Governments that believe they have gotten too much money in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act have been advised by Sen. Rick Scott to “reject and return” so-called “excess” money.
“I am writing you today with a simple and common sense request: each state and local government should commit to reject and return any federal funding in excess of your reimbursable COVID-19-related expenses. This commitment will serve the best interests of hard working American taxpayers and will send a clear message to Washington: politicians in Congress should quit recklessly spending other people’s money,” Scott counseled.
The House passed the Senate version of the relief package Wednesday.
The first-term Republican Senator and former Governor of Florida noted that “state and local governments are set to receive an additional $360 billion in taxpayer dollars, wholly unrelated to responding to the pandemic.” It is unclear if his definition of “unrelated” jibes with that of the affected leaders.
“American taxpayer dollars should not be used as bonus cash to plug budget holes caused by decades of poor fiscal management. This is not a taxpayer-funded bailout; it is a reimbursement for specific, COVID-related expenses,” Scott adds.
“As mayors and governors, you understand the importance of living within your means and budgeting responsibly so that you are delivering the best possible service to your communities, ensuring maximum return on any government spending and eliminating debt wherever possible. By rejecting and returning any unneeded funds, as well as funds unrelated to COVID-19, you would be taking responsible action to avoid wasting scarce tax dollars. After all, every dollar in this package is borrowed.”
Scott’s call to reject and return purportedly excess money represents a change in messaging on the stimulus bill. Previously, Scott had hewed to the “blue state bailout” line, and he has contended that the funding formula shorts Florida because it is tied to official unemployment numbers.
Meredith Beatrice, spokesperson for Gov. Ron DeSantis, declined to comment on whether Florida will reject or return money it deems surplus. DeSantis has said that the bill penalizes “free state” Florida for its economic success compared to what he calls “lockdown states.“
March 10, 2021 at 5:18 pm
Senator Scott please return the tens of millions of dollars that Trumps tax cuts gave to you.
Frankie M.
March 10, 2021 at 8:38 pm
Just like Ricky “voluntarily” returned the millions of dollars he stole from Florida in medicare funding? Do as I say not as I do. Good to see hypocrisy remains one of his core tenets.
Sonja Fitch
March 11, 2021 at 6:00 am
Nazi Rick this is just some more of your desperation to “think” you relevant. You stupid ass. Nazi Rick you are in a close race with Duffus Desantis on who has willingly slaughtered Floridians and Americans. Stfu. Vote Democrat up and down ballot for the elections in 2022
March 11, 2021 at 1:49 pm
Rick Scott is a scumbag.
Jason Fitch
March 11, 2021 at 1:51 pm
Rick Scott is a nazi fascist who should be locked up in prison for the rest of his miserable life.
Joe blow
March 11, 2021 at 2:26 pm
How many people needlessly died from Covid because Rick Skeletor Scott and lil Marco and racist Ron de satin are scumbags?
Palmer Tom
March 11, 2021 at 5:03 pm
GOP politics as usual. Sigh….
March 12, 2021 at 12:41 pm
Scott and his buddy DeSantis need to be brought up on charges. And Rubio, what a disappointment. All of them are in the stupid Trump’s pockets or up his ass. Scott put the state of FL in a state of emergency from what he did with sabotaging the unemployment system for people when they truly needed it. He now has the nerve to suggest or even speak on what FL should do with money finally coming from the govt. All of these idiots need to be investigated and locked up. Look at how that idiot got his millions. Off the backs of the Medicare system and Floridians. Talk about a conflict of interest. He has a lot of nerve!!!
March 12, 2021 at 5:47 pm
How is it always with Republicans telling people they won’t work if you give them money 💰 Look 👀 at all that money you and the rest of the Rethugligians got and y’all working getting government checks got government healthcare for you and your family! Ones who got money always telling people who don’t have money like them THEY DON’T NEED MONEY 💰 cause it makes em not won’t too work!
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