“Top Gov” Ron DeSantis told a national audience Tuesday that timing was everything when it came to the release of his latest ad.
Fox and Friends viewers were the first to hear that DeSantis’ new “Top Gov” ad is timed to capitalize on the streaming debut of “Top Gun: Maverick,” thus continuing DeSantis’ exploitation of the summer sequel to the 1986 blockbuster starring Tom Cruise.
“So we came out with the Top Gov when the movie came out,” DeSantis explained. “The merchandise did really well. Now, because it’s coming out on streaming today, we figured there would be more interest in it. So I figured, ‘How could we do it?'”
The ad shows DeSantis explaining the art of “dogfighting” with “the corporate media,” with spliced-in footage of DeSantis belittling TV reporters along with shots of the Governor in a flight suit. While fighter pilots may quibble with comparisons of press conference duty to flying jets during combat, the former Navy vet clearly sees the activities as analogous.
DeSantis has been co-branding around “Top Gun: Maverick” all summer, offering various assertions about the world that he somehow found a way to relate to the movie.
DeSantis, appearing on the Aug. 13 episode of the Glenn Beck Show, blasted the Department of Defense for not living up to the standards of the film,
“I take my son to watch “Top Gun: Maverick,” right? And you’re proud of seeing the pilots and all that. Then in real life, what’s the Navy doing? They’re focusing on pronouns and all these other things, this woke garbage, while China’s laughing at us,” DeSantis lamented.
He even lauded the movie on spec, before he saw it.
“I do want to see it at some point. I think it’s just, you know, it’s like any movie that’s not, like, overwhelmingly woke can actually appeal to normal people,” DeSantis said on June 9.
Later that month, DeSantis invoked the movie in contending he doesn’t poll.
“Too many politicians, they get paralyzed by these polls,” he continued. “A leader needs to understand where ‘true north’ is. You know, have you guys seen ‘Top Gun: Maverick‘? The Navy, like, we always know where true north is. … These ships are out there, you’ve got these planes landing on the carrier, the jets,” DeSantis said, calling their efforts “really impressive” in remarks to the Boys State Program.
Tribute merchandise has included black-and-white T-shirts ($30), posters ($25), and koozies (two for $15).
For DeSantis, the brand synergy has offered a convenient narrative hook. DeSantis was a commissioned U.S. Navy JAG Officer deployed in the global war on terror as an adviser to a U.S. Navy SEAL Commander in support of the SEAL mission in Iraq, where DeSantis earned a Bronze Star.
Elliott Offen
August 23, 2022 at 9:49 am
Vote for Charlie and enter to win a $10,000 gift certificate to Walmart. Also bus rides to the polls will be given at yet to be disclosed locations throughout Florida. Receive a $50 gift certificate or cash when you return to the bus with proof that you voted for Charlie. Also receive $50 for each additional person that you bring…and who votes for Charlie. Email me for more details, times, and locations.
August 23, 2022 at 10:37 am
Nothing like mayor Daley, Chicago and Tammany hall, NYC vote buying!
Top Gov will crush chameleons balls!
Flip flopper, Repub., so called independent and meaningless Dem. what a political prostitute.
Talk about having it 3 ways in politics. Nancy Pelosi’s poodle.
Only FP and Charlie himself thinks he’s created elected service. LMAO, Biden’s at 36% approval in Florida!
America’s Gov will sweep all with him, Marco wins, 4 new Cong house seats, GOP. Super majorities in legislature.
Jay Smif
August 23, 2022 at 6:15 pm
Short, pudgy, and weak Ronny D is a massive pussy and and aspiring fascist, snowflake. He’s openly laughed at nationwide, other than in your “turning point” circle-jerk-circles.
“America’s governor.” HA HA HA.
Charlie Crist
August 24, 2022 at 5:52 am
Bonuses for first responders was vote buying. Let’s concentrate on Florida shall we…
Tena Cantrell
August 26, 2022 at 3:41 pm
No dicki mean charlie,those were earned,we’re was your ass during COVID-19,locked up at home,while we worked every day,in it’s face,be thankful your, governor protects your rights and ability to choose,he has reinforced your state’s ability for good medical care by doing the right thing while state’s around you were allowing there healthcare care workers to be fired leading to a shortage of healthcare workers ,witch leads to poor if any healthcare services,so look around the rest of the nation before slamming your governor,those bonuses were more than earned, I’m thinking of coming to your state as a nurse, maybe you will have the pleasure of my service, since you still have a strong healthcare policy and economy,have a nice day.
Impeach Biden
August 23, 2022 at 10:51 am
Looks like the impending Red Tsunami is beginning to have an effect on the Corsin / Offen cast of misfits. His postings are becoming more and more bizarre, probably due to excess drug and alcohol consumption.
Elliott Offen
August 23, 2022 at 11:25 am
Fat Cammack’s red tsunami will wash out your filthy mouth…when she sits on it with 500 lb azz
August 23, 2022 at 1:58 pm
Yes impeach, total retardation as corsin and offen are now Alex.
Openly advocating corrupt acts.
Pathetic Soros Manchurians.
Elliott Offen
August 23, 2022 at 3:29 pm
^ Has schizophrenic delusions and hallucinations. Taking about “Soros Manchurians”…a high school or middle school child couldn’t even decipher such nonsense…and would avoid such an individual.
David In Shoreline
August 23, 2022 at 6:49 pm
I thought the ad was awesome. None of the press are really talking about the Governor’s son co-starring in the ad. Very compelling. Will be a huge hit amongst moms. Let’s turn and burn!
Karen Reeff
August 23, 2022 at 9:59 pm
“Fascist Gov” is the correct representation of who he is. White Christian Nationalist with no regard for separation of religion and state. Not very American. Quotes lies about founding fathers. Shows a Harvard education doesn’t mean anything when you are a lying snarky P.O.S.
Florida is not at all Free with Gov. Deathstruction the gerrymanderer who a judge has to shut down, fights with Disney that increases Floridians taxes, educate his Christian way teachers or quit, etc. Fake Gov.
Save the state and the country and shut him up!
August 26, 2022 at 3:47 pm
It’s funny that your name is Karen,you must be joy Barr’s cousin, LMAO

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