U.S. Sen. Rick Scott offered his thoughts Tuesday night on an uptick in gun permits in one California city.
Asked to comment on an increase in concealed weapons permit applications in Los Angeles in recent years, Scott said during an interview on the Evening Edit on Fox Business Channel he wasn’t surprised, adding that it probably wasn’t the wealthy who were opting to bear arms.
“If you have money, you can go and hire private security. But the poor family that struggles to make ends meet, they can’t move apartments or move homes all the time. They’re stuck with their local public schools. And so they probably can’t afford to even have a gun to defend themselves,” Scott said.
It was unclear why public schools were invoked here. It was also unclear why families too poor to afford guns would be getting concealed weapon permits. Scott continued the answer, concluding in a fusillade of non sequitur slogans.
“The Democrats are soft on crime. They think the criminals are the good guys. I mean, this mostly peaceful protest, no, it’s not mostly peaceful. We should be tough on crime. You commit a crime, you should have to serve your time,” Scott urged.
The interview returned to Los Angeles issues again soon thereafter, with Scott weighing in on a sheriff who was irked about someone who called police “barbarians” being named the county’s Director of Victim Services.
“This happened to me when I was Governor. I had a state attorney elected who wouldn’t prosecute. So I took all of her cases and gave them to another state attorney,” Scott said of Aramis Ayala, a Central Florida prosecutor who did not believe in pursuing capital punishment in murder cases.
December 15, 2021 at 7:32 am
In his presidential debate …It will be fun watching Rick Scott provide detailed background support for his numerous ridiculous comments. Will someone please give Ricky a silver pacifier to suck on?
Ron Ogden
December 15, 2021 at 8:47 am
Everyone wants to defend themselves against the Democrats, even people who don’t have a lot of money. It’s their lives they want to defend first, then their freedom, then their property–if they have been able to accumulate any. One of these days Rick Scott is going to provide a heck of a good effort in a race for president. It will be fun to see.
Concern Citizen
December 15, 2021 at 9:20 am
Best joke of the day. Thanks, Ron
Tom Meagher
December 15, 2021 at 11:40 am
How’s the view from your colon, Ron?
December 15, 2021 at 11:17 am
It is unlikely the ignorant libtard cicadas who post here will read this article or, if read, take any profit out of it but I post it here mainly for the others not so ideologically blinkered and snarky.
December 28, 2021 at 11:57 pm
You commit a crime, you should have to serve your time,” said Scott,. who oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in the nation’s history.
Why would anyone ask Rick “Batboy” Scott about California anyway?
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