Both candidates for Tallahassee City Commission Seat 3 say they have the momentum going into the Aug. 23 Primary Election, touting endorsements and spending thousands on advertising.
From July 1 to July 22, the David Bellamy campaign raised more than double what incumbent City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow collected. Bellamy also more than doubled Matlow in spending.
During that time, Bellamy raised close to $27,000 and spent more than $134,000. The campaign gave more than $85,000 to the Nashville-based firm Counterpoint Messaging LLC.
The orthopedic surgeon and part-time police officer received multiple $1,000 donations from the Florida Police Benevolent Association, which endorsed him along with Tallahassee Realtors.
“I think that shows the broad range of support that David Bellamy has in the community,” said Bellamy’s political consultant, Reggie Cardozo.
“Voters are tired of Matlow’s divisiveness and lack of ideas. Since being elected he has nothing to show for, not one major idea or initiative or legislation that he’s championed. Voters believe David Bellamy understands the issues of good paying jobs, the affordable housing crisis, and helping solve the poverty and crime issue we face in Tallahassee.”
Matlow, meanwhile, raised around $12,000 in the first three weeks of July, spending $62,000. The campaign spent over $31,000 on advertising with Resonance Campaigns, Comcast and Cumulus Media. The Democrat said he isn’t worried about the financial support Bellamy has received.
“As we’ve seen from the beginning, my opponent’s main source of support has been wealthy special interests, and since then he hasn’t been able to grow his coalition,” Matlow said in a statement.
“Now he’s converting their money into negative personal attacks, polluting our community with negativity. But that’s OK — we have the momentum going into the final stretch. Despite their best efforts, we’re bringing positive reform to our city and his backers will fail in their attempt to buy City Seat 3.”
Last month, Bellamy was endorsed by former Florida State University President John Thrasher, while Matlow received the backing of former Tallahassee Mayor and City Commissioner Dot Inman-Johnson, Florida Conservation Voters and Florida National Organization for Women.
Bellamy filed to run against Matlow, who owns a pizza business, in October 2021. Though both candidates are Democrats, the Aug. 23 Primary Election is nonpartisan.
Leon County Resident
August 4, 2022 at 3:34 pm
Isn’t Reggie Cardozo a longtime Scott Maddox employee who lives in St. Pete?
Patient #3
August 4, 2022 at 3:57 pm
Conservative man builds broad support from conservative group and other conservative man.
Governance, Inc
August 4, 2022 at 5:08 pm
A few cops and realtors = “Broad support” lmao get lost Reggie
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