The Florida Holocaust Museum is condemning a neo-Nazi demonstration outside the Turning Point USA Summit in Tampa this weekend, calling it a “direct threat to the Jewish community.”
“Openly and proudly displaying genocidal symbols is a direct threat to the Jewish community. Carrying the Nazi flag, or that of the SS, the organization responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the Holocaust, is an indefensible act of pure hatred,” Florida Holocaust Museum chairman Mike Igel said in a statement.
The demonstration occurred outside of the Tampa Convention Center, with individuals waving neo-nazi flags, anti-Semitic posters and swastikas, alongside ‘DeSantis Country’ flags.
“This isn’t about politics or religion. It’s about humanity. The Florida Holocaust Museum calls upon everyone, Jew and non-Jew, regardless of political affiliation, to condemn this blatant antisemitism in the strongest possible terms. This should matter to everyone,” Igel said. “When antisemitic incidents occur that leverage chilling Nazi symbols, we are reminded of the importance of The Florida Holocaust Museum’s mission to preserve the memory of the Holocaust while educating future generations to prevent antisemitism and hatred of all kinds. We will not be deterred.”
Igel went on in his statement to thank Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature for supporting the museum’s program expansion.
The Legislature approved a $750,000 appropriation to the Florida Holocaust Museum this past Session to fund the museum’s efforts to digitize, index and preserve testimonies and artifacts from Holocaust survivors and liberators. The amount from the state accounts for about a third of the project’s funding, with another $15,000 provided by local government and about $1.54 million funded by donors. The Legislature approved the same amount of funding for the museum last year, with this year’s funds hoping to “build on and continue last year’s support for 21st Century interactive exhibits.”
“Today’s demonstration shows we have much work left to do but we thank Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida’s Legislature for their leadership this year to significantly expand The Florida Holocaust Museum’s ability to educate students, our community and state about the atrocities of the Holocaust and to show the way forward to a future free of hate,” Igel said.
In the last few years, the museum has been the target of anti-semitic attacks, including what investigators deemed a hate crime in May 2021, after graffiti was found on an outside wall, leading to an investigation by the St. Petersburg Police Department. The graffiti left the words “The Jews are guilty,” surrounded by swastikas.
Tampa Bay elected officials are also responding to the recent demonstration, with U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, who’s district includes the Florida Holocaust Museum, calling the act “reprehensible.”
“The reprehensible anti-Semitic hate and neo-Nazi demonstrations on display this weekend have no place anywhere in our state. Over the last year, Florida has seen a rise in anti-Semitic hate — anti-Semitic flyers left at hundreds of Florida homes, neo-nazi demonstrations in Orlando, and now neo-nazi flags waving outside a prominent Republican convention,” Crist said in a statement.
Crist went on the criticize the lack of response from DeSantis on the demonstrations.
“To date there’s been little to no response or condemnation from Governor Ron DeSantis. It’s reprehensible,” Crist added. “Florida needs a governor that will unequivocally, forcefully, condemn hate. Governor DeSantis is coddling anti-Semitism because he views these extremists as part of his political base. It’s just another reason he must be replaced in November.”
July 24, 2022 at 12:01 pm
When one closely and critically examines the current political scene it becomes apparent that DeSantis is “simply” following the quintessential right-wing extremist playbook in these regards. Crist, unfortunately, does make a valud point herein. Someone such as DeSantis should not have to be publicly shamed into decrying antisemitism, racisim, bigotry of any sort or public displays of behavior reflecting such ideologies.
July 24, 2022 at 12:05 pm
(- Apologies for the typo in my post that managed to escape review before my hitting that “POST COMMENT” button 😉
July 24, 2022 at 12:06 pm
Fox didn’t even cover this Nazi White Nationalist deplorable display of ignorance and intolerance. This is today’s Republican Party and to ignore bigotry is complicit.
Of course this is not the first instance. Republicans regularly attend such events with racist speakers on stage.
…..and it’s not just racism. Matt Gaetz speech at this event was misogynistic. Read it! His narrative is online at other news sites.
Vote Republicans out of office.
Impeach Biden
July 24, 2022 at 4:08 pm
Yes we would rather the likes of the Squad, Pelosi, Waters, Johnson, Warren, Wasserman-Schultz, Nadler, Biden, Harris. All those geniuses.
Joe Corsin
July 24, 2022 at 6:08 pm
They would do more for everyday Americans than GOP who exists solely to shovel money to the rich. Far right propaganda has made you a puppet for the rich. They throw you peanuts and tell you to be thankful that you have a pot to piss in. Laugh at you behind your back.
Impeach Biden
July 24, 2022 at 9:15 pm
What a ridiculous comment. Exhibit “A” the Pelosi’s.
Joe Corsin
July 24, 2022 at 9:40 pm
Exhibit AAA Super crook RICK SCOTT!!
Joe Corsin
July 24, 2022 at 12:58 pm
Vote RED for far right propaganda instead of Republicans doing something about neo-nazis
Vote RED poor culture that nourishes hate
Vote RED for lies in the name of God
Vote RED for hogs going nothing but grifting and claiming victory when things just happen to go right
Impeach Biden
July 24, 2022 at 1:15 pm
Curious if you have any sort of job or are you still living at home with mom and dad? Go find yourself a job and pay off that student debt. Don’t saddle me with your debt.
Joe Corsin
July 24, 2022 at 2:05 pm
^ This nutter is asking everyone if they have a job yet he is on here just like everyone else. Must be meth day for the clown….or perhaps he just doesn’t have the sense that God gave an ape.
Impeach Biden
July 24, 2022 at 3:24 pm
What is your fascination with meth? Maybe you have a problem with it. By the way I am subject to random drug testing at work, hopefully you are as well.😜
Joe Corsin
July 24, 2022 at 6:04 pm
^ Low wage slave…must pee in cup for slave master. Must wash masters feet to be considered a good Republican man.
July 24, 2022 at 7:48 pm
you are so stupid you don’t need drugs.. comes natural..
Impeach Biden
July 24, 2022 at 9:11 pm
Low wage slave. That’s funny Corsin. You have no idea, but please continue to embarrass yourself.
July 24, 2022 at 7:49 pm
paid my student loan.. now you are paying my disability.. and i love it..
Knicker? I hardly knew 'er
July 24, 2022 at 1:57 pm
Seems to me that payback on investment for perhaps the museum and Democrats is well worth the low cost of hiring some idiots to playact as N@zis.
It’s getting old, the constant accusations of racism from the Marxist ideologues. I and many others no longer care what you think of us. Your lies and self deceptions are clearly visible to more and more people every day.
July 24, 2022 at 2:31 pm
If what you propose had any credibility…. don’t you think Fox would be reporting your magical thinking?
You’re right about one thing ….. todays GQP doesn’t care. They are now fully compromised and accepting of White Nationalist behavior. Republicans can’t win elections without its basket of deplorables.
July 24, 2022 at 6:16 pm
In America they hated the Irish back then they hate orthodox they hate black they hate Spanish they hate Muslim they hate turkey.
July 24, 2022 at 6:31 pm
If Republican Nazis could point to one red State in the USA or even a foreign country that they have managed for the past four decades and say;
‘See …. This red state is an economic powerhouse ….. a model that Americans should follow”
If they could point to one idealized model ….. we might pay attention.
But we all know that red states are failed nanny states dependent on blue states for survival. Take for example Lindsey Graham’s failed state of South Carolina. For every dollar SC sends to the National treasury the State receives $7.50 in return.
Or how about Florida:
For every dollar Ron DeSantis sends to The National Treasury …. the State receives $4.50 in return.
Can you understand why Republicans use a Florida mailing address to avoid blue State taxes where they reside ten months per year? A Florida car registration and address is an ideal Republican grift to avoid a tax on their income.
July 24, 2022 at 7:46 pm
only viable answer to this issue is the gas chamber..
Joe Corsin
July 24, 2022 at 11:54 pm
They look just like typical Trumpists to me.
Just a comment
July 25, 2022 at 3:33 pm
I apologize for my lazy typing..I am not going to get carried away because of graffiti
People are resistant and resistant causes trouble.
Atheist don’t believe in policy’s of the bible or it’s religion.go fiqure they think it is a imagined bubble butt.something the superced the imagination.
July 25, 2022 at 3:37 pm
Something that supercedes the imagination
Pancho Villar
July 25, 2022 at 4:04 pm
Still no condemnation from DeSantis on this? That’s deplorable. It’s almost up there with Trump’s declaration of there being “very fine people on all sides” post Charlotesville.
MindYour OwnBusiness
August 3, 2022 at 7:37 pm
This world is a sad state of hate. Why us it only in America that we are so busy trying to control everyone? Tell everyone what to do, how to be and how not to be? If people just lived their life and minded their business we would be a lot better off. Why do people think it is their business if women have an abortion or if they are gay and get married? What on earth does it have to do with you? Americans must be the most entitled dumb-asses on this earth.
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