On Monday, Sen. Marco Rubio offered his latest in a series of grim warnings about what he believes is an imminent attack on Ukraine as diplomatic talks continue with Russian officials.
Rubio contended China and Russia envision the Ukraine action as the beginnings of a potential “New World Order.”
“I had a lot of people this week asking about Ukraine. ‘Why does it matter? What should we do about it? Why do we care?’ First of all, why it matters is that Beijing and Moscow are making an argument that they want a New World Order,” Rubio said.
The “New World Order” phrasing is deliberate. The verbiage was made famous by former President George H.W. Bush, who hailed military action in Iraq in 1991 as an example of the New World Order.
The Senator added more context to the phrase, condemning Russia and China for pushing for a “world order where big powerful countries like them get to dominate their region. And the countries that are neighboring them are basically underneath and have to be under their power and in their control.”
“Vladimir Putin has decided he wants to take Ukraine,” Rubio added, saying that “we need to respond to that.”
Rubio added there need to be “real consequences,” though those consequences shouldn’t include sending military forces to Ukraine, even as this “dangerous situation … could rapidly escalate in ways that lead to catastrophe.”
Rubio believes the Russian “military exercises” currently going on — which have led to “heightened alert” status for the North American Treaty Organization — could lead to a “real invasion” of Ukraine.
The Senator continues to say action is imminent.
During a radio interview Thursday, the Republican Senator redoubled previous warnings.
“This is probably the most dangerous moment since the end of the Cold War. Incredibly tense. I say this to you hoping that I’m wrong, I really do. Usually, I don’t hope I’m wrong — this time I do. But I think the world’s going to look very different in 60 days,” Rubio said on the “Brian Rust Show.”
Here is why #Ukraine situation matters & what we should do about it. pic.twitter.com/CtmDijSeO1
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) February 14, 2022
Andrew Nappi
February 15, 2022 at 9:56 am
John McCain lives through Marco Rubio. Rubio parrots the CIA daily news releases in lock step with their client media. A purveyor of fear porn, Rubio has zero skin in the game. Too old to go to war himself, and his kids are too young to be sent to into the empire’s meat grinders. When will Florida voters wise up and realize both major party candidates for the US Senate in 2022 are foreign policy neocons- they love the welfare/warfare state and will do everything they can to support and nurture it.
February 21, 2022 at 9:43 am
the only order America has is the mine fields and big corp.and make a gate to around them with the new swimming pools
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