Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried mounted an economic case Wednesday against Gov. Ron DeSantis’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaking at the Capitol, Fried charged DeSanits with prioritizing political ambitions over the state’s economy and physical health.
The fallout, she warned, is dire.
Citing a survey by the Florida Education Association, Fried reported a nearly 40% increase in teacher shortages across the state since August. The total, per the survey, accounts for nearly 5,000 teaching vacancies and 3,700 staff positions.
Fried and the FEA laid blame, in part, to a resurging pandemic and the ongoing controversy over masks.
“Reverse course,” Fried said at an independent COVID-19 briefing. “Allow our school districts to do what’s necessary to protect our kids.”
Schools reemerged last month as a political battle ground after DeSantis signed an executive order that empowers the Department of Education to crack down on K-12 mask mandates.
The order — which drew the ire of health officials and the White House — allows the state to impose financial consequences against school districts and superintendents found in violation.
Fried has repeatedly criticized the order as a means to “handcuff” local governments.
“Letting this virus run rampant and trying to prevent local governments and private companies from taking steps to protect their workers is hurting our economy,” Fried said.
Beyond school grounds, Fried warned most nursing homes are facing staffing challenges too.
Citing a survey by the Florida Health Care Association, Fried said 92% of nursing centers in Florida are short staffed. The result: 52% of centers are having to reduce admissions, the survey says.
From nursing homes and schools to businesses and family rooms, Fried stressed an outbreak may sideline the economy and derail student learning.
She called on DeSantis to take action: promote masks, encourage vaccinations and resume daily COIVD-19 reporting.
Florida halted daily COVID-19 reports in July.
“This has a huge impact on our economy if we don’t do anything,” Fried said.
COVID-19 numbers in Florida are at historic highs.
According to the the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 15,449 Floridians are hospitalized with COVID-19, “the most ever,” Fried said.
What’s more, 90% of ICU beds in the state are occupied, 47% of which are filled by COVID-19 patients.
August 11, 2021 at 3:37 pm
Stop lying Fraud.
You know nothing about economics.
You need to shut your mouth.
Nikki Fraud.
Alice Dahm
August 11, 2021 at 3:52 pm
Tom make sure to wear a mask!
August 11, 2021 at 10:01 pm
U can shove yours, you cuomo supporter.
August 11, 2021 at 4:08 pm
DeathsAnus is following the Trump model of doing everything wrong he possibly can.
He’ll keep it up because of the mindless belief you have to be right about everything you say regardless of it being gob-smackingly wrong to a five year old.
But the base of Faux/OAN/Newsmax sheep will keep nodding their heads in agreement as their bus drives of the cliff.
Meanwhile kids will get sick, many go to the hospital, some of those get intubated, and some die – all because of ignorant pigheadedness.
August 11, 2021 at 10:02 pm
As if a an idiot like you knows.
August 11, 2021 at 10:40 pm
Poor Tom.
A proven liar who isn’t smart enough to make a cogent point if his life depended on it.
A truly pathetic example of why modern conservatism has to dumb everything down to a fifth grade simian brain level.
August 11, 2021 at 10:51 pm
Oh what’s yours ass wipe.
Kindergarten, U Manchurian bot.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud of. America’s Governor, total opposite. Stands on Angels wings compared to you and your incompetence Govs. Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 11, 2021 at 10:55 pm
I didn’t bother to read it, because I know it’s the same point free nonsense you post 20 times a day.
I have better things to do with my time.
August 11, 2021 at 10:58 pm
Oh what is yours loser. Another idiot.
Kindergarten, U Manchurian bot.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud. Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 12, 2021 at 10:50 pm
A & Alex, two losers.
August 11, 2021 at 5:00 pm
Hope Scholarships are available so kids don’t have to go through public schools if there are shortages of horrible teachers.
August 11, 2021 at 6:53 pm
You still have to pay the difference if you want a private school.
Sticker shock incoming!
August 11, 2021 at 6:09 pm
You all are pathetic haters.
DeSantis will win by 10pts Nov./22.
Manchurians robots you are.
How do you like cuomo now and the Dums.
August 11, 2021 at 8:13 pm
So Nikki Fried thinks if we had shut down the state for god knows how long that we would be in better shape economically? LMAO!!! The only reason I still have a job is because of DeSantis. I’d be unemployed right now if a Democrat was governor. There is no way in hell I’d vote for this woman. No way! All she offers is lockdowns and taking guns away. That’s it.
August 11, 2021 at 10:05 pm
You and hundreds of thousands like you. Dums hope cause as much despair as possible.
DeSantis is America’s Gov.
Stands on Angels Compared to the Dums,
August 11, 2021 at 10:54 pm
Oh what’s yours ass wipe.
Kindergarten, U Manchurian bot.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 11, 2021 at 10:55 pm
Oh what is yours loser.
Kindergarten, U Manchurian bot.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 11, 2021 at 11:01 pm
Oh what is yours loser.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud. Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 11, 2021 at 11:07 pm
Oh what is yours U loser, A for Ass.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud. Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 11, 2021 at 11:08 pm
Oh what is yours U loser, A for Ass.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud of. Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 11, 2021 at 11:09 pm
Oh what is yours U loser, A for Ass or Alex, the same.
Call Cuomo the fondler, or all the families he ordered killed unlike Gov. DeSantis. Or the $5 million in book sales about his incompetence on Covid death. Try Newsom, he will get recalled next month after destroying the state. Or how bout Northam, the black face racist. Fondlers and racists, so much to be proud of. Nikki Fraud total nut job. Go scratch A.
August 11, 2021 at 11:10 pm
Oh what is yours U loser, A for Ass or Alex, the same.
August 11, 2021 at 11:12 pm
Oh what is yours U loser? A for Ass or Alex, the same.
August 11, 2021 at 11:14 pm
Oh, as if flip flopper Nicki Fraud knows anything bout economics. You are a fool A, for ass.
August 11, 2021 at 11:19 pm
Oh, as if flip flopper Nicki Fraud knows anything bout economics. Like you.
Father Campbell
August 12, 2021 at 11:14 am
in manhattan
playwright Dr. Larry Myers
has penned
Covid thriller play
August 13, 2021 at 7:35 am
Jason, really Fraud mounts case?
Hardly, Fraud is the case against economic growth. She knows nothing. Florida under Gov Ron is thriving, people are earning and producing. America’s Governor saves American families. Fraud has no clue.
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