A Leon County court will soon rule whether to compel Florida to restore federal unemployment benefits, but Gov. Ron DeSantis says the state has recovered economically from the pandemic.
Leon County Circuit Judge Layne Smith is expected to announce his ruling by Monday in a lawsuit to restore $300 in weekly federal unemployment compensation after the DeSantis administration stopped participating in the program.
Florida is one of 26 states that dropped their participation early, arguing it was discouraging people from returning to work.
DeSantis told reporters the state’s attorneys will point to the number of available jobs in Florida. More than 400,000 jobs are now available. The Florida Chamber of Commerce says the state has already recovered 950,000 of the 1.3 million jobs lost last year, when the pandemic brought the world economy to a halt.
“If you go around, almost everyone wants to hire in some way or some form,” DeSantis said. “And so the need to have elongated unemployment and all that is not where it was back then because we have so many opportunities.”
Many businesses are offering signing bonuses, he continued. Fast food restaurants are struggling to fill jobs, and some restaurants close one or two days a week because of staffing shortages.
Moreover, the Governor said there have been up to $20 billion in fraudulent claims filed to Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity, which oversees the state unemployment program.
“They are being … inundated with fraudulent claims,” DeSantis said. “This has become a major cottage industry.”
In June, DEO withdrew from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program. That program provides jobless Americans with $300 in assistance each week on top of state assistance.
Florida’s maximum state assistance is $275 per week, one of the smallest amounts in the nation.
The state unemployment portal crashed last year in the opening months of the pandemic under the crunch of hundreds of thousands of applicants.
Frankie Brown
August 26, 2021 at 2:03 pm
How bout elderly workers and ones with medical conditions preventing them from from returning and can not afford the virus. The extra money until September would be very healthy
August 26, 2021 at 5:33 pm
I am 66 yrs old. Have been out on a covid loa which my job of 11 yrs moved return date out to dec 31st. I was on unemployment and told I did not need to work search. However deo would pick and choose which week they would pay. Became a giant hassle even though I was doing what I was told. So I retired from my job and took a part time job make 9.75 an hr almost half of previous job and worked 1 week. I have been sick 5 wks now with covid. The reason I wsnt at my previous job to stay safe. What the heck ….age does matter any age . This stuff is no joke. So no income for me. Very disheartening
August 26, 2021 at 7:02 pm
Did you get the vaccine?
Aleeceia C Cheeks
August 27, 2021 at 7:17 pm
I found work and got let go because my 6yr old was exposed to covid by another child… I wish we could vote him out
Jill Owen
August 30, 2021 at 12:34 pm
I am in the same predicament just like you. I am 74 and a Nanny. Even though I am vaccinated my doctor does it want me to take care of children till they are vaccinated.
August 26, 2021 at 2:33 pm
Ouuu wow people getting rich off 270 a week … covid numbers are rising but everyone needs to go back to work. Deaths are rising but we need to go back to work. Can Get Covid after the shot but still have to go back to work. Places are t hiring just anyone but we need to go back
Kevin Robertson
August 26, 2021 at 6:48 pm
Exactly smh Ron disantis is the worst he’s only thinking bout himself they really need to close everything back down it’s getting worse
Miguel Alverio Jr
August 30, 2021 at 10:49 pm
Unfortunately Governor Desantis does not care about the people his focus is for his rise to the White House ? People please open your eyes and let’s Vote to get him out he must be the worst governor I have ever seen
August 27, 2021 at 10:58 am
Hence the name DeathSantis. He doesn’t give a damn about Floridians, he’s even hurting the Republicans that support him.
August 30, 2021 at 10:58 am
its amazing how we have to jump thru all these hoops to get our OWN money back via unemployment with facial recognition ids and the whole 9 yards but to vote aww its ok we dont need to know your identity!!!next it ll be if your not vaxxed you cant get unemployment watch
Amelia Patterson
August 30, 2021 at 11:17 am
Some of us don’t get that much i get 158 every 2 weeks.
Jill Owen
August 30, 2021 at 12:37 pm
You get it every two weeks. 226.00 with taxes taken out. 452.00 a month.
Dwayne Ingram
August 26, 2021 at 2:55 pm
You ever heard the saying if something is not broken do not fix it. The other side is all about being cruelty. How did these people ever got in to office!!!
August 27, 2021 at 10:06 am
Because of rich old farts retiring in Florida
August 27, 2021 at 11:15 pm
El gobernador de la florida no le importa los niños ni las personas en general tantas muertes tantas personas discapacitadas porteña pandemia mundialmente que no pedimos tantas madres que han perdidos hijos y hermanos y familias y personas necesitadas de verdad por los beneficios de desempleo pero el nada más es su imposición su falta de humildad y humanidad glorificamos unámonos para que nos oigan no más muertes que tomen medidas y expulsen al gobernador de la florida y restablezcan los beneficios a personas necesitadas y pongan obligatorio el uso de mascarillas
August 26, 2021 at 3:03 pm
You ever heard the saying if something is not broken do not fix it. The other side is all about being cruelty. How did these people ever got in to office!!!
August 26, 2021 at 3:47 pm
August 26, 2021 at 4:09 pm
So I wasn’t aware about that part and never heard from my previous employer. They let go a lot of good people some who have been there from the start which was in the 1960s when the pandemic started then hired new people only to let them go. In the meantime I’ve been submitting claims and constantly putting applications in. Even went in person to see if anyone is hiring only for the hiring manager to tell me I’m overqualified for the position. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Sure maybe some places are hiring but some are turning good people away. Not to mention you have to be on the lookout for places that do offer bonuses because some are scams. So yes and no about “everyone is hiring“.
August 26, 2021 at 7:35 pm
I have had the same experiences.
This has been the oddest job search environment I have experienced. I have applied to 120 jobs.
Three months later I see the job listed again?
August 27, 2021 at 11:02 am
Exactly. I’ve applied to several jobs and nothing, but that asshole of Governor doesn’t give a damn about the virus, all he looks at is the stats. If he says jobs are out there, he thinks everyone can get a job, a lot of these jobs only hire a certain amount of people, and people are still getting sick. DoucheSantis is a real asshole.
August 29, 2021 at 11:13 am
All the jobs seem to be for fast food and restaurants. We are really going to get rich doing that (LOL) which doesn’t cover all household expenses. By the way have they checked out the cost of rent here in Florida? Can Ron DeSantis live off minimum wage? I didn’t think so. Again, all the signs out there for work are retail or restaurants. I have worked all my life and never had any assistance until COVID,I am now 69 and worked to supplement my SS as I sure can’t live off that.
August 29, 2021 at 5:19 pm
so you say no one reports to DEO that workers are not returning. so the employers would rather pay then report them. smart!!
Pissed off
August 26, 2021 at 3:51 pm
The system is a joke and has kept individuals without funds on purpose to force them back to work or be homeless. The governor is a evil vile hypocrite and has no backbone. This is how revolutions start.
August 27, 2021 at 10:58 am
This is how riots start.
August 30, 2021 at 2:29 am
It’s very sad and shameful how broken and seemingly careless the FL unemployment dept is (really meaning, how the higher ups set it to be like that – no blame on the innocent csr’s) ! :S
August 26, 2021 at 3:52 pm
What if you’re in your 60’s and you’re not in the hospitality business? Do I have to go learn to be a waitress at 60??? They’re going to take the hot 25-30 year olds before they even get to my application!
August 26, 2021 at 4:03 pm
I’m now owed 33 weeks of unemployment i make over 500 phone calls a day and can’t get through the system is whack and so, is Desantis.
Ricardo Hernandez
August 26, 2021 at 4:47 pm
There are so many fraudulent claims because the unemployment system is ancient and archaic making it easy to apply fraudulently though they have tightened things up a bit with @id.me still the system was designed to be difficult. Do you know that everytime i log onto Floridajobs.org an warning pops up advising me that the site is it secure
Ricardo Hernandez
August 26, 2021 at 4:48 pm
August 26, 2021 at 4:48 pm
The DEO expects claimants to visit a CareerSource Center. I did and was terrified! People are coming there and screaming at the workers because the DEO is hiding from the very people that they are entrusted to help. They have shut off all phone lines and will not answer an email either. They are complaining about fraud and ask for the public’s help if they know of fraud. Well, try to report it and they won’t answer the phone?? Do not be surprised if there is a shooting or something. There isn’t even a security guard. If it was up to me there would be on-duty officers to help prevent a certain tragedy. Sorry, but karma will deal with DeSantis…DO NOT VISIT THE CENTER UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE EXPOSED TO VIOLENT PEOPLE!
August 27, 2021 at 3:35 pm
Wow, thanks for telling me that – I agree the system is terrible – we don’t know if maybe the gov is taking the money though – the fl gov is full of stupid excuses – they can hire good people to run the unemployment dept if they want to – they have the funds to do that!
John mc
August 26, 2021 at 5:23 pm
They act like it’s welfare. You pay into the system and only then you get unemployment. You quit or don’t go back to work and you lose the benefits. He doesn’t care for the poor or Covid. We see doing great he says and
Florida has more than 3 times as many people dying every day from covid than California and California has twice as many people.
Justin Times
August 26, 2021 at 6:26 pm
I will say one great thing this whole experience has taught me. I will be paying MUCH closer attention on whom I vote into office from the lowest level to our President. As a Marine VET I feel like our country is dividing and it hurts.
Attorney for the defendant stated :We dont even have any money to pay these people anyway! -This was provided from a federal level.- What did they do with the money???
The judge really should look into that one. Honestly, they DID have it but now they dont? LUCY! You got some SPLAINING to do!
I know a family that lost their father/husband to COVID. She lost her job and collects unemployment while trying to find something for her and her children. Nothing can make up the income loss she suffers, …she could not afford to bury him well, .. the job he had before COVID was garbage although he worked there over 3 years without benefits or a life Insurance policy… Its very tragic, and she was hoping that she could count on money from unemployment boost at LEAST till September…. Its not a sound plan, but it sure would have helped in preparing for something better. Either way you look at this, she’s forced to jump into a job that STILL pays garbage, and has ZERO benefits. I’m certain this is not the only person suffering this way.
Im truly sorry to those of you that are suffering and must endure this greed and bully type behavior.
August 30, 2021 at 2:38 am
Thank you for that! It’s frustrating as a single mom of a special needs son getting nowhere with unemployment claims for months before the extra amount went away even though I’m eligible. Now I can’t even get food stamps because I can’t reach the person who does the interview to renew my benefits. A whole other department that can’t be reached now. I have been on food stamps for years while working because I’m low income and a single parent. What your friend went through and is going through is terrible! I am praying for her and her family truly and have prayed/will continue to pray for all of the victims of this unemployment fraud. Thank you so much for sharing this! I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!
Dawn Simmons
August 26, 2021 at 6:37 pm
I too am 60 years old, I get a whopping $125.00 a week. I haven’t been able to claim my weeks since July 10, 2021
Logged in the following week to put in my work searches. The “Request for Benefits” was there. Had to leave unexpectedly to pick up grandchild. A few days later tried to login to claim. It said I put my pin in wrong and was locket out. I did not enter incorrectly, and I had only tried once not 3 times. Was directed to ID.ME
within 2 days was verified and directed back to DEO . Logged in and Request for Benefits option was gone. A month later it still has not shown back up. I get in but can do nothing. Call everyday. No One answers. Help Center, No Help. They give you options, what they list are not my issues. Shuts me down unless I pick one. Tried that shut down anyway because 2 weeks earlier I requested help with “same issue’ and told not necessary to send another request for help, that they show a request for help once and that’s enough.
Electricity will be turned off in 2 weeks, No Faith of them ever helping. Awful, just Awful!!!
Cynthia J Lewis
August 27, 2021 at 9:40 am
Dawn, I to am 56 and going threw actually what your going threw. July 10, 2021 was the last week I was able to claim. The 2 weeks before I was locked out so I use id.me and 5 days later it was unlocked for the 3 third time. This time I did it again with id.me then it directed me to DEO to uplosd a copy of my Id and SS card so I did that. I have sent several emails to people in the fraud department and no response. Sent a request to the help desk and still nothing. I have even connected News stations and gave them my information and haven’t heard anything. I have applied for 117 jobs and nothing. These companies are choosing who they want. I have gone into MacDonalds and got told I was overqualified and I told them that it was because I was Hispanic and I am not racist but everyone in that store was Hispanic descent and I mean EVERYONE. So all this has taken a toll on my mental health. It is soooo frustrating. Like we can get rich on $125.00 a week. Just wanted to let you know that there are others going threw the same exact thing you are.
Jennifer loveth
August 27, 2021 at 5:05 pm
I have been having same issue with DEO all this while but i was able to overcome it thru several goggle search and alot of video on you tube only i just miss out on some week because deadline dAY to claim has pass but im now receiving my weekly benefit upto date i was only hoping they the extra $300 benefit from july 26
August 30, 2021 at 2:40 am
Please tell us what you did to fix the pin issue then!!!
August 28, 2021 at 10:28 pm
Try doing the impossible… trying to survive with only $69 a week. That’s how much I get a week!!!
Judy Buchanan Healy
August 29, 2021 at 7:17 pm
Same here and someone said to use Microsoft Edge as my browser. Downloaded it and got in. Just in time to claim. Worth a shot?
August 26, 2021 at 6:46 pm
I am curious, did you ask Ron Desantis how he let the State of Florida be defrauded $20 billion dollars on his watch? Did you ask him about the PPP loans in the millions of dollars that went to the people surrounding him that are already millionaires? If your going to report, the questions are not easy. Ask ALL the questions. That is true reporting.
August 26, 2021 at 8:19 pm
Yeah, that 20 billion in fraud sure didn’t go to the normal workers who have to suffer through this. I’ve seen so much fraud with the PPP loans and it has been all over news if paid attention to. Stop punishing the majority while you profit over people getting covid, Deathsantis! We know your biggest donor has the most stocks in covid treatments!
I Hernandez
August 26, 2021 at 8:43 pm
Ron Desantis is a joke! Get him out of office !!
August 26, 2021 at 10:11 pm
Anyone else getting messages saying you were overpaid because you didn’t complete the work search requirement? Even though during pandemic they instructed us not to do that or go to Career Source because that portion is waived and claims were approved…. What is their goal with this tactic?
August 27, 2021 at 9:26 am
Beginning to think he is leaving ppls claims open and trying to enact the “work search” rule on them even though they hadn’t filed since the pandemic nor reapplied. Knowing that they only did not report work search during that exemption period. Yet the system automatically stays open. (Good luck reaching someone on the line). So without notice, you need to apply for your Release Waiver… allowing it to seem as though there are many more “fraudulent” claims than in reality. Another distortion of truth from the government
August 30, 2021 at 2:45 am
Wow, I thought of a lot of possible schemes/tactics they may have tried for political or financial gain in the Fl gov to purposely mess things up for us behind the scenes, but not that yet. Makes total sense!!! Thanks for sharing!
Ron Hater
August 26, 2021 at 10:21 pm
It sounds like you are a good listener to BS, rather than a real reporter asking hard questions. Hopefully you will figure it out, or maybe you should get a another job.
Peter Sbarra
August 26, 2021 at 10:37 pm
This governor is the worst Florida has ever seen and he’s talking about running for President he’s lucky to get a job at McDonald’s your through in Florida move away from here the citizens in this state had enough of your betrayal you. Don’t to Floridians just leave
Timothy Franklin
August 27, 2021 at 1:16 am
What BS…I’ve been putting in applications 1 after another and have yet to be hired…it’s always the same response ” we’ll call you ” and my phone has yet to ring…I’ve even applied to the jobs who ” claim ” they desperately need help and are offering sign on bonuses and still get nothing…..and I’m not even making it with this unemployment…I receive $202 total every 2 weeks now which is str8 BS and that’s with me not holding taxes …I really wish the governor had to live off $202 for 2 weeks and he would understand why that extra was a BIG HELP….for that $202 to last 2 weeks a person would have to spend less than $10 a day…im in debit now OVER MY HEAD!!!!
Jennifer loveth
August 27, 2021 at 5:18 pm
I have been having same issue with DEO all this while but i was able to overcome it thru several goggle search and alot of video on you tube only i just miss out on some week because deadline dAY to claim has pass but im now receiving my weekly benefit upto date i was only hoping they the extra $300 benefit from july 26
Nick Rocha
August 27, 2021 at 1:39 am
Ron Disantis is a real piece of shit, a criminal and heartless thug. His day will come, he will be in prison soon. Tyrants never end well.
August 27, 2021 at 4:52 am
The state of Florida leadership is off the chain much prayer is needed grovnor of Florida please seek The Lord Jesus for advice understanding 🙏 wisdom most of all love and compassion people are hurting under your watch it takes a lot of energy fighting goodwill of the people a little kindness go along way adding peace love a little self acknowledgment that you can do better accommodating the people of Florida during covid-19 outbreak Its okay lead with a pure and righteous heart so please stay focused Mr.Govnor of Florida your state is in a mess your people need help.thanks for reading pray always 🙏
Buster highman
August 27, 2021 at 7:24 am
All done with smoke and mirrors. The real fraud is in the politics. You can’t cry fire and tell the fire department to leave before the fire is out. Hell son they’re still embers burning that created a whole new variant causing more deaths than when you initially requested the federal help .
Article 443.131 of the state of Florida’s Constitution states that in a national emergency where the governor requests federal emergency unemployment payments , the Federal emergency plan supersedes the rules and procedures prescribed and it is the state of Florida’s responsibility to administer the Federal emergency plan acting as the United States department of Labor . I understand the plan to be the plan and its entirety since the plan was created by the federal government and runs its course until September 6th. Nowhere does the article state that the governor has the power to override the Federal emergency plan in partial . And since the department of economic opportunity has failed again and again and again in restoring employment to the capacity that it was pre pandemic the state prematurely curtailed the plan , designed to restore welfare to the people as deemed necessary , and overstepped its bounds by not administering the entirety of the plan leaving people unemployed .The federal plan supersedes the state constitution and is a whole plan . I don’t believe the decision to cut off federal aid was made considering individual circumstances .If there was any real concern about these businesses economics , there should have been consideration that 400 million dollars would be spent in these businesses circulating through local economies . It makes no sense economically .Hense my Opening statement the real fraud is in the politics!
Buster Highman
August 27, 2021 at 10:41 pm
In fact as written in Florida’s constitution once the governor asks the Federal government for help the Federal plan takes over , superceding the states laws and procedures negating Mr.Desantis’s pointless decisions clearly leaving no room for the state to mandate , he is powerless to change the federal plan .(Federal Supercedes). He put all the wheels in motion but had to let it play out . He did violate the agreement between the federal government and The state of Florida’s constitution , meaning D.E.O. should have been ensuring payment of the federal benefits and he should have administered them ensuring payment to qualified unemployed recipients acting on behalf of the Federal department of labor just as article 443.131 provision (4) reads.What I find most amazing is the fact the governor did not stop the state benefits to the unemployed , which would have been just as pointless .That tells me he’s a poker player.
” He’s Bluffing .”
Buster Highman
August 27, 2021 at 11:27 pm
Now in the case where the governor let the federal plan work as Federally intended instead of trying to override hierarchy , there would be no need for retroactive Federal unemployment benefits and that point of contention would be moot. Eligible unemployed recipients would have been paid in a timely manner along with their regular state benefits as Federally intended . Incidentally President Biden has asked States to exhaust the Federal monies intended for the welfare of the people that were already in place. However the President did not ask the governor to mandate and block federal unemployment benefits from those who are in need and eligible.. The governor is in no position to appease business owners by violating the States Constitution . Clearly he did just that . That being said There should be no problem with the governor and D.E.O. ensuring those eligible who have already received the state portion of their unemployment benefits Administer and distribute the late or not yet sent out Federal benefits the unemployed have been so patiently waiting. for !
Buster Highman
August 27, 2021 at 11:41 pm
D.E.O.is a circus and the governor is it’s biggest clown .
Buster highman
August 27, 2021 at 7:30 am
All done with smoke and mirrors. The real fraud is in the politics. You can’t cry fire and tell the fire department to leave before the fire is out. Hell son they’re still embers burning that created a whole new variant causing more deaths than when you initially requested the federal help .
Article 443.131 of the state of Florida’s Constitution states that in a national emergency where the governor requests federal emergency unemployment payments , the Federal emergency plan supersedes the rules and procedures prescribed and it is the state of Florida’s responsibility to administer the “Federal emergency plan” acting as the United States department of Labor ( not the state emergency plan ) . I understand the plan to be the plan and its entirety since the plan was created by the federal government and runs its course until September 6th. Nowhere does the article state that the governor has the power to override the Federal emergency plan in partial . And since the department of economic opportunity has failed again and again and again in restoring employment to the capacity that it was pre pandemic the state prematurely curtailed the plan , designed to restore welfare to the people as deemed necessary , and overstepped its bounds by not administering the entirety of the plan leaving people unemployed .The federal plan supersedes the state constitution and is a whole plan . I don’t believe the decision to cut off federal aid was made considering individual circumstances .If there was any real concern about these businesses economics , there should have been consideration that 400 million dollars would be spent in these businesses circulating through local economies . It makes no sense economically .Hense my Opening statement the real fraud is in the politics!
August 27, 2021 at 9:12 am
DeathSantis is the only Fraud happening in Florida. Why didnt he can PUA and PEUC too? Why keep the no search for work going as long as he did? Pathetic trash Governor.
He HATES children btw.
William Michael Cronin
August 27, 2021 at 11:53 am
The ONLY reason DeathSantis cancelled PUA was to follow suit with 20+ other ALL REPUBLICAN Governors who had done so. A few did it, Trump let them kiss his ring, so they all followed. Does it seem odd that EVERY state that did this has a REPUBLICAN Governor?
August 27, 2021 at 11:56 am
Exactly I agree wholeheartedly, Its a Republican agenda, he just wants to kiss up to Trump and his base. A Governor is supposed to govern for all the people in their state. This asshole could careless about independents or democrats, all he cares about is your name having an R next to it and getting votes, he could give a damn about people being able to pay their bills or dying from Covid for that matter. The guy is a real asshole.
August 27, 2021 at 12:05 pm
If you go to any jobs now that has help wanted up they only give out 25to30 hours a week I went to a lot of places don’t fall for places that says we give you bonuses to come to work for them when you can’t get full time work if jobs would pay more money they might get people to work for them I worked for a rebar fabricator for 10 yrs got laid off over covid 19 I’m 55 yrs old and they hired younger people in my place dirty the governor sucks he only out for his self cutting unemployment benefits early nowing people are hurting were not millionaire like his ass and the COVID-19 is getting worse in FL he don’t care who dies and who don’t everyone on unemployment stick together hope the judge will fight him and get our $300 back on unemployment Ron disantis sucks
Dee Vis
August 27, 2021 at 3:44 pm
Makes one wonder how many of the so call “vacant” jobs became available due to COVID deaths. Other massive vacancies are because there is a mad dash by many to jump ship and go work for a different employer paying the most $ with the greatest perks. Those are not “new” jobs. Governor DeSantis and your incompetent DEO – what are you doing with all of the FEDERAL recovery money that has been made available to you to help the citizens of this once great State? We and each and every one of us are going to have to carry the load of all the Monopoly money being printed in Washington. Why can’t you just give us what we earned and are owed. It not a left vs right issue. It’s a do the right thing issue. You people are hurting.
Justin FT
August 27, 2021 at 6:23 pm
We need to get together and get on the streets and protest until De Santi’s resigns from the office. I cant pay my rent ,I cant get a job. This is terrible what our State government is doing. The only way to end this criminal act of our Florida government is to get on the streets and protest. We have our rights.
August 28, 2021 at 1:15 am
This good for nothing Governor should resign. He only cares about himself. He doesn’t care he gets pay good money plus kickbacks from lobbyists. Why he doesn’t tell those companies that terminated so many good employees to recall them that would solve the problem for many of us.
August 30, 2021 at 2:57 am
We do absolutely need to do that. Maybe find out an event in your town/area that has politicians involved and try to rally people together to protest in that area in front of the cameras. More news companies need to be talking about this – ultimately I pray whatever efforts you/we/I make will change the outcome very soon and for the upcoming years.
Pamela Boston
August 27, 2021 at 11:07 pm
If I didn’t have faith and trust in my heart ❤️ I would have evil words for Ron DeSantis,Trump,and the Republicans. When you do evil things to people, especially poor people then you stumble and fall. We need to find out who are his donors or are our unemployment money going directly to his wanna be
Presidential Campaign. This is a Trump ass kisser and will do anything to make his own laws and rules but he will be exposed with ALL his dirty laundry. HIs hands are covered with blood with ALL of the Covid deafs.
Pamela Boston
August 27, 2021 at 11:16 pm
August 28, 2021 at 7:27 am
I work at a Independent/ Assistant living beauty salon ,I have been there for 12 years ,we were shut down due to covid .I lost over 70 clients due to covid , people passing away or moving away. Being quarantined is tough enough for the average person let alone seniors.
Some clients just gave up on life being depressed .
I have been back to work only working 2 days a week.We are a loud to work one on one ,one hairdresser one client ,one nail tech one client. I’m on partial unemployment.
I couldn’t pay a debt consolidation for 1 week Freedom Debt
Is the company ,
I was brought to court without notice
My paralegal never showed up ,I had a Judgement set against me.
This has been a nightmare without the extra $300.00 a week really hurts.
DeSantis had no right stopping the stimulus money.
I have applied at numerous jobs
No replies.
August 28, 2021 at 10:27 am
As a 63 year old woman, I can tell you that finding a job in my field (Bookkeeping) is impossible. No one wants to hire the near retirement person. Now with the Delta variant of Covid spreading like wildfire how does DeSantis expect us to survive? Oh, he doesn’t! We will either starve, get sick, or end up on the street so no one will know.
julie basile
August 28, 2021 at 2:47 pm
Ron DeSantis is a joke!! He could care less about the people of Florida. All he cares about are his big money donors! We need to vote him out! He is the worst of the worst! Complete scumbag!
August 28, 2021 at 3:01 pm
I agree wholeheartedly. Deathsantis is a real douchebag. He’s an asshole. He’s no good.
August 29, 2021 at 4:16 am
There is a lot of Politics behind all of this with the unemployment situation. Mr Desantis thinks that he is getting away with. I read the article but alot of facts people are nor aware of. If you read the Cares act some months ago when the reinstated the program the Act stated that their wasn’t suppose to be a gap in payment when it was reinstated but yet it was gapped, so people missed out on money. Then with the current situation about cutting off the benefits in June so he could pretent that the our state is back on its feet is a LIE…because a glitch was placed in the unemployment system so thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people could not claim their weeks. And if people can not claim their weeks than the unemployment count is not going to be accurate, it’s going to show as if the unemployment has gone down. It will look like the state has recovered and it has not. The first thing I did when the plans come out is read the unemployment sections because I wanted to know how DEO was going to use the plan to defraud the people and who is over the state of Florida Mr Ron Desantis which DEO Representative states that they get their instructions from their supervisors who get their Instructions from DEO who get their Instructions from Ron Desantis for the state of Florida. But people have to read those Acts so they know alot about what is really going on, because with that you will see why the Governors are defrauding the people. It’s all about money, politics, and their lies. People need that unemployment to survive because the government doesn’t have a handle on the covid19 virus and the variant virus is worst than the first wave of the virus. It’s a sad time in America for all Governors to say that we as a nation has recovered in anyway when the daily hospital statistics , and the number of deaths daily says otherwise. And what the all Governors has to understand yes their are jobs been offered, but for every one job millions of people are applying and only one can be hired….and for the last month if you are one of the people who is on Employ Florida than you know the same jobs are on that website over and over again. For our state of Florida just one lie after another is being told. I hope that someone sees through the political foolishness and really do their job and help our country.
Glenn Reihing
August 30, 2021 at 4:13 pm
Early on when the system crashed, didn’t DeSantis order a committee to study what happened and their recommendations?
The answer is “YES!” (The question was rhetorical.)
So my question is “How do we wrestle their findings away from DeSantis and bring them public??
P.S. To Florida Politics or any other budding reporter:
Reading these comments sure smells of a story here.
August 30, 2021 at 4:46 pm
I can’t believe the judge sided with that asshole Desantis. I’m so pissed.
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