19, 2020 at 1:46 pm
Little Marco is so adorable. We don’t have to wonder if our senior Senator has the strength to stand up to the radical agenda and criminal conduct originating from the White House. He clearly does not. Rubio is quick to criticize heavy handed secret police abusing people overseas, but when the US President does the same thing and worse we hear crickets. There has been a uptick in violence on America’s streets and it has originated from Donald Trump’s criminal mind. We will fire Trump, and in 2 years we will fire Little Marco. Then he can then pursue his dream as an EDM DJ, a career I understand he is much better at.
August 20, 2020 at 8:37 am
Rubio is a punk. Trump made fun of his manhood and all he he has done is suck up to him. You know why? Because Trump kicked his ass in the Florida primary!! He is a scared punk! Has done nothing as a U.S senator . Never held a real job and now he wants to start with that party line bullshit that if you protest your a Marxist. Steve Schmidt is on point about Rubio he is a coward!!!!
Sonja Fitch
August 20, 2020 at 1:16 pm
Marco your paranoid delusional cult leader is noW pushing to protect and serve CANIBALS and PEDOPHILEs! Hush Marco
James Robert Miles
August 20, 2020 at 5:04 pm
Marco is the REAL marxist for not supporting the U.S. Constitution which includes the right to protest! He, like most of the GOP probably never read the Constitution anyway. Oh Marco, this is NOT Cuba. Here we have the right to protest. If you don’t like it, than please GO BACK TO CUBA where you’ll be put in jail for protesting! Scumbag! Go kiss Trump’s butt!
August 22, 2020 at 9:16 am
You are right — this is “not Cuba.” This is Russia.
James Robert Miles
August 22, 2020 at 1:36 pm
Thanks to Trump!
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