Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy is the target of a new Republican attack ad launched Thursday charging her with pushing out of control federal spending and causing inflation.
The 30-second ad, “Stephanie Murphy: Helped Cause Inflation … And the Worst Is Yet to Come,” is running on social media and other digital platforms by the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC aligned with House Republican leadership.
The political action committee said it is spending “mid-five figures” to place three ads, targeting Murphy and two other Democratic House members nationwide.
“Stephanie Murphy voted to print trillions for wasteful far-left spending, and now Floridians are experiencing the consequences firsthand: runaway inflation and higher prices on everything from gasoline to groceries,” the fund’s communications director Calvin Moore said in a written statement. “Floridians are finding it more difficult than ever to make ends meet and have Stephanie Murphy’s reckless spending to blame for it.”
The Murphy ad ties the Winter Park Democrat to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a couple of digitally combined images that run before and after imagery representing inflation, money, and struggling taxpayers.
While those scenes play out, a narrator offers an economic discussion that Pelosi and Murphy are spending trillions of dollars, allowing people to collect money without working, and causing inflation, and possibly worse.
The ad does not specify any particular bills. But it appears to go after Murphy for her support of President Joe Biden‘s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, which included an unemployment benefits extension and provided $1,400 direct relief checks for most Americans.
Congress approved the American Rescue Plan almost entirely along partisan lines in March, though the package drew high public approval ratings in many polls.
The Congressional Leadership Fund ad credits the spending to Pelosi and labels it Democrats’ “socialist spending plan.”
Murphy is seeking a fourth term representing Florida’s 7th Congressional District, which currently includes Seminole County and parts of northern, central, and eastern Orange County. The district likely will be significantly redrawn in the redistricting that the Republican-controlled Florida legislature will engineer to meet reapportionment changes from the 2020 census.
A bevy of Republicans already filed for a chance to take her on, including conservative TV commentator Cory Mills, Erika Benfield, and state Rep. Anthony Sabatini.
“Inflation is no accident,” a narrator begins in the new ad. “Pelosi’s socialist-style spending plan helped cause it. Stephanie Murphy helped pass it, printing trillions we don’t have, paying people to not work. Now the chickens have come home to roost, and they’re twice as expensive. Everything is like a brand-new tax. Not enough workers making things, higher prices on what’s left. Economists say the worst is yet to come.”
“Stephanie Murphy, pricing you out,” the narrator concludes.
August 5, 2021 at 10:03 am
More hypocrisy from my former party. The CARES Act was passed in March of 2020 which was a spending package totaling $2.2 trillion. This $2.2 trillion worth of spending was passed by a vote of 96-0 in the Senate. The next morning, I changed my voter registration to npa because of that vote. Every republican senator voted in favor of the $2.2 trillion in spending. Every single one of them. There is no doubt, we are all socialists now no matter if we want to be or not. Otherwise, republican senators would have voted no. Instead they voted yes to a massive debt increase. They voted yes to the redistribution of wealth. They voted yes to cranking up the printing press, exploding the debt and directly sending people money. They voted yes to the inflation that is happening now. The economic mess we find our country in is the fault of both political parties.
Yes Republicans, you are all now socialists too so stop with the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance. Both parties voted to explode the debt, give free money that they had not earned directly into people’s bank account and transfer wealth to businesses with big business in cahoots with big banks that strongly favored giving money to big business while small business had an extremely difficult time navigating the process through the big banks.
The Republican party and the Democrat party are both socialist parties. They both belive in redistribution of wealth. They both belive in continuing the explosion of government debt and deficit spending. They both want to control our lives. And they are both full of hypocrites who would lie, cheat, steal and sell out their own mother if it allows them to maintain political power.
Get over your cognitive dissonance Republicans because your elected officials are socialists too. Or keep your head in the sand when the hypocrites feed you garbage such as that the $1.9 trillion package is responsible for inflation while at the same time remaining silent about the inflationary effects of the $2.2 trillion worth of deficit spending that every republican senator voted in favor of. So much for the party of fiscal responsibility.
Matthew Lusk
August 5, 2021 at 2:02 pm
Ron you are very astute and see what dire straights America is in. It’s difficult for underfunded patriots to run for Senate seats. I suggest you run for a house seat, if nothing else to gridlock the socialist big government. Your Country needs you and I am asking you to run. Defeatism is not an option. We must fight, fight, fight!
Matthew Lusk
August 5, 2021 at 2:07 pm
And may I point out, the crooked as hell private banks are allowed to inflate for themselves 9 times the amount of Treasury bonds they have bought with their own fake currency. Bankers are at the head of the fascist mafia.And most congressperson are in on the take.
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