As Election Day voting began on the East Coast, President Donald Trump hit Fox and Friends Tuesday morning.
Trump was 45 minutes late for the advertised 7 a.m. start, and in contrast to the rally persona of recent days, the President was phlegmatic, reflecting the end of the campaign.
Despite the evident exhaustion in his voice, he still talked a good game, including about votes from traditionally hard-to-reach demographics for Republicans and for Florida itself.
The President, down in the public polls, wrapped a final day of marathon pre-election rallies Monday night, in front of “crowds that nobody’s ever had before.”
“I think that translates into a lot votes,” Trump said, noting he’s doing “very well with the black vote,” and “very, very well with the Hispanic vote.”
Florida is no exception. He said he’s doing “incredible” and “winning Florida very big.”
What he calls “suppression polls” may tell a different story, but the President believes “we have a very solid chance of winning.”
The President has made similar points about a Florida surge, including at his rally in Opa-locka Sunday night.
“They’re very worried, the Democrats, about Florida. The vote’s not there for them,” Trump said in South Florida.
“If we win Florida,” Trump added, “we win the whole thing.”
The President also offered variants on his read on minority turnout.
Trump noted Hispanics couldn’t “vote for Sleepy Joe” and “the Black community, they’re voting for Donald Trump.”
“18%, 20%? Whatever it is, it’s three times whatever anybody else got,” Trump said about polls showing him surging.
The President has mentioned “suppression polls” showing him down big against Biden, but recent public surveys show evidence of a Trump surge down the stretch. Real Clear Politics’ polling average shows a Biden advantage of less than a percentage point in the state.
For the rest of the day, the President plans a “big series of phone calls” to “some people that have been very important” and “some people who’ve been loyal to me over the years.”
“Even if that’s 15 people,” Trump added.
Frankie M.
November 3, 2020 at 8:36 am
Bigly! Huuuge if true. Even if he wasn’t lying how could anyone tell? The dude is allergic to the truth.
Frankie M.
November 3, 2020 at 9:12 am
Maybe instead of calling the election for himself at 7:01 p.m. we can tell Trump that the election results are under audit by the IRS? He’ll understand that.
Sonja Fitch
November 3, 2020 at 9:45 am
Good god put this paranoid delusional racist sexist sociopath liar and traitor Trump in the bunker! Enough of this crazy bastards crap! Vote Democrat up and down ballot for the common good!
November 3, 2020 at 10:22 am
Donald: You will “win Florida” about as big as your inauguration crowd was…
November 3, 2020 at 4:00 pm
If it says he’s winning then as the liar he is, the opposite is most likely true.
The question is how people can stand, much less vote for such a sociopathic racist fascist liar?
But it’s trails are coming up with several criminal ones state which he has no immunity from and others as soon as he leaves office.
He joked that he may have to leave the country if he lost wasn’t as much a joke as many think.
Palmer Tom
November 3, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Well, he did win Florida, it seems.
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