Democratic candidate Maureen Porras topped her Republican rival, David Borrero, in the latest House District 105 fundraising reports, which saw both opponents attracting plenty of cash.
Porras added nearly $40,000 through her campaign alone from Sept. 5-18. Her political committee, New Leadership for Florida, collected another $48,000 during the period, though $15,000 of that cash was immediately shipped off to the Florida Democratic Party. That means that chunk won’t go toward any campaign expenses.
Still, that leaves close to $73,000 in new campaign funds for Porras.
Porras was aided by out-of-state cash given through Anedot, an online fundraising network. Porras also paid for access to NGP VAN, a private Democratic voter database.
Those tools allowed Porras to connect with hundreds of outside donors. She attracted 824 individual donations to her campaign account. Just 64 — or less than 8% — were from inside Florida. Of the nearly $40,000 donated to her campaign, just over $15,000 — or 38% — came from Florida residents.
Karla Jurvetson, a California-based mega-donor, also put $10,000 into Porras’ PC. The PC also collected $7,500 from Flippable and another $5,000 from Future Now Fund Florida. Both of those organizations aim to help Democrats across the country gain control of red districts.
Bold Vision, a political committee belonging to former Miami-Dade County mayoral candidate Alex Penelas, donated $1,000 to Porras’ PC as well. Penelas was the best fundraiser in the Miami-Dade mayoral contest, but failed to advance to the November runoff.
Borrero, meanwhile, raised nearly $48,000 during the period. That was boosted by $20,000 in donations from the Republican Party of Florida.
In addition to funneling some cash into Borrero’s campaign, the party also put forward more than $30,000 in in-kind contributions. Those came in the form of TV ad production, polling and research.
A newly-created political committee, Floridians for Prosperity, is now authorized to collect cash to aid Borrero’s bid, but is not raising any money yet.
Porras spent more than $21,000 during the period with Deliver Strategies for production expenses. Borrero was also busy, dropping nearly $29,000 from Sept. 5-18. Nearly $23,000 went toward DRC Consulting for production, a TV buy and online expenses.
Going forward, Porras has a cash advantage. She holds nearly $104,000 between her two accounts. Borrero retains just over $43,000.
The district spans parts of Miami-Dade, Broward and Collier counties. Republican Rep. Ana Maria Rodriguez won the open seat in 2018 by just 417 votes. She is now pursuing a Senate seat, leaving the seat open once again.
Candidates and political committees faced a Friday deadline to report all financial activity through Sept. 18.