Marco Rubio, Ashley Moody warn feds about SCOTUS abortion intimidation

'As you know, there is an ongoing, coordinated campaign of intimidation.'

In separate letters to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, two leading Florida Republicans raised red flags about protesters at the homes of Supreme Court Justices.

Anxious that the abortion framework established by 1973’s Roe v. Wade may be overturned soon after the leak of a draft Supreme Court ruling, demonstrators are targeting jurists identified as supporting a Mississippi law that bans abortion after the 15th week of gestation. Like many Republicans, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and Attorney General Ashley Moody both want this intimidation to stop.

Rubio’s letter demanded potential legal action against demonstrators. It spotlighted “disturbing and dangerous threats against the justices,” contending “there is an ongoing, coordinated campaign of intimidation against the majority of the justices on the Supreme Court.”

“It first took the form of an unprecedented leak of a draft opinion, and now, disguised as protesters, vigilantes have taken ‘justice’ into their own hands,” Rubio contended.

“As you know, there is an ongoing, coordinated campaign of intimidation against the majority of the justices on the Supreme Court,” Rubio added. “The DOJ can no longer remain silent on this issue if it hopes to protect the integrity of the Supreme Court. … Will the DOJ commit to identifying and pursuing criminal charges against those who violate 18 U.S.C. § 1507? If not, why?”

Moody wrote to her federal counterpart with similar urgency, in a communication co-signed by a host of other Republican Attorneys General.

“The integrity of our courts is paramount to a free and democratic society. Any attempt to threaten or intimidate United States Supreme Court Justices so they change their votes should be thoroughly investigated by the Department of Justice — not just for the safety of judges and their families, but for the independence of our nation’s entire judicial system,” Moody asserted, in a statement accompanying the letter.

“You were quick to respond to the purported ‘threat’ of parents speaking out at local school board meetings (though the basis for your threat assessment was shaky to say the least). Here, in the face of escalating extremism directed at the judicial branch, you have an obvious role to play. Congress recognized that pressuring judges to change their votes by protesting outside their homes directly threatens the rule of law.

“You profess to share those concerns, having unequivocally stated that attacking a courthouse ‘to prevent judges from actually deciding cases’ plainly constitutes ‘domestic extremism, domestic terrorism.’ You can and should act accordingly by faithfully executing federal law to prevent protesters from attempting to intimidate the Justices of the Supreme Court, both to protect the Justices and to safeguard the rule of law,” the letter asserted.

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has written for since 2014. He is based in Northeast Florida. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • Matthew Lusk

    May 12, 2022 at 1:30 pm

    And Now you Know. Just how deep the swamp is. When the DOJ, FBI, DC POLICE, and US Military all stand down when it comes to NWO domestic terrorism of Supreme Court Justices, the ones not pushing the Bilderberg Group’s World Nazi Coup attempt. The Conspiracy is fascist in nature, not marxist. Marxism is just a government tool the fascists use to bludgeon the people and any would be gatekeeper out of line with Fascist threads of power. Where have the brave men gone? Are there no real men left? Are Christians in government all weeded out? Have the sodomites finally taken over D.C. like they have the Vatican? Will at least one David stand upright? Are we all just watchers?

  • Derek Lorenz

    May 12, 2022 at 4:24 pm

    Since the Supreme Court has doubled down on prioritizing corporations and fetuses above living breathing humans, they have earned all the disrespect for the institution of the court and its justices should feel hated by the public. The Senate won’t allow the legislature to repudiate their more unpopular rulings as the constitution intended due to the current political climate, so there’s nothing that can be done other than to express anger.

  • rass

    May 13, 2022 at 10:40 am

    Y’all so woke defending the yolk! Talk is cheep Little Marco and Assly Moody!! Do something? Nah, just blabbering again. Why not dust off the ol second amendment? You could use Don Tramp’s playbook and shoot them prochoicetesters in da legs. Naw, just talk, talk, talk. As if the Federal law enforcement do not know about lefties blocking Brett’s keg deliveries. Sadly, you show NO concerns over the Government violations over a woman’s basic freedom to make her own medical choices. After all, isn’t it cute to look down at the face of your rapist when you are breastfeeding? Little Marco and Assly Moody, you are each an abortion on our liberty! STFU

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