Charlie Crist plans to pause his bid for Governor to help the current Governor, his political rival, assist Hurricane Ian-battered Floridians.
Instead of campaigning, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee will spend Saturday as a “Day of Action,” providing supplies and resources for hurricane relief. And after witnessing Southwest Florida’s devastation firsthand, Crist announced he’s promoting Gov. Ron DeSantis’ preferred relief fund.
“Our team will be focused on one thing and one thing only — doing all we can to help our fellow Floridians,” Crist said during a Zoom news conference. “This means ceasing campaign operations and combining our efforts to mobilize supplies and resources to the places they are most needed.”
Displaying some agreement with the Governor he’s trying to remove from office, Crist urged Floridians to support or volunteer with VolunteerFlorida.org. It’s the same organization that’s linked to the Florida Disaster Fund, the state’s official private fund which the current First Lady Casey DeSantis launched Wednesday as Hurricane Ian began pummeling the Gulf Coast.
The fund raised $12 million in its first 24 hours, Casey DeSantis announced on Fox and Friends Friday.
Getting the money to where the needs are the greatest overrides any political consideration, his staff said. His campaign is calling it one of the worst natural disasters to hit Florida. And it’s caused around $65 billion in property damage across the state, his office is estimating.
Crist and Venice Mayor Ron Feinsod toured scenes of the devastation in Sarasota and Charlotte counties Friday. Among the sights Crist described on the ground: downed power lines, campers flipped over, a small plane that had been blown into a house and water still rising.
“It’s remarkable what we’ve been through and tragic beyond words,” he said.
Again, he declined to criticize DeSantis’ disaster performance.
“I want to make sure we’re focused on doing what’s right for giving comfort and aid to our fellow Floridians,” Crist said.
Similarly, the war of words DeSantis routinely lobbed against President Joe Biden disappeared once Hurricane Ian’s track showed a path to Florida.
September 30, 2022 at 6:48 pm
Chameleon is paused, he never started.
He’s been off.
September 30, 2022 at 8:14 pm
Oh yeah I almost forgot…Tropical 2 ocean windcane!
September 30, 2022 at 8:46 pm
Demented, when you mock a national
September 30, 2022 at 11:02 pm
You are the one who said “Tropical 2 hurricane” you fking imbecile 😆
October 1, 2022 at 1:56 pm
Tom legend here.
Kiss my ass you demented pieces of manure, Joey corsin, idiot Elliot. You are both pieces of filth. Chinese bots, fake, no balls aliases.
I made a error on category at that tine. No one was predicting a cat 5 essentially. It was a tropical storm before Cuba. You pathetic degenerates are scum of the earth. Obviously born by a whore! Go fuck your mommy degenerates Joey and ass Elliot.
Combined you both are unable to conduct a substantive topic.
October 1, 2022 at 1:59 pm
Demented, degenerates.
Tom Legend here.
Finding joy in a natural disaster.
Born by scum Joey and Elliot.
Charlie Crist
October 2, 2022 at 8:16 am
“Tropical” is not a category Tom. Vote for me. I’ll get Tom the mental health treatment that he needs… inpatient psychiatric hospitalization.
September 30, 2022 at 11:40 pm
I’m like super crack head Mike Lindell. We’re doing a class action lawsuit against all machines 😆
David in Shoreline
October 1, 2022 at 2:06 pm
Wow, Crist is essentially saying “I support everything Governor DeSantis is doing to respond to Hurricane Ian.”
Governor DeSantis has the endorsement of nearly all of the state’s sheriffs amongst many other notable endorsements. And now he’s endorsed by Charlie Crist.
October 1, 2022 at 7:41 pm
Insurance premiums tripled in 3 yrs.under DeSantis. He gave Citizens $2B out of tax wallets, on top of the premium increases. DeSantis approved a $5 million rate increase for FPL over the next 4 yrs. He has increased the cost of living for old people in Fl! Who votes for this nonsense? Only those old stupid ppl that have been indoctrinated or as in Tom’s case, hired by Desantis’s Russian squeeze, Christina Pushaw. The Russian who forgot to register as a foreign agent until the FBI came knocking at her door.
Then to top it off, she only registered one of the oligarchs she woks for, and left the one still in jail off the forms.
Maybe she told Tom why she did that..No matter, the FBI is looking at her lies….
Mario Accaoui
October 1, 2022 at 6:49 pm
You are not going to win unless a lot more because Desantis is always on TV.
He is on every channe;l I watch.
October 1, 2022 at 7:51 pm
Ian took more than every major Repugnant county in the state of FL (over 47%R) It took any dreams Desantis ever had of a political future…Every homeowner is blaming DeSantis for the games he played for three years to get the lowest common denominator voter in FL.
Funny, 5M are a hell of a lot less voters that could let him win, when there are over 15.5 Million voters in FL. And more than half the Repuglicons in FL are Never Trrumpers. lol
It didn’t help that every FL House and Senator in Congress voted NO for FEMA.
Guess, they did not want to see DeSantis, get on his knees to President Biden then give him a big hug and kiss.
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