Florida could go after doctors and health care providers that offer treatment to transgender teenagers under a bill filed this week by Rep. Anthony Sabatini, a Republican who has been repeatedly trashing House leaders in recent weeks.
Sabatini’s bill (HB 211) mirrors those that have been introduced in dozens of other states aimed at health care providers who treat transgender minors. The legislation says that health care providers could face a year in prison or be fined $1,000 if they prescribe or supply puberty-blocking medication or provide large doses of testosterone to females or estrogen to males.
The bill would create a new section of general health care law dubbed the “Vulnerable Child Protection Act” that would apply to nearly every licensed health care professional in the state ranging from medical doctors and osteopathic physicians to dentists, psychologists, counselors and physical therapists.
It also makes it a first degree misdemeanor for a medical doctor or osteopathic physician to sterilize, surgically remove the ovaries or testicles, or perform gender affirming surgery on a minor if the surgery was done “for the purpose of attempting to change the minor’s sex or for the purpose of affirming the minor’s perception of the minor’s sex.”
A broad catch-all phrase makes it illegal for a physician to remove “any otherwise healthy or non diseased body part or tissue,” if being done for a gender-affirming procedure.
Sabatini filed similar legislation for consideration during the 2021 Legislative Session, but the bill was never heard in committee. The 2021 bill also contained a provision that would have amended the state’s public education laws to ban transgender women from participating in sports.
The 2022 bill doesn’t propose any changes to the state’s public education statutes.
Sabatini, who is from Howey-in-the Hills, is running for Congress after a legislative career that has seen him repeatedly clash with GOP leaders. He has amped up his criticism of House Speaker Chris Sprowls recently, a tactic likely to render much of his legislative agenda dead-on-arrival.
September 30, 2021 at 10:36 am
Needs the services of a neuro-proctologist since his head is in his intestine.
September 30, 2021 at 11:01 am
The fake party of “FREEDUMB” is always advancing legislation of hate and restrictions!
September 30, 2021 at 11:02 am
Who knew we had the Taliban right here in Florida?
Captain Howdy
September 30, 2021 at 12:52 pm
Emeritus, PeterH & Alex. Impotent little fuckers tapping keyboards. Yawn.
Jeff Erdmann
October 1, 2021 at 9:02 pm
Your mean-spirited bill has no place in modern politics. Why be mean or are you so phobic and afraid? I can’t believe there are still such ignorant politicians able to get elected.
Eric Anderson
October 7, 2021 at 3:33 pm
Infant circumcision is the violent misadventure of prodigal children. It is criminal to perform elective surgery without the consent of the elected. It is macabre to suspend fiduciary duty to our fellow man—to vacate extant protection under the law—to satisfy either the mesmerization of one who sacrifices other sentient beings to their God, or in a reductionist error of prophylactic fear mongering—of battery and irrecoverable theft—where one adds zeros and gets for their answer the number of zeros added (‘recite a fear, torture a child’). Truth does not lend itself to reduction. (from Jesus & the Unabomber)
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