Elected leaders from Congresswoman Lois Frankel to Royal Palm Beach Mayor Fred Pinto pitch Michelle Oyola McGovern for Palm Beach County Commission in her first advertisement that’s hitting the airwaves soon.
McGovern is in a barnburner of a race with Democratic Rep. Matt Willhite to represent Palm Beach County’s agricultural swath, District 6. The two have been trading front-runner status in the money race. And now she’s getting instantly recognizable pols to introduce her to cable and TV viewers in the West Palm Beach market with a $40,000 ad buy.
The 30-second ad plays like a continuous conversation as it moves from scene to scene, touching on abortion rights, gun safety and constituent outreach.
“Michelle McGovern is a mom on a mission,” the narrator intones as a quick shot of the candidate talking to voters moves to Frankel sitting at her desk and then looking at the camera.
“She’s a fighter for reproductive freedom,” Frankel says, against light, cheerful music.
There’s another quick shot of McGovern in action and another voice familiar to anyone who’s watched state Senate hearings.
“McGovern won’t give an inch to the NRA (National Rifle Association), or anyone, to keep our children safe,” says Sen. Tina Polsky of Boca Raton, who’s introduced numerous bills seeking to tighten gun safety rules.
Mayor Pinto seems familiar with her previous incarnation as U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson’s Palm Beach liaison between constituents and the federal government. McGovern currently works as a hospital administrator at Baptist Health South Florida.
“And McGovern has helped countless residents with everything from housing to hope,” Pinto says.
Next up is Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne Gannon who exclaims, “She gets things done!”
And then the candidate herself speaks: “It’s just who I am,” McGovern says.
The camera is then back on Frankel at her desk for the wrap-up. “That’s why we’re with Michelle McGovern … all the way,” Frankel says.
“Michelle McGovern, a mom on a mission,” the introductory narrator intones as the ad ends with a shot of McGovern walking in front of a group of females of diverse ages and races.
McGovern has been neck-and-neck in the money race with Willhite for the seat that Commissioner Melissa McKinlay is vacating due to term limits. Democrat Sylvia Sharps is also in the race. The winner of the Aug. 23 Primary will face Republican Sara Baxter in November.
McGovern said the spot drives home what she’s all about.
“As our next County Commissioner for District 6, I’ll fight back against assaults on women’s bodily autonomy and stand up to the NRA to ensure we have stronger gun safety laws,” McGovern said in a news release. “And when it comes to our housing crisis, I have a real plan to keep families in their homes and reduce the barriers to home ownership.
“From housing to hope, I’m on the side of our residents, not the special interests” she added.
The district McGovern is vying to represent covers several western communities, largely regarded as the agricultural part of Palm Beach County, such as Belle Glade, Pahokee, South Bay and Wellington.