U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack labeled America’s college campuses “indoctrination camps” on Monday.
The Gainesville Republican appeared with U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, on “Fox & Friends,” where the two announced they will co-chair the Congressional Campus Free Speech Caucus.
The House organization intends to work in concert with Young America’s Foundation to spotlight bias at institutions of higher education.
“Let’s be honest, our college campuses these days, these aren’t higher education institutions,” Cammack said. “These are indoctrination camps.”
The Foundation in its own press release promised to “educate other legislators about the clear bias against free speech on campuses and help bring national and local awareness to what is occurring in their districts and across the country daily.”
It’s an interesting move by Cammack, a first-term lawmaker and former staffer to U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho. She represents Florida’s 3rd Congressional District, a solidly red jurisdiction that also includes the liberal University of Florida student body and surrounding community.
While the group outwardly says it will advocate for the free speech rights of conservatives, Cammack focused during the national interview just as much on the expression of ideas she didn’t agree with as she did about preserving the right for students to exercise their own rights.
The 33-year-old, a graduate of the Metropolitan State University of Denver, said she knows well the affronts conservative students can suffer. She described a classroom experience to Fox News viewers.
“As the youngest Republican woman in Congress, it wasn’t too long ago that I found myself as an undergraduate student being attacked by my Latin American politics professor telling me that all White Republican men were the source of world conflict,” she told host Steve Doocy.
“So I myself have experienced the harassment, the vitriol from the liberal left on college campuses, and now we have students across the country that are being attacked, that are being vilified. It is absolutely ludicrous that we as taxpayers fund this type of behavior.”
Notably, those attacks didn’t silence Cammack, who served as a student representative to the MSU Denver Board of Trustees. But she made clear the new caucus will serve as a conduit for campus conservatives and members of Congress to relay reports of indoctrination.
This isn’t the first time Cammack has found herself applying pressure on college campuses, including the prominent one within her district. She has pushed for sanctions against China, noting the Confucius Institute had secretly funded research at UF.
“The CCP’s leadership has also been complicit in stealing U.S. intellectual property through Confucius Institutes here in the U.S.,” she said in May. “Just a few months ago, a CCP-linked researcher at the University of Florida in my district was indicted for committing fraud against the NIH in an attempt to steal U.S. intellectual property. This has to end.”
Ocean Joe
June 14, 2021 at 2:40 pm
The recent coordinated attacks on our schools and universities seems to have more to do with who college educated types tend to vote for and less about the opportunities they provide. Didn’t our governor go to Harvard?
Who or what will the pitchfork crowd race after next?
June 15, 2021 at 11:27 am
What’s next for this fascist crowd? Book burning? Good grief!
Personally, after the Republican coup attempt on January 6th …I will make the effort to vote for ANY candidate who is not a Republican. The GQP is no longer capable of governing. I can’t trust their policies, I can’t trust their decisions.
Join like minded authentic conservatives at the Lincoln Project. The Party of Trump needs to be destroyed before it can be rebuilt. Help us make that happen.
Lincoln Project
June 16, 2021 at 12:17 pm
A good reporter would follow this up by interviewing the “Latin American politics professor” who allegedly told her that “all White Republican men were the source of world conflict”. Let’s see if her claim is valid or even remotely accurate. People hear what they want to hear.
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