Gov. Ron DeSantis is slated for a speech Thursday afternoon at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando and in his last fundraising email before that address, his campaign team went after a familiar target.
“Another Soros-funded cycle” takes issue with George Soros and his continued backing of left-of-center candidates and movements.
“Soros is dumping more than $125 million into a special PAC aimed at defeating Republicans this November,” read the email signed by “Team DeSantis.”
A specific worry of the DeSantis campaign is so-called “dark money” that Soros could infuse into the process.
“Democrats have no choice but to turn to people — like billionaire George Soros — who spend massive sums of dark money to elect extremist Democratic candidates nationwide,” the email urged, specifically warning of “soft on crime” prosecutors.
“We cannot allow George Soros and his marxist agenda gain a foothold in Florida,” the email added, pointedly leaving “marxist” lowercase.
DeSantis was directly opposed by Soros money in his 2018 campaign, which saw Democrat Andrew Gillum draw on $2.2 million from Soros sources, while Soros became part of DeSantis’ closing pitch in October.
“A Governor is able to appoint people to all these agencies, boards. There are literally thousands of appointments the Governor has. He would be seeding, into our state government, you know, Soros-backed activists,” DeSantis said of Democrat Gillum, as reported contemporaneously by The Hill.
As The Forward noted, messaging about Soros backing Gillum was part of the Republican script as early as the summer.
DeSantis, of course, is in a much stronger position financially than he was four years ago, when Gillum and he raised similar amounts.
This time around, he has more than $80 million banked for his re-election campaign, more than 20 times the cash on hand of Rep. Charlie Crist, the leading Democratic fundraiser in the field currently.
Frankie M.
February 23, 2022 at 8:37 pm
That’s funny. Ronnie didn’t seem too concerned about dark $$ when he made that robocall for Howland. Maybe he doesn’t know what the word “hypocrite” means. Either that or he doesn’t care.
February 23, 2022 at 9:11 pm
LMAO, Frankies balls are still roasted over the loss last night. FYI, Dems have more registered than Repub. and they still lost. It’s called depression. Wait til November you dumb ass.
Ignoramus, that ain’t dark money you pud licker. It was paid for by the Florida GOP. Your momma must have been stupid, she raised stupid like you.
Frankie M.
February 24, 2022 at 9:08 am
It’s actually called apathy but you’re entitled to your wrong opinion comrade Tom. I watched people vote this weekend & the vast majority had two things in common. They were old & white. That’s your demographic comrade. I would wait for these voters to die out but they keep multiplying like bebe’s kids & crossing the border like Mexican drug mules. It’s too bad DeSantis can’t build a wall around FL to keep them out.
As per FL politics…”Howland’s campaign account did see donations from political committees sharing a treasurer with his own, including Building Florida’s Future, Florida Citizens for Change and Growing Florida’s Economy, all of which have raised and spent big money not traceable to an original source in any meaningful sense.”
Just because you keep saying something doesn’t necessarily make it true. Like I said before comrade Tom you are entitled to your wrong opinion but not to your own set of facts.
February 25, 2022 at 5:09 am
Ignorance is bliss.
Good job, compliments.
You must be related to rain man.
Ignorant one, the robo and text campaign paid by FGOP. You reference things with no explanation and make broadest comments.
What a Nut case.
Matthew Lusk
February 24, 2022 at 9:25 am
One problem is campaign limits on individuals. Plenty of people would spend $5000 on a candidate they like, but would not set up a PAC with all the hoop jumping, but the banking cartel players will set up million dollar PACs. Honest little people are simply out spent on campaigns.
Charlotte Greenbarg
February 24, 2022 at 10:38 am
https://floridapolitics.com/archives/500123-ron-desantis-leads-democrats-by-very-wide-margin-in-fresh-poll/ Democrats are drowning in their own incompetence and lies.
February 24, 2022 at 11:07 am
Soros says he could make anyone disappear
February 24, 2022 at 11:46 am
You are a bigger ignoramus then I thought.
You have no clue.
Biden’s approval in today’s poll is at 36%. America’s Gov is 58% per today’s poll. That’s 22% plus swing.
24% Dems support DeSantis. If 15% do that is a avalanche.
In Virginia Nov 21, was a plus 12 swing to Youngkin. The floor has fallen for Dems. Just like the council race, the floor has fallen. The Dems out registered Repubs pal. Facts hurt.
I don’t have time for stupid, get out of mommy’s sand box. Cry eye. Not sure what the comrade is bout. So you and crist when U S soldiers in Ukraine? Are you crazy? Not happening.
What a bunch of babies.
America’s Gov, next POTUS speaks In an hour to CPAC.
Watch, listen and learn for a change.
Be apart of the 24% of Dems or greater for America’s Gov!
DeSantis is the mang! Re elect in Nov.
Govs mansion to WH Oval Office in 24.
Do for America what America’s Gov has done for Florida!
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