Rep. Bill Posey called for a Post Office Inspector General investigation into accusations of voter fraud
In a letter to Inspector General Tammy Whitcomb, the Rockledge Republican cited accusations of internal mishandling of ballots by postal employees in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada. Those are three of the states President-elect Joe Biden won in the November election. But Posey, since that time, has advanced theories pushed by President Donald Trump that the incumbent would have won the election but for fraud.
“During this year’s General Election, numerous allegations of fraud have been made, and unfortunately some pertain to operations within the U.S. Postal Service, which include allegations of discarding mail-in ballots, backdating mail ballots and withholding the processing of one side’s campaign mail,” Posey writes.
Posey’s letter points to a recording by a self-proclaimed whistleblower who recorded postal workers saying they had removed some ballots from the mail and backdated some. That appears to reference a claim by Richard Hopkins that prompted a federal investigation until the former postal worker recanted his story to investigators nearly a month ago.
He then referenced a claim by a truck driver who subcontracts with the postal service and claimed he delivered thousands of completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. That appears to cite Jesse Morgan, who appeared at a press conference with GOP attorneys. Trump has advanced the story on social media. Local elections officials told Lancaster Online that it’s not unusual for mailed ballots to cross state lines during delivery.
He then cites a Michigan case where witnesses outside separate post offices alleged bags of ballots were mysteriously dropped off. Photographs were featured in testimony by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to the Michigan State Legislature, but he offered no evidence ballots were delivered wrongfully or any type of evidence of widespread fraud, as noted by the Detroit Free Press.
Finally, Posey turns his attention to accusations from Nevada suggesting local Postal Service leadership has forbidden employees from presenting accounts of fraud in the court of law.
“Everyday new allegations of fraud are coming to light which present a pattern of widespread fraud,” Posey writes. “If the Postal Service or its employees have information that is relevant to fraud allegations that could impact election results, the public has a right to hear it in a timely manner to ensure the integrity of their votes.”
Posey said a constituent of his raised many questions to him about the issue of voter fraud in the mail. The Congressman suggests the USPS offer rewards to employees who report suspicious behavior concerning backdating ballots or other actions that could undermine the election. He also suggested postal officials could check the GPS on all trucks to see if there were any odd stops at drop locations.
One comment
Sonja Fitch
December 9, 2020 at 9:03 am
The absolute bs from, in, and around the election from the goptrump death cult members and the damn RINOS is disgusting and totally racist! Posey stfu! The postal dude of trumps had screwed chewed and destroyed our Service from the US Post Office! Why don’t you do your Fing job and pass legislation to aid Americans! You are now on the list of political leaders to be VOTED OUT!
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