U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, a first-term Florida Republican, gave voice to numerous election security concerns in a Senate hearing Wednesday.
The meeting of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs drilled down on persistent claims from the President and some allies that voting irregularities may have swayed last month’s Presidential election.
Scott contended that American voters had “lost confidence in the electoral process” soon after Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election.
And his comments suggested they hadn’t gained more confidence in the weeks since, with the Senator saying that people don’t trust the process.
The Senator described his sojourns back to Naples, and the frustrations that those in his social set convey.
“Everytime I go out, people come up to me,” he said.
Those people, the Senator added, are “mad … about the unfairness of the system” and “furious that the whole system is rigged.”
The Senator likened American state-level election administration to how the vote is run in Venezuela, asking “how is this different than what (Nicolás) Maduro‘s doing?”
“It’s so simplistic when you hear about people who are dead that vote, people that don’t live in the state that vote. You hear all these things, and there’s no recourse,” Scott added
“I don’t know if anything will happen with this election, but clearly we can’t let this go on for the next election,” Scott added.
The Senator has a bill to fix this. His VOTER Act “protects the integrity of federal elections with fraud prevention measures and requires all eligible ballots to be counted and reported within 24 hours after polls close on Election Day to promote certainty in the outcome of a federal election.”
Even if the Senate should pass it in 2021, that bill has a narrow path forward to affect the 2022 election, given the realities of a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.
Bruderly David E
December 16, 2020 at 1:08 pm
The difference is that the voters in PA, WI, MI & GA STOPPED the Trump con game and the US Judicial system was not corrupted by partisan pressure. But Senator Scott & Rubio were complicit in Trump’s attack on our democracy … SHAME!!!
Sonja Fitch
December 16, 2020 at 1:13 pm
Wrong again nazi rick! We the American people are believers in the one vote one rule in our democracy! You sir are a paranoid delusional liar trying to get in the “light” of loser trump and his goptrump death cult followers! How many more years to be we have to have this embarrassing piece of crap representing Florida? To many!!!!
December 16, 2020 at 1:15 pm
Chromedome and his richprick friends in Naples can just stuff it where the sun don’t shine – and never vote again! Who gives a crap what TrumpNutz and Trumpicans think! THEY LOST! Trump is a friggin’ degenerate! 7,000,000 more people voted for Biden – and, apparently, those 82,000,000 people in total are just fine with “the American electoral process”.
Donnie Dipschitz is currently 1-60 in his lawsuits claiming election fraud – including two unanimous verdicts in the U.S. Supreme Court (where Dipschitz installed three of his own handpicked judges!) – and probably as may as 30 or 35 more suits presided over by Republican judges that Dipschitz actually appointed!
Frankie M.
December 16, 2020 at 1:49 pm
Dude spends all his time attacking our electoral system & then wonders why people don’t trust it. I guess Ricky doesn’t own a mirror either. If he really wanted to fix it he’d get rid of the electoral college but then again why would he do something to make it better.
December 16, 2020 at 1:58 pm
Faith is lost in our election process because of the many baseless lies that Trump and his followers, such as Rich Scott, Marco Rubio, Ashley Walker, and Matt Gaetz have created to discredit the election process. There has been no proof of irregularities that swayed the presidential election of 2020.
Trump and his followers, with these lies, have weakened our democratic system and American values. This is what Putin and the communist powers wanted.
Jim Donelon
December 16, 2020 at 2:23 pm
The FOOL is at it again.NO PROOF,NO EVIDENCE just carping that their IDIOT leader LOST.
You and ‘LITTLE MARCO’ are on the WRONG side of history and your days are numbered.
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