This year’s Fourth of July cookout prices are a bit too much to swallow, according to Marco Rubio’s camp.
With the realization that this Independence Day will be the most expensive yet, the re-election team for Florida’s senior Senator is pointing their finger at President Joe Biden and Rubio’s top Democratic challenger, U.S. Rep. Val Demings.
“Everything about the Fourth of July costs more this year: gas, flights, food, you name it,” said Rubio campaign spokeswoman Elizabeth Gregory. “Joe Biden and Val Demings sure know how to leave Floridians with less of their hard-earned money.”
The numbers aren’t something the Biden administration wants to parade around. The cost of July Fourth barbecue essentials are up 17% from a year ago, according to a recent American Farm Bureau Federation marketbasket survey.
The survey found that U.S. consumers pay $69.68, about $10 more, for their favorite cookout foods, including cheeseburgers, pork chops, chicken breasts, homemade potato salad, strawberries and ice cream. That’s the average cost of a summer cookout for 10 people, which breaks down to less than $7 per person.
The higher costs are a result of ongoing supply chain disruptions, record inflation and the war in Ukraine, according to the report. Farmers are feeling the price-point pain too, according to AFBF Chief Economist Roger Cryan.
“Despite higher food prices, the supply chain disruptions and inflation have made farm supplies more expensive; like consumers, farmers are price-takers not price-makers,” Cryan said in a statement. “Bottom line, in many cases the higher prices farmers are being paid aren’t covering the increase in their farm expenses. The cost of fuel is up and fertilizer prices have tripled.”
Cryan also pointed to the cascading effects of the war in Ukraine, as that country’s contributions to global food security are cut off, Russian and Belarusian fertilizer exports are constrained, and some other countries pull back exports to protect their domestic supplies.
The year-to-year direction of the marketbasket survey tracks with the federal government’s Consumer Price Index report for food at home and general inflation across the economy. Both the index and the marketbasket show increases of more than 10% compared to year-ago levels.
“The increased cost of food and supplies is a very real concern in our country and across the globe,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in a statement. “U.S. food assistance programs and food banks help those who struggle to make ends meet here at home, but the story is much different around the globe as food insecurity skyrockets. The big impact of a single event in Ukraine shows how dependent the world is on stable, productive agriculture.”
Data for this year’s survey was collected by 176 volunteer shoppers across the country and in Puerto Rico, including Farm Bureau members.
July Fourth prices are just another round of fireworks in Florida’s Senate race. Via the airwaves, Rubio and Demings — Orlando’s former Police Chief — have squared off over the police, economic policy and more.
Fivethirtyeight gives Rubio a 94-6 chance to beat Demings and puts him at an estimated 55% vote share. The RealClearPolitics average puts Rubio up 9 points over Demings.
Kelly Hayes contributed to this report.
July 3, 2022 at 12:24 pm
Little Marco understands that there is a war in Ukraine creating a demand on fossil fuels, that Trumps trade tariffs were predicted to cause unnecessary inflation and the pandemic removed millions from the workforce.
Impeach Biden
July 3, 2022 at 2:11 pm
Remember the price of fuel went up right away after Joe signed all of those Executive Orders with negative impacts on the fossil fuel industry. That was on Day one of his Presidency. The administration wants to blame it all on Putin but that is simply misleading. Poor Demings will have to defend these Biden policies that have for the most part been failures. It will be interesting if she will even allow Biden or Harris to campaign for her. Those two are like poison.
July 3, 2022 at 2:35 pm
USA fossil fuel industry is refining more crude under Biden compared to the Trump administration.
If you can’t afford the gasoline maybe you shouldn’t own a gasoline powered automobile.
Stop your whining cupcake.
Impeach Biden
July 3, 2022 at 3:03 pm
You are full of it. Okay so now we go with the “if you can’t afford it angle”. Yes that Democrat elitism from Peter H. Read the paper and watch the news, people are complaining about high fuel prices. Don’t believe me, then watch what happens in November. People vote with their wallet / pocketbook after all. Sounds like your arrogant ass might be driving one of those EV cars. Where does the source of energy come from that charges your battery, and how about all that mining for minerals that go into that battery? You’re an idiot just like Granholm
July 4, 2022 at 11:43 am
Peter h is clueless.
Lies all time. We are in a likely recession now, two consecutive quarters of negative growth.
Looking at 50 house seats flipping, and 6 to 8 Senate seats.
We are presently bout 800,000 to 1 million short of employee, workers pre Covid under great Trump economy. Inflation was at 1.4% when incompetent Biden took presidency.
Incompetent Biden/Harris have destroyed economy. Record partisan $1.9 billion Dem bill in March of 21and $1 trillion infrastructure blew up our inflation. Inflation was at 1.4% when he took over, now it’s double digits. Gas, food essentials exploded. People eating dog food in Biden’s America.
Dem Treasury Sec Lawerence Summers predicted this last year. With the present recession now in place, this is economic disaster per Biden economy.
Dems will pay a dear price, all the fake news camouflage from media and Dems won’t work.
It’s going to be a devastating mid term for Dems. Biden is below 50% in 45 states. 30% approval in Florida.
Dum Dum Demings, Chameleon and Fraud have no chance!
America’s Gov wins, Marco wins and Florida annihilates Dems in Florida for next 10 yrs.
Enjoy you pathetic Manchurians.
Impeach Biden
July 4, 2022 at 12:40 pm
As a follow up to Peter H. Did you read the latest Twitter exchange between Joe “I flunked Econ 101” Biden and the Oil and Gas Association? If not you should, because fuel prices are and will be his undoing. Not just me cupcake. LMFAO!!!!
Just a comment
July 3, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Biden did not say china china china but the people said overpricing our homes and rents cost the higher-ups prices of living. We the people said that
tom palmer
July 3, 2022 at 7:24 pm
Marquito is getting desperate if all he has is price of hot dogs. Gas was $4.39 a gallon today in my neighborhood. The President has no influence on gas prices, but just saying things are improving. Oh, and how about Rubio’s recent silence on major national issues? What a chicken-hearted, second-rate politiician.
Impeach Biden
July 3, 2022 at 9:34 pm
Ha! Ha! The President has no influence on gas prices. Joe did say he was going to put the fossil fuel companies out of business. Now if you were an executive at a petroleum company would you be investing in capital right now while Joe was President, and Granholm as Sec of Energy? Biden and his policies have absolutely influenced the price of fuel at the pump. Don’t kid yourself.
Tom Wills
July 3, 2022 at 8:06 pm
Poor Val lost a weapon while on duty. She’s irresponsible and radical — and a bad cop.
July 4, 2022 at 10:47 am
Peter H, and Palmer are the biggest Dem lickers.
Dems are never responsible for public policy outcome. They just pledge more govt, more spending, and no substantive change.
Impeach, as you know peter h is the Lincoln apologist. Everyone knows that Biden/Harris & his incompetents granholm & mayor Peter have reduced permits, discouraged domestic production first 18 months by over one million barrels. Biden’s incompetence has depleted our oil caverns, placing our country at risk. This is impeachable compared to fake mueller impeachment.
Palmer is another apologist. Gov Ron has done more, provided more environmental safety in Florida past 40 yrs. as Palmer lives in partisan denial. More per capita environment spending and programs for success. Govs Lake O veto is “profile and courage” and legendary on executive leadership. Senate President sponsored. A lesson to all.
Biden is at 30% approval in Florida, below 50% in 45 states. This is the worst Presidency since Hoover in late 20’s.
Dems are never responsible for anything wrong.
They and media blame others always.
Glenn Reihing
July 4, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Wait a minute…
Is this the same Marco Rubio that allowed the Covid relief package to expire back in May of 2020 that caused food bank lines in Florida to increase to the point that the number of first-time users expanded??
Is this the same guy that voted against the American Rescue Package that got 10 million children temporarily out of poverty including 700,000 kids in Florida??
Is this the Marco Rubio that doesn’t realize that prices are not set by the President of the United States but by producers? For example, the four major meat companies in the U.S.—Cargill, Tyson Foods, JBS, and National Beef Packing—control 55% to 85% of the hog, cattle, and chicken markets. This is why beef is up around 15-20% depending on how you look at the market.
The same Marco that doesn’t show up for his job as required??
He is an empty seat. Florida can (and must) do better.
July 4, 2022 at 1:55 pm
Pelosi refused to pass new Covid bill.
You and the Dums don’t get to create fake false lies.
People were eating dog food starving cause of Pelosi in summer, fall 20.
You are a partisan hack Manchurian.
July 4, 2022 at 2:45 pm
America’s Gov saved Florida.
Sen Marco saved people with his authorized bill for families getting aid.
Save it liars!
Glenn Reihing
July 5, 2022 at 11:52 am
You can benefit from some education on childhood poverty in Florida. As for “false fake lies”, the Congressional record and reference speak for themselves.
P.S. Calling me names do not make your points right.
July 5, 2022 at 5:16 pm
My points are proven Glenn.
DeSantis saved all children well being, opening schools. Suicides were diminished, parents worked. Society prospered.
He’s reformed school exams, tests and kids will be taught actual education not cultural, social morays.
K -3 protected. They have access to public school vouchers, poor and minorities actually getting access to better education Glenn.
Spare me the liberal handwringing.
DeSantis himself has helped raise teachers pay, twice with bonuses.
He’s changed testing. It takes multiple efforts. How bout some common respect and support.
Talk is cheap, we’ve witnessed the moronic incompetence, Biden/Harris, mayor pete, AOC, Sanders, and other incompetents.
DeSantis is a great Gov,
Florida is advancing under his leadership. The peeps see, it, feel it, live it, prospered under the freedom and liberty,
With over $20 billion in reserves, the re elected Gov and new super majorities will advance more change .
When you play with me, you gotta toughen up. I’m the FP legend.
July 4, 2022 at 3:09 pm
Rubio is a pathetic loser. I would like to grill him about how much money he gets from the nra. How much are they paying him for allowing our children to be shot. What a sad excuse for a human being
July 5, 2022 at 3:06 pm
Rubio has gotten over $3.300,000 from the NRA. Also what plans do the Republican have to reduce inflation and the high cost of gas. They will bitch about the problems but offer no solutions to fix these problems.
Also are the blaming the Democratic for the high price of gas and inflation in virtually every county on the planet?
July 5, 2022 at 5:23 pm
Wah Wah TJB & Beth.
NRA supports lawful firearms, owners. Let’s not demagogue.
Illinois guy, purchased legally,
Rubio had every right to accept contributions.
Dum Dum Demings apparently lost hers, that’s responsible gun ownership. Wah.
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