In order to counteract election officials that he says aren’t following the law in Michigan and Pennsylvania, Gov. Ron DeSantis suggested that those states’ legislatures consider selecting electors who would buck the states’ popular votes and cast votes for President Donald Trump.
In states where Republicans contest the fairness of the electoral process, residents, DeSantis said, should call on their state lawmakers to select electors who would ensure the law is followed. Especially residents of states with Republican legislatures, such as Pennsylvania and Michigan, should take action to exhaust all of Trump’s options for victory, the Governor told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on “The Ingraham Angle.”
“Under Article II of the Constitution, presidential electors are done by legislatures and the schemes they create in the framework,” DeSantis said. “If there’s departure from that and they’re not following the law, if they’re ignoring law, then they can provide remedies as well, so I would exhaust every option to make sure we have a fair count.”
The presidential election is a series of statewide elections that inform how each state’s allocated electors vote in the Electoral College. But those members, chosen by state legislatures, can flout their state’s selection and instead cast their vote for a different person, an action that makes them a “faithless elector.”
Wisconsin, Michigan, 30 other states and Washington, D.C. have laws that attempt to bind electors to their statewide or district majorities. Those laws were upheld in the Supreme Court this year.
Because the President “worked his heart out” the last four years and on the campaign trail, the Governor said the nation needs to ensure Democratic nominee Joe Biden doesn’t win the election. Currently, he is on track to secure more than 270 electoral votes, giving him a majority in the Electoral College.
“We need to see this through, we need the law followed, we need people to be able to observe when the law allows that and this has got to be on the up and up,” DeSantis said. “I would just urge everyone, donate to the President’s legal relief.”
Like he has over the last three days and beyond, the Governor decried the election laws in some states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that allow election officials to count ballots received after Election Day. In Florida, eligible voters can request vote-by-mail ballots, but they must be received by Election Day. Florida also keeps a running tally of how many mail, in-person early and Election Day ballots have been cast.
“All the votes are in, and then you know how many votes are there,” DeSantis said. “We track as every voter comes in to vote or submits a mail, we know the universe, then you count it, you produce a result.”
He lamented “chaotic” processes in other states that have made people lose confidence in the election.
“You’ll get like a 4 a.m. dump of massive votes for one candidate and almost none for the other, and people look at that and they just scratch their heads.”
Since Fox News called Arizona for Biden, DeSantis has attacked the network and requested that they rescind the call. He has also complained that networks were slow to call Florida for Trump “even though it was so blindingly obvious he won it big.”
“There’s been a double standard and there seems to be there’s been more of a rush to call states for Biden and to create a narrative that Biden is the rightful winner,” he said.
November 6, 2020 at 2:39 am
DeSantis is a schmuck who’s going to lose the next election.
Sonja Fitch
November 6, 2020 at 6:31 am
Desantis is so far up trumps butt the methane has made him delusional Recall Desantis! Desantis has willingly subjected our children to the community spread of the Nazi herd immunity for traitor Trump! Desantis and Scott stop counting of ballots at 9:30 cause Trump demanded them to do it!
November 6, 2020 at 7:49 am
A shameful power grab if they try it. It’s a treasonous move. DeSantis must be held accountable.
November 6, 2020 at 7:55 am
I had hoped DeSantis was better than this. Time for him to go.
November 6, 2020 at 8:12 am
Gov Ron DeMAGA will do anything his Dear Leader demands, even when it has no basis in law. I thought Harvard Law School had a course in constitutional law. Guess not.
November 6, 2020 at 1:52 pm
So the county clerk can shirk a court order to allow legally registered poll watchers in to do their job and block the windows, and disregard the requirement for bipartisan reps to also be involved in the counting process, but electors should follow laws on how to vote for the electoral college? Yeah…no thanks. Buck em. Republican electors need to vote for Trump and make these criminals pay. Time to punch back.
November 6, 2020 at 4:05 pm
This make me think clear that Desantis stole the Florida election for his husband Trump. If he is willing to not listen to the will of the American People. Scary that we have this governor in FL.
November 6, 2020 at 5:02 pm
I am so proud of Gov. DeSantis. I am so glad that you listen to the other experts from Oxford, Stanford and Harvard who say herd ammunity is the way to live with this virus. It is not as deadly as it is made out to be. I know of several examples where a family member had it, recovers, and other family members don’t get it. It is always your choice to stay locked up in your home, if that is how you feel safe.
The election was fair? Hummm California, Florida and Texas manage to count votes in one day. There should be laws that say state and local elections can set their own rules but not federal elections. How foolish to think that 5 battleground states stop counting at the same time and all the sudden the election votes overwhelmingly favor Biden? How sad that Postal workers are reporting their boss encourage them to change dates. people voted, that are dead or moved from that state. Other people given Sharpies to file out form so they could invalid them. Remember it is not just about Biden winning it is about the voters who did their civic duty losing if there is fraud and from many accounts that is what happened. 🙂 I ask forunity,and peace as we learn to heal from this election.
November 6, 2020 at 5:38 pm
DeSantis is really showing his true nature here.
I won’t forget.
Jon King
November 6, 2020 at 8:25 pm
Desantis is vying to be little Trump. He should be ashamed of himself. 5 million more voted for Biden, 3 million more for Clinton. Democracy. If PA and MI did that, their citizens would literally tear down the state houses.
Betty Smith
November 7, 2020 at 11:11 am
This guy has some gall,he can’t even run his own state. He continues in his role of boil sucker of the Mango Mussolini’s buttocks.
Time to get that recall petition on the ground.
November 7, 2020 at 12:13 pm
You need to take care of FL, and not try to overtake the voters. Shame on you. From a Floridian.
November 7, 2020 at 12:17 pm
This guy is so clueless and so far up Trumps ass. I definitely won’t forget come re-election time for this clown.
November 7, 2020 at 2:46 pm
This just makes me sad. DeSantis is smarter than this. Trump told his followers not to vote by mail and they didn’t. Democrats said vote by mail (to protect your health) and they did. The Republicans in Pennsylvania set the rule where mail in ballots couldn’t be counted until Election Day. And so we had the result of having to wait until each was counted. There’s no surprise and no fraud. We will remember this and the reckless lack of concern for our health in Florida when DeSantos, Rubio and Scott are up for election.
susan jean
November 8, 2020 at 9:07 am
Gov Ron is a trump mini me! He has put fl in demise. He cant be trusted, worse than rip off Rick Scott… Vote him out people!
Pat Robinson
November 14, 2020 at 9:21 am
Joe – There were Republican representatives in all the vote counts. That’s the reason all those specious lawsuits have been dismissed. The windows were blocked from the view of people who had no reason to be there. And, Liz, you are an ignorant cracker and I hope no one in your family dies of the coronavirus, as 17,444 people in Florida have.
Benjamin F Cash
November 14, 2020 at 12:39 pm
What a horrible thing, to learn that the governor of your state is pushing for overthrow of the rightful elected president of the US. How did this man get elected? Are Floridians really this naïve? Or, more frighteningly, do the support this?
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