Dianne Williams-Cox will stay on Seat 5 of the Tallahassee City Commission after defeating challengers Shelby Green and Adner Marcelin.
With all 80 precincts reporting, the incumbent garnered 52.2% of the vote, while Marcelin got 28.7% and Green received 19%.
“I thank God and the voters for the opportunity to continue to serve the great people of Tallahassee,” Williams-Cox said.
Williams-Cox was first elected in 2018 with a decisive victory over opponent Bob Lotane. The Quincy native and FAMU graduate touts more than 30 years of experience in the public and private sector.
Williams-Cox said poverty “is the root cause of many issues that we face in our community.”
“We made it a key part of our strategic plan at my insistence so that we could measure and monitor the impact,” she said. “Creating job opportunities, providing job training opportunities, livable wages, affordable housing, and reducing gun violence will aid in the reduction and future eradication of poverty and this is exactly what we have been doing.”
Williams-Cox was endorsed by the Big Bend Police Benevolent Association, Grow Tallahassee, former City Commissioner Elaine Bryant as well as former Leon County School Board member Maggie Lewis-Butler. Among Marcelin’s endorsements were the Tallahassee Professional Firefighters Union, the Leon County Democratic Environmental Caucus, Crump, former Mayor Dot Inman-Johnson — who served as his Campaign Manager — and City Commissioner Jack Porter.
The Williams-Cox campaign raised $13,450 in August, spending $20,833, including more than $13,000 on advertising. Marcelin, meanwhile, raised over $5,000 in August, spending just $2,410.
The annual salary for the office is $41,972.