Gov. Ron DeSantis would win a gubernatorial election if was held today in matchups against both of his Democratic challengers, according to a telephone survey of 700 Florida voters.
The poll was conducted by BUSR/Susquehanna Polling and Research Aug. 4-10.
Results showed DeSantis leading U.S. Rep. and former Gov. Charlie Crist 46%–43% in a prospective 2022 gubernatorial General Election matchup. But that lead was within the poll’s 3.7% margin of error.
Crist’s support comes from independents and young people. Crist led DeSantis among independent voters 44%–37% and among voters under 45 years old 55%–31%.
The margins were more favorable to DeSantis in a matchup with Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried. DeSantis led Fried 50%–40%. In that hypothetical matchup, independent voters leaned DeSantis’ way 54%–34%.
DeSantis’ approval rating appears to be on the upswing. The poll showed 52% of respondents approve of the job DeSantis is doing as Governor, compared to 43% who disapprove. That’s a marked increase from a poll conducted by St. Pete Polls Aug. 2-3 showing DeSantis with a 44% approval rating.
Among registered independents, 48% approve of DeSantis and 47% disapprove.
As for which Democratic challenger DeSantis is likely to face, the poll showed Crist held a 38%–27% advantage over Fried in the Democratic gubernatorial Primary.
The BUSR/Susquehanna Poll also asked registered voters about a prospective 2022 U.S. Senate General Election matchup between Sen. Marco Rubio and U.S. Rep. Val Demings. Rubio led Demings 50%–39%, but that’s not the whole story.
A St. Pete Polls survey conducted just this week, Aug. 16-17, showed Rubio leading Demings 48%–46%. The combined results could mean Demings is closing the gap.
In the BUSR/Susquehanna Poll, the two Senate candidates were neck and neck among independent voters, with Rubio barely leading Demings 42%–41%
Rubio’s lead over Demings in the BUSR/Susquehanna Poll came from a 60%–32% advantage among seniors and a 54%–38% lead among non-Cuban Hispanics.
August 18, 2021 at 1:25 pm
Taken before DeathsAnus backed off (because he can’t) on cutting the pay of School Superintendents for not helping him politically.
Pat Whaley
August 18, 2021 at 2:59 pm
DeSantis is not right for FL.
August 18, 2021 at 3:52 pm
August 18, 2021 at 3:00 pm
Wah, Wah Alex the hater.
Go call Manchurian and get new material.
America’s Governor will win plus 10 either.
Fraud Fried is Frye’s, Crist will be crisp.
Fraud is an electoral disaster.
Rubio is in good shape. House of Reps will flip plus 30 new and Senate also, new Repub majorities in Congress.Governor Ron is on the side of peeps. The horrid Afghanistan situation by Team Biden is a once in 50 to 75 yr foreign policy event. Outrageous, and Dems will pay. Allowing illegals 2 million illegals to walk through and abandoning our citizens. Biden is in the stew now.
These are real polls, not sandbag polls that you worship Alex.
These Polls conducted in height of liberal media scream towards Gov. DeSantis untouched.
Go cry eye. Haters never win Alex.
Anthony Sterling
August 27, 2021 at 9:52 am
You’ve got High Hopes for a governor who holds the lead in quite a bit. Lets see…
Most new Delta Variant cases due to a complete lack of care for Floridians and staying Money Motivated.
Refusing to accept funds that would help boost the Economy strictly for Political gain….Polls show his tactics to force people back into a low paying weak employment market not only did not work but fell way short of expectation…
I mean I can go on and on.
He cares about a Presidency and not what is currently happening in his own state.
There are more Registered Democrats in Florida and they are Pissed. Trust he is in trouble in the upcoming election
Robert Miller
August 18, 2021 at 3:31 pm
“DEATHANUS” love it i may have to make it my new screen name for call of duty. But what your saying about it being political. I do not see it that way. Banning mask mandates is more about freedom of choice he never said students or teachers could not wear masks if they choose to he made to ban to make a stand for our rights. Meanwhile democratic ran states and city making mask mandates and vaccines mandates requiring vaccines cards and picture ids to go out to dinner, the movies, or even a ball game but then fight Republicans asking for voters to show ids when voting. So ask yourself who is the real authoritarian.
August 18, 2021 at 8:59 pm
Milker You are idiot Dem tard.
DeSantis by 10. The Dums are incompetent.
Robert Miller
August 19, 2021 at 1:06 pm
hi tom i agree most democrats are completely incompetent and not aligned with Americans values or ideology. But if you actually read my post you could see i agreed with you. And think that desantis is doing the right thing with Banning mandates. And democrats are over stepping or straight up stomping on our rights along with destroying our country with open borders, trying to oppress our rights and CRT working to divide our nation using racism then calling it fighting racism which is very dangerous for anyone white black brown yellow red or orange (like our former president.) Now with that being said i am not a republican nor Democrat honestly I wouldn’t call myself a conservative-ish independent and call bulls**t on both sides on many subjects. The way I see it is if you want to get a vaccine, wear a mask, have your your children wear a mask and do everything this administration telling you that you have to do to stay safe and it makes you feel safer go for it but don’t try to take that decision from everyone else.
August 19, 2021 at 7:05 pm
All you need to do is prove that there’s as much election fraud as there is voter suppression.
Without being laughed out of courtrooms, no matter the political beliefs of the judge.
It turns out that social security numbers and the threat of legal consequences were all we needed.
If you really cared about this issue, you’d help make getting a photo ID free. And easily accessible, no matter what hours you work. Since you can’t be bothered, I’ll just assume you’re with the same folks who argue that a gun permit is more valid than a student ID, for completely transparent reasons.
By the way, you’re making a lot of noise about the freedom to spread a virus and take away other people’s freedom.
There is no freedom on a breathing machine.
There is no freedom in the grave.
I don’t think you understand the meaning of freedom. Or you don’t care.
No wonder why you’re defending the modern day confederacy.
And find yourself in agreement with idiots who assume you’re attacking them, when you try to add any nuance to their statements.
Robert Miller
August 20, 2021 at 4:18 pm
well mr. Obvious as far voter fraud goes i feel there was fraud maybe even on both sides and obviously i can’t prove it but real voter suppression did take place during the last election at the hands or social media and liberal news outlets with Banning and locking people’s and other news social media accounts, classifying the hunter biden laptop story as disinformation or Russian propaganda just to cover for sleepy joe all the while knowing it to be true and keeping it from the American people. Now you may say well hunter was not running for president but the big guy and his 10 percent was then combine that with the lie that joe had no knowledge of hunter’s business deals many votes would have went the other way which in my opinion make joe biden a illegitimate president. I find it amazing that cnn and msnbc are even reporting the horrendous facts going on in Afghanistan even though still trying to blame trump. Having to show id to vote is not voter suppression it is smart and is already required in many states even blue states. Besides you mention legal consequences. When you think you are above the law consequences don’t matter. example hunter biden lying federal documents for his gun that he dumped in a trash can feet for a school.
Mask don’t work they are nothing more than a security blanket especially cloth ones that are mostly used. And vaccines are not affected at all. I have earned antibodies did not even know i had covid. the blood bank called me asking for plasma is how i found out. Even i did not have antibodies i would not have gotten the vaccine. So if you think mask or the vaccine will stop you from getting it or spreading it. your dumber then Tom. Enclosing i love my country but do not trust its leaders.
Anthony Sterling
August 27, 2021 at 9:55 am
Aww Dem tard. You are a typical Rep. who whines when you do not get your way. Dems will pull off a win across the board.
Oh and there are more than 300,000 more of us registered in Florida, so the more you piss us off, the deeper the whole you are digging for your canidates…Just saying.
Ron Ogden
August 18, 2021 at 6:47 pm
Local control? Parental choice is the MOST local control. DeSantis is a strong leader, and the people of Florida know it. He will beat Nikki/Charlie by 3% or more next year.
Pat Whaley
August 18, 2021 at 9:34 pm
Broward schools opened today and made DeSantis look bad. Congratulations to the Broward school board. They, not the governor, are doing the right thing.
August 18, 2021 at 9:53 pm
If the residents of Florida think DeSantis is doing a great job and want him re-elected so be it. You make your own bed so lie in it. Just don’t come crying to the rest of the country asking for ventilators.
Robert Miller
August 19, 2021 at 1:23 pm
don’t worry new york can keep there over stock of ventilators as long as your president keeps his millions of illegal immigrants OFF OUR YARD.
Pat Whaley
August 19, 2021 at 3:02 pm
Lil Marco can’t outrun Val cause he’s too little.
And incompetent.
Matthew Lusk
August 19, 2021 at 1:05 pm
It won’t be long before the underdogs resort to clamming for Marijuana, Marijuana, Marijuana! It’s there only winning issue. Imagine Democrats actually advocating for freedom.
ingrid lahaye
August 22, 2021 at 10:44 am
lol..when you dont know the difference between Their, their and they’re, tells me you’re not educated….and when you cant spell words like (claiming), makes it even more obvious. … Not that it matters, but you are definitely not someone I would ever listen to
Maureen Farnand
August 27, 2021 at 12:42 am
I had to laugh at your comment. Isn’t it amazing that the same people that failed high school biology are now epidemiology experts? And the very folks that couldn’t find Afghanistan on a world map, spout off about foreign policy? But the best is when these brilliant minds leave their comments riddled with misspellings and grammatical errors that any third grader would lose points for on a grade school essay.
I’m sure their fan base is comprised of other ignorant dopes that routinely post illogical comments, while they clutch their precious guns and cough on grandma.
Boy, the ‘uneducated’ are out in full force on this thread.
Robert Miller
August 19, 2021 at 1:23 pm
don’t worry new york can keep there over stock of ventilators as long as your president keeps his millions of illegal immigrants OFF OUR YARD.
August 19, 2021 at 3:03 pm
New York is a disaster, but you can get a fondle from the pig Gov. He was the POTUS’s first Attorney Gen. cand.
No, how about keeping 2 million illegals out of our country. Are you an idiot? How stupid. Yes your POTUS lets 2 million illegals with 20% Covid per DHS and abandons thousands of our citizens in Afghanistan. You Dums will not live this down, this is once every 50 to 75 yr disaster. You can’t make this up. What a shellacking you have coming 11-22. Florida will lead it with America’s Gov and Marco Re elect and more. You surpass Alex and the rest of the manchurian bots. LMAO. I suffer Manchurians gladly.
Pat Whaley
August 20, 2021 at 4:52 pm
Trump loves the uneducated that reply with their foolish comments. Most need to learn how to write a sentence that makes sense. Or maybe English is their second language.
Angela Henderson
August 19, 2021 at 7:19 pm
You infringe upon my rights to live walking around spreading covid with no mask on!!! They dont care about covid until they get sick!!!!
August 20, 2021 at 4:19 pm
No you fool.
Governor Ron ensures your rights.
Go to the corrupt blue states.
You have no rights. Go!
Be thankful for America’s Gov., the best!
Dave P
August 26, 2021 at 7:12 pm
How on Earth did the right wing conservative media spin machine convince these people that dying and watching their fellow citizens die is the liberty loving conservative thing to do? Let these unmasked, unvaccinated idiots keep dying as far as I’m concerned. It may be the greatest improvement of our gene pool in a thousand years.
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