New polling shows why Democrats, including President Joe Biden, are keen to depict Sen. Rick Scott and his “ultra-MAGA agenda“ as central to the Republican Party.
According to a national survey of 2,005 registered voters from Morning Consult and POLITICO, Scott is underwater with virtually all demographics except self-identified conservatives and Republicans.
Scott has been under fire from the Left since the release of his “11-point plan to rescue America,” a policy manifesto quickly rejected by Mitch McConnell, the entrenched leader of Senate Republicans. Though he has enjoyed an uptick in earned media of late, that has not translated into America embracing the first-term Senator from Naples.
Scott is regarded favorably by just 16% of poll respondents, with 27% disliking Scott. Another 21% had no opinion on Scott, with a full 36% having never heard of him.
Scott polled poorly with both genders. Women surveyed regarded Scott unfavorably, with just 12% of those surveyed saying they approved of him, and 23% saying they disapproved, a nearly two-to-one split.
Scott was also at -10 with men overall, with 20% of them approving of him compared to 30% disapproving.
All age groups registered net disapproval, even senior citizens. While 23% did approve of Scott, 27% disapproved. Other age groups were even more negative about Scott, with those aged 35 to 44 the most unfavorable. Just 13% approved of Scott, with 31% regarding him unfavorably.
Independent voters were notably sour on the Senator. Just 12% of them approved of Scott, with 29% disapproving. Men particularly were opposed to Scott, with 36% of male independent voters regarding him unfavorably, a staggering -25 with the demographic.
On the positive side, Scott is regarded mostly favorably by Republicans, with 30% approval against 13% disapproval. Conservatives also rallied to Scott in this survey, with 29% approving of him, and 15% opposed. Given that Scott has made base plays since being elected to the Senate in 2018, those numbers show reason for optimism at least in those subsets.
Scott, however, was underwater with all ethnic groups, including White voters, of which 25% disapproved of Scott compared to 18% approval.
Finally, the poll suggests that even with those who disapprove of Biden, Scott isn’t earning rave reviews. Just 23% of anti-Biden voters approve of Scott, with 18% of them disapproving.
Notes on methodology: “This poll was conducted between May 13-May 16, 2022 among a sample of 2005 Registered Voters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Registered Voters based on gender by age, educational attainment, race, marital status, home ownership, race by educational attainment, 2020 presidential vote, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.”
May 18, 2022 at 5:28 pm
Good to know most Americans recognize a slime ball when they see one.
Frankie M.
May 18, 2022 at 6:45 pm
‘I think every American’s thinking this way.’ —Rick Scott
Give the man credit. When you’re right you’re right.
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Tony Schubert
May 18, 2022 at 8:30 pm
Has everyone forgotten Scott’s close call with insurance fraud in Jacksonville. Evidently.
May 19, 2022 at 2:59 am
Rick was a horrible governor for Florida, only to be topped by DeSantis. I can’t express how disappointed I was when the people of the state elected him as governor. With his eye on the presidency, he’s come up with some of the most ridiculous ideas for moving the country forward. My hope is he goes down in flames during the next election, but it seems like the population likes to vote for crazy people that work against the common good of the people and the state. The guy is an evil troll that does not deserve the right to represent anyone.
May 19, 2022 at 9:31 am
While Scott was Governor, he paid millions to have an unemployment system expressly designed to fail. He was a horrible Governor, and grifter, bought every election he ever ran, and even after investing millions himself barely squeaked by. Vote him out.
John galt
May 19, 2022 at 10:55 am
Love his tax plan” everyone should have skin in the game” well did he pay taxes in his 5 billion dollar Medicare scam the biggest in history???
May 19, 2022 at 11:26 am
No Ken should be looking to Florida for national leadership right now.
Tom Stover
May 19, 2022 at 12:21 pm
He voted to overturn the election, if I recall correctly, thus disqualifying himself from receiving my vote – unless he openly repents. Then it’s my duty to forgive that transgression and at least give him consideration.
Concern Citizen
May 20, 2022 at 8:15 am
We need to make Florida Scott Free.
May 20, 2022 at 10:46 am
It only took a decade of Republican leadership for Florida to start looking like Alabama and Mississippi. In South Florida we’re finding DeSantis loving bubbas sleeping in tents on the beach or in pick up trucks! Magical thinking MAGA kooks thought moving here was in their future until they realized rents start at $2300.00 per month.
The decline is underway …..what’s next is up to the voters!
Ted Kpszarski
May 20, 2022 at 3:21 pm
Red Tide Rick
May 21, 2022 at 4:06 pm
And still he will keep winning elections in Florida. Is Florida. Rents in $2300. Home Insurances drop people. Car insurance in the sky. And republicans fight with Mickey Mouse.
Just a comment
May 22, 2022 at 11:19 pm
I like Google’s eyes Rick Scott he makes a great redneck I vote him in regardlessly of past rumours
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