U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is speaking out against a group of migrants suing Gov. Ron DeSantis in the wake of their controversial transport to Martha’s Vineyard.
“The first thing they do is get lawyers,” Rubio said of three Venezuelan migrants suing the Florida Governor in federal court in the wake of last week’s flight that took 50 people from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, with a brief stopover in Florida.
“People came into this country illegally, violating our laws, OK, and the first thing they do is get lawyers and use our laws to sue an elected Governor, to sue a state,” Rubio said.
“Just think about that. They just got here. They’re not even here legally. Didn’t enter the country the proper way. And they’re immediately in court demanding rights and claims under our laws. It’s outrageous,” Rubio continued. “What other country in the world would even tolerate that?”
Rubio made the comments on Wednesday’s “America Reports” on the Fox News Channel, the latest indication that the Governor’s decision to fly these immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard continues to be a hot topic with national media.
The DeSantis administration is likewise on the defensive in the wake of the legal filing.
“The transportation of the immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard was done on a voluntary basis,” Communications Director Taryn Fenske said in a statement to the Texas Tribune.
“The immigrants were homeless, hungry, and abandoned — and these activists didn’t care about them then. Florida’s program gave them a fresh start in a sanctuary state and these individuals opted to take advantage of chartered flights to Massachusetts. It was disappointing that Martha’s Vineyard called in the Massachusetts National Guard to bus them away from the island within 48 hours.”
DeSantis was in Melbourne Tuesday when he took multiple questions about a chartered flight purportedly headed to Delaware and was deliberately coy, refusing to “confirm” the rumor that turned out to be bunk, as the flight never made it there.
“He didn’t tell anyone and purposely left people in the dark. So technically the media, the Democrats, everyone got punked who decided to heed some s*** on Twitter instead of waiting for confirmation from the Governor’s Office,” a source told NBC News. “The entire point of this is to put a spotlight on the border. It’s what the Governor has said.”
September 21, 2022 at 10:16 am
Typically irrational and ignorantly-speaking Republican politicians of Florida. Ugh…
David Nieto
October 1, 2022 at 10:39 am
Speaking of “ignorantly-speaking”—you may want to look in the mirror.
September 21, 2022 at 10:16 am
Marco is correct, it’s a abomination.
Illegals violating American sovereignty.
Suing, the nerve.
Biden Harris, appalling. People flown at 3 am around the country. Harris saying the border secure. Just abysmal.
Corp media hid this, refusing to ask questions.
Fake issues being projected by Dem media.
America’s Governor forced the change.
Jay Smif
September 21, 2022 at 10:27 am
Oh weak little tommy, how quickly you forget that when your white-trash family washed up on these shores just a few decades ago, all they had to do was walk right in, and immediately become citizens. I’d happily trade you and your entire Oxy-addled Florida trash klan for a few groups of hardworking immigrants from Central America today.
Fascist, pudgy, whiny Ronny D really f*cked the poodle once again with his latest, pathetic stunt, and America hates the little dictator who you think is god.
September 21, 2022 at 11:57 am
Scum bag sniffer, you must be associated with Joey corsin incest clan.
Nothing like defining them as
“ illegals” to make you mentally deranged. You must enjoy the incest.
Your ignorance is greater than I realized. Legal immigration is lawful.
Not the 2.5 million illegals, scum bag.
Legal” u moron.
Corinne Kirby
September 21, 2022 at 1:44 pm
my feelings exactly
September 21, 2022 at 10:58 am
Little Marco’s parents also violated American sovereignty by coming here from Cuba. DeathSantis’s Grand Father also violated American sovereignty by coming here through Chain Migration from Italy..
Deport them all !
September 21, 2022 at 11:59 am
Lies, you know nothing like sniffer!
Charlie Crist
September 21, 2022 at 3:30 pm
👆Vote for me. I’ll douse this bum with expensive gasoline and light him.
Julio Gomez-Lopez
September 21, 2022 at 10:38 am
We were slapped and kicked at we boarded the plane. There were sexual assaults. DeSantis should be arrested..
September 21, 2022 at 10:54 am
PolitiFact: FALSE
Julio Gomez-Lopez
September 21, 2022 at 11:28 am
I saw it you puta!!
September 21, 2022 at 12:21 pm
Whine on Marco. This lawsuit will be tied up in the courts until 2024…..and now Florida taxpayers have to subsidize the $600,000 flight and the litigation.
Why didn’t Marco write legislation to make it impossible for the undocumented to cross into this country? That is you’re job!
Phil Morton
September 22, 2022 at 4:34 am
Blaming the victims is a time honored Republican tradition.
September 22, 2022 at 8:20 am
Little Marco – America is supposed to be founded on the rule of law. The judicial branch was established to allow for disputes to be resolved peacefully consistent with the law. Apparently, you reject this foundation of our democracy, Little Marco. You should be ashamed of yourself, Little Marco. And BTW, we don’t pay you to shoot your big mouth off on Fix Entertainment. We pay you to be a Senator, which involves actually showing up to vote on proposed laws. You usually don’t bother to show up and vote in our US Senate. What a pathetic joke you are Little Marco. FYYCSMF
Lex Taylor
September 22, 2022 at 9:51 am
These illegal immigrants went from a border town inundated with similar illegal immigrants to an affluent “sanctuary city”. How can the illegal immigrants show a legal damage? ICE should show up and deport them at the first hearing they attend. These lawsuits have no basis other than to distract from the fact that politicians from the North who are far less affected by illegal immigration than the South and are okay with non-existent border policy because it doesn’t affect them and they can get cheap labor.
Sounds like
September 22, 2022 at 6:57 pm
“The first thing they do is get lawyers”
Falso is mad.
September 25, 2022 at 11:01 pm
What about the rights of Arizonans’s & Texan’s that have lived o the border all of their life?? They now have to carry guns bcuz of illegals and drug runners. Rancher’s fences & water lines are cut, their cattle stolen or slaughter. This happens daily. The cattle ranchers are going broke. The owner of the oldest cattle ranch in AZ was killed years ago either by illegals or drug runners. The ranch had been in his family over 70 years. My parents & friends live in an upper class neighborhood 35 miles from Mexico. They have to carry guns bcuz of the illegals & drug runners. The new thing is to pay someone a thousand dollars to load up their vehicle with illegals and race thru town. This situation caused 2 innocent Americans’d their lives. What about the major military post that is close to the border? The military base is the hqs for the army spy school & all of army communications. Who knows who’s coming into our country, spies? Biden has closed the border checkpoints that go from the Mexican border to the rest of AZ. Biden has taken down the aerostat that has radar and detects drug runners, planes & illegals. What about American’s civil rights. I do feel for the illegals. However, Biden, Harris, peloski & democrats need to come live on the border for a year. I’ve lived in AZ since 1971, I remember when Sierra vista AZ was safe & there were no illegals or lots of drugs coming across the border. 75 miles from where I grew up they found a drug tunnel.
September 26, 2022 at 11:33 am
Why won’t these states help to pay for the problems facing Florida?
Ross Schwartz
October 4, 2022 at 11:30 am
I’m a little disappointed Florida Politics did not point out the fact that they were not here illegally. They requested asylum which is legal and I find it hard to believe Lil Marco didn’t know this. He was just pandering to his base and judging by some of these comments it clearly worked.
And then he proceeded to claim they are immediately got lawyers. DeSantis flew these people to Lawyer Island. Martha’s Vineyard has probably more lawyers per capita than anyplace in the US, and most of them are liberal. They were probably fighting over who got the case. These immigrants are just looking for a better life and the last thing on their mind would have been hiring lawyers had DeSantis not been stupid enough to deliver them right to their lawyer’s homes.
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