Whether Gov. Ron DeSantis is ready to run for President or not, a group unaffiliated with him bets that 2024 voters will be “ready for Ron” nonetheless.
Self-styled “advocates and spokespeople” for the effort, called “Ready for Ron,” assert “growing momentum as the only credible organization working to draft, and elect, Ron DeSantis as President in 2024.”
“We are 100% committed to drafting and electing Ron DeSantis in 2024. Ron DeSantis is the best choice to carry the America first agenda forward,” veteran political consultant Ed Rollins said, in an email from the group making the rounds this week.
Much of the momentum has been via the most persuasive of all forms of political messaging: opinion editorials, including one from Rollins himself.
“With a commitment to defending the rights of parents, getting inflation and government spending under control, and solving the problems the radical left causes, DeSantis can unify the grassroots activists and his volunteers and donors. Undeterred by bullies and the woke mob alike, he is listening and putting people first every step of the way. No class warfare — only common ground,” read a Rollins placement in Real Clear Politics.
“From Florida to the blue states north and west, America is ready for Mr. DeSantis. He will make America great again, carrying on the (Donald) Trump tradition and inspiring hope in our country yet again. It can’t come soon enough,” wrote Lilian Rodrigues Baz, Ready for Ron’s Chief Legal Counsel wrote in The Washington Times.
Though this effort continues apace, it is not with the sanction of Ron DeSantis’ political operation.
Fox News reported in June that Team DeSantis was warning donors off of Ready for Ron. Campaign legal counsel Benjamin Gibson said the PAC is “actively taking financial resources away from Governor DeSantis and his re-election efforts” in an “aggressive media campaign to promote itself.”
August 29, 2022 at 2:37 pm
They forgot to mention Christian Nationalist Ron’s two-time veto of contraceptives for lower income women. No birth control, no abortion….what is Ron’s plan for Florida women and girls?
David In Shoreline
August 29, 2022 at 2:56 pm
I’m ready for Ron! Run, Ron, Run. Best Governor in America will one day be POTUS.
Charlie Crist
August 29, 2022 at 3:03 pm
Best governor for the rich! Hear hear! For everyone else, piss poor working conditions, piss poor pay, and forced birth of meth babies and crack babies!
August 31, 2022 at 10:43 pm
WOW! Elon Musk bragged about Ron and liked him so much Ron got several million dollars from the “real republicans”. You know the RINOS.
August 29, 2022 at 3:59 pm
Why is Florida responding to the teacher shortage by lowering professional standards in the classroom? Why is Florida hiring college dropouts with two years of college to fill vacancies? Florida has about 9,000 vacant teaching positions in schools across the state, according to the most recent data from the Florida Department of Education.
While Florida has paid lip service to increase starting salaries, the state ranks 48th in the nation when it comes to average teacher salaries, according to an April report by the National Education Association. The teaching environment here is also worsening, as DeSantis and other Republicans have made grade schools and universities the latest battle grounds in partisan culture wars. Qualified teachers are professionals and certainly don’t want to be looking over their shoulder for the next unhappy legislator or parent ready to sue for financial gain.
mike chirco
September 1, 2022 at 10:47 am
Ron will win in landslide and we will take the house
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