An effort will continue to have Florida award its Electoral College votes for President based on the popular vote.
Rep. Michael Gottlieb, a Davie Democrat, filed his first bill of the new legislative term. The Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote (HB 53) would join Florida in a multi-state compact and change how the nation’s chief executive is decided every four years.
Gottlieb’s picking up an effort championed for years by former Rep. Joseph Geller, an Aventura Democrat who could not seek re-election last year thanks to term limits.
“We should follow the will of the voters,” Gottlieb said.
The bill would mark a change in how Florida determines its slate of Electoral College members each year. Right now, state parties submit slates to cast Florida’s electoral votes for President, and those electors cast votes for whoever wins the statewide election for President. The winner-takes-all system is like that used in most states.
Gottlieb’s bill as written would award all the state’s votes to whoever won the national popular vote for President, but the change notably would only go into effect if enough states adopted such a system to guarantee a candidate’s victory in the Electoral College.
Notably, 15 states already passed laws making it part of a compact. Those states collectively represent 195 Electoral College votes. But since it takes 270 Electoral College votes to win the presidential election, none of those states yet use the national popular vote to award electors. Florida in the 2024 presidential election will have 30 electoral votes.
Of note, the South Florida lawmaker is taking up the issue at a time when there’s a movement afoot to put more power in the hands of state Legislatures when it comes to choosing electors.
After the 2020 Election, some loyalists to former President Donald Trump argued legislatures should have the ability to override state popular votes on who should receive electoral votes for President. The theory was a key part of a legal strategy considered by Trump’s attorneys after the 2020 Election that suggested Legislatures from swing states won by Democrat Joe Biden approve alternative slates of electors. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis notoriously suggested such a course after the 2020 vote went to Biden; Trump notably won Florida and a Republican slate of electors awarded the state’s electoral votes to Trump per existing law.
Gottlieb said the most important aspect of the bill, in his mind, is that the vote of the people decides where Florida’s electoral votes go.
“The Electoral College in the state of Florida will follow the popular vote,” he said, “not the will of the Legislature, not the will of the Governor.”
As it happens, Gottlieb prefers the state’s votes still go to the winner of the state even if that’s not the winner of the national vote. That ensures Florida’s importance as a swing state.
But he said he is taking up the national vote bill to ensure the popular vote reigns supreme, despite what happens within Legislatures and how case law develops.
December 18, 2022 at 7:12 pm
Follow the voters my foot! This is a step to get rid of the Electoral college which you know full well means that New York, LA, Miami and Chicago will determine all the elections. Middle America may as well stay home because our votes won’t count! Where do we find these jerks!
Joe Corsin
December 18, 2022 at 8:29 pm
It means that whoever gets the most votes wins. Your attempt to spin it into something else is sad. Why the hell should we allow rural apes to put more deadbeats into power just to make them feel better? They’re sending the same empty suits to national government who are responsible for non-advancement in their districts. They’ve got no plans to do anything but let rich people get more rich. Otherwise they just sit there and fill a seat!
December 18, 2022 at 9:28 pm
Karen, why do you think your vote should count more than someone’s from Los Angeles? What if there was a movement to tie voting power to income? Would that be fair in your mind? What about eduction level? HS diploma x 1, bachelors degree x 2, masters degree x 3. There are all sorts of things we could tie voting to and I am sure there are plenty of Republicans in Orange County, CA and Sacramento who wish it wasn’t tied to geography. One person, one vote is the only fair way to do it.
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 12:31 am
You asked why a rural vote should count more than an urban vote. The answer is obvious. Because urban people shit where they eat.
Cities are inherently unsustainable above a certain population density. Look at any Democrat run Urban Shithole to know that it is fact.
The cities need the countrysides, the countrysides do not need the cities. We don’t need the homelessness, the crime, the corruption, diseases, depravity, pollution, congestion, the wasted resources, etc.
Everybody gets one vote for having a pulse. Every person could earn additional votes based on their contribution to society. Pay $1,000,000 in cumulative lifetime taxes get another vote. Own your own home get one more. Own five or more rental units and earn another still. Have kids get another (local only) while they are in school, but only if you pay municipal taxes! Operate a business with $1M or more in payroll adds one more vote to the owner’s tally. And for those that teach, if they can maintain 90% of their past (two years ago) students endorsement, they get an additional vote, fall below that approval rating & lose it.
What would that accomplish? It keeps politicians from competing to bribe non-stakeholders to win elections. Because non-stakeholders are at a strong disadvantage with only a single vote. The people that have contributed to society can easily amass three votes, and many will have five voted to wield. And since they are the stakeholders that actually pay the taxes, they are going to hole their politicians accountable, and simply not elect Democrat panderers, whose real plan is to redistribute the wealth they as stakeholders earned, to those that did little to nothing.
Jay Smif
December 19, 2022 at 9:15 am
It’s one person, one vote, princess. If you don’t like the way it works, I’ll be happy to forcibly deport you at gunpoint, which I may do on general principle, white trash cowgirl that you are.
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 3:52 pm
Is that a threat? Ahhh, never mind. For it to be a threat I’d have to take it and you seriously. You are all talk, nothing but a big mouth hiding behind a Fake Alias.
Joe Corsin
December 19, 2022 at 10:17 am
@Paul Pizza: I hate to tell you but your voting scheme would mean more votes for the Democrats since most educated people are now voting blue…and as far as representation is concerned your scheme would actually favor people who live in cities. You have a faulty view of cities. You think they are just one huge Mad Max style hellscape which they are not. They have problems but not as big as you’d like people to think. You’re a mad man. You might be smart enough to make a dollar but otherwise you’re a nut job. After hearing your rants I wouldn’t give you a dime but luckily for you there’s always stupid people who will.
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 2:56 pm
Joe, I would never ask you for a dime.
And I think you grossly overestimate the productivity of the Ignorant Urban Useful Idiots. (IUUI).
It took me 10 minutes to think of six criteria that would effectively disenfranchise the Moochers (q.v. “Atlas Shrugged”) from the votes they wield that are destroying society and return the power to the people that earned it.
The fact that you would embrace my suggestion believing that it would give the IUUI more political authority tickles my funny bone in ways you probably cannot understand. That wasn’t my goal, but it brings me happiness to think that the people that need to be stopped would willingly embrace the methods that would stop then from destroying us all.
I see # possible outcomes.
1) Those that are destroying the country come to an epiphany and stop.
2) Those that are destroying the country break the camel’s back and are put down en-masse, by their own stupid & short sighted leaders.
3) Those that are watching the country be destroyed, do nothing, and watch the greatest nation the Earth has ever known die with a whimper, followed by chaos.
I’d prefer #1, I’d support #2, I dread #3. But I can tell you one thing in all three cases, I survive.
There is also #4, where the people that are doing the destroying try to achieve “The Final Solution” by becoming impatient with the ones that desire only to be left alone. They will wake the sleeping giant, and the consequences will be far worse than #3 above.
I don’t know who survives #4, but I can guarantee that no one wins.
As for your side, you had better pray that #1 is the path taken. Because the only urbanites I see coming out of the other three scenarios unscathed are the rats & the cockroaches, maybe a few pigeons.
December 19, 2022 at 3:17 pm
Well, Karen, extra votes based on contributions to society would be fair. Unpaid labor is valuable, so pregnancy, childbirth and parenting should earn you a few votes. Shopping for your family, helping with homework, providing dinner, laundry services, and whatever else you do in the home would get you a couple.
Others eligible for extra votes: Workers whose labor produces goods and services that are essential to society and the economy, anyone who produces anything that someone else collects a profit from, consumers, artists, musicians, poets and authors, librarians, medical trial volunteers, vegans, those who participate in advocacy or direct action for women’s rights and animal rights, English majors…
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 4:00 pm
cassandra of the swamp
December 20, 2022 at 1:12 pm
December 20, 2022 at 2:06 pm
(my attempts to add links always go somewhere for 12 hours, sometimes I am not allowed to comment at all!)
Paul Passarelli
December 20, 2022 at 3:57 pm
Cute. You posted a piece of 110 year old Socialist propaganda. No one with any intelligence ever actually saw that as anything more than a false banner to rally the ignorant.
Sure like all good lies it does contain a few kernels of truth, but the big picture is still fundamentally a lie.
I can assure you that I have *NOTHING* to do with the delays in posting. My comments too are frequently held for moderation. But I think it’s just a timer to keep the frequency of exchanges down to a dull murmur.
Paul Passarelli
December 20, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Paul Passarelli
December 20, 2022 at 3:57 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
December 20, 2022 at 7:31 pm
Reply to you at 3:58pm:
Are you asking me for specific examples?
Woman on lowest level works at a widget factory, where her employer’s total cost for inputs such as her labor/materials/everything else is $.50 per widget. The employer sells each at $1, .50 of which he puts in his pocket and enjoys dinner and drinks on level two with the lovely lady in red, engaging in lively repartee heavily laced with double entendre and much eyelash batting.
On payday, worker woman sees that her check is missing OT pay for the extra hour the boss required her to work late. She confronts the boss, who refuses to pay the $15. She calls the police residing on level 3 to report the wage theft. They hang up on her. On the way out the door she steals a couple widgets to trade for baby food. Boss calls the police who arrest her. The boss fires her. She loses her health insurance, house, car, maybe her kids.
She goes to church on level 4, where she confesses to the widget theft and asks for forgiveness. The priest tells her that she is forgiven, her suffering is God’s mysterious will, and her reward awaits her in Heaven.
Level 5 makes, enforces and judges the rules that protect the rich and powerful like the boss and other PP owners, but control her. The police protect her boss’s profit/widgets but not her paycheck or her children’s right to food, for example.
Top level is what it’s all about.
You can’t possibly have wanted all this!
December 20, 2022 at 10:52 pm
Are you asking me for specific examples?
Woman on lowest level works at a widget factory, where her employer’s total cost for inputs such as her labor/materials/everything else is $.50 per widget. The employer sells each at $1, .50 of which he puts in his pocket and enjoys dinner and drinks on level two with the lovely lady in red, engaging in lively repartee heavily laced with double entendre and much eyelash batting.
On payday, worker woman sees that her check is missing OT pay for the extra hour the boss required her to work late. She confronts the boss, who refuses to pay the $15. She calls the police residing on level 3 to report the wage theft. They hang up on her. On the way out the door she steals a couple widgets to trade for baby food. Boss calls the police who arrest her. The boss fires her. She loses her health insurance, house, car, maybe her kids.
She goes to church on level 4, where she confesses to the widget theft and asks for forgiveness. The priest tells her that she is forgiven, her suffering is God’s mysterious will, and her reward awaits her in Heaven.
Level 5 makes, enforces and judges the rules that protect the rich and powerful like the boss and other PP owners, but control her. The police protect her boss’s profit/widgets but not her paycheck or her children’s right to food, for example.
Top level is what it’s all about.
You can’t possibly have wanted all this information!
Paul Passarelli
December 21, 2022 at 3:23 pm
No, you are correct. I didn’t want any of that crap. Because, well, because it was all crap.
Even if the first paragraph about widgets is 100% correct. The employer has earned the right to the four bits ($0.50) because the factory was built with his at risk capital!
If the woman can make widgets at home for anything less than the $1 then she should and pay herself the difference. If she can’t (and we all know that she can’t), then she should be happy she has a job that pays her for her labor, and that no one can take her earnings if the widget some customer buys does harm to the buyer or someone else. That’s the safety of wage labor.
The rest of that story is just the toothpick & pickle served with a shit sandwich. You’ll have to try much harder if you hope to make a valid point. Spewing propaganda doesn’t cut it when the audience has more than two operating brain cells.
December 22, 2022 at 5:31 pm
Reply to you at Dec 21 at 3:23 pm: Thank you, Paul.
Second paragraph: You state that “the employer has earned”. Your believing that something is true is not proof that it is. The “propaganda’s” purpose is to illustrate that it is false.
Third paragraph: Incorporation also brings “safety”.
The “toothpick” is neither decorative, nor a side dish. Its only purpose is to hold the c(r)apitalist Burger together.
What I think: If we currently had something like libertarian socialism or social anarchism and it was functioning relatively as well as capitalism is now, and someone proposed a new system where an owning class would conspire with a ruling class to force a working class into wage slavery so that the owners could accumulate extreme fortunes that could then be used to bribe the ruling class, I think the scheme/scam would be rejected.
It’s not about “free stuff”, even less about “bigger government”. Right-wingers calling themselves Libertarians require government to protect private property, which seems to be one of the few things Republicans consider deserving of freedom–guns too! (No, I don’t want to take your guns–or your Bible!)
Funny how conservatives co-opted “libertarian” from the Left. Now they have done the same with terms and concepts like: freedom, family, religion, Christian, flag, God, patriotic, USA, America, etc. It’s unfortunate the Democrats and media celebrities don’t seem interested in stopping the takeover!
Cold without snow is hardly worth it! Stay warm!
December 23, 2022 at 10:35 am
Reply to you at Dec 21 at 3:23 pm:
Thank you, Paul.
Second paragraph: You state that “the employer has earned”. Your believing that something is true is not proof that it is. The “propaganda’s” purpose is to illustrate that it is false.
Third paragraph: Incorporation also brings “safety”.
The “toothpick” is neither decorative, nor a side dish. Its only purpose is to hold the c(r)apitalist Burger together.
What I think: If we currently had something like libertarian socialism or social anarchism and it was functioning relatively as well as capitalism is now, and someone proposed a new system where an owning class would conspire with a ruling class to force a working class into wage slavery so that the owners could accumulate extreme fortunes that could then be used to bribe the ruling class, I think the scheme/scam would be rejected.
It’s not about “free stuff”, even less about “bigger government”. Right-wingers calling themselves Libertarians require government to protect private property, which seems to be one of the few things Republicans consider deserving of freedom–guns too! (No, I don’t want to take your guns–or your Bible!)
Funny how conservatives co-opted “libertarian” from the Left. Now they have done the same with terms and concepts like: freedom, family, religion, Christian, flag, God, patriotic, USA, America, etc. It’s unfortunate the Democrats and media celebrities don’t seem interested in stopping the takeover!
Cold without snow is hardly worth it. Stay warm!
Paul Passarelli
December 23, 2022 at 3:09 pm
you wrote: “… If we currently had something like libertarian socialism or social anarchism and it was functioning relatively as well as capitalism is now, …”
If I had a dollar to every time I had this debate with a Left Libertarian… {sorry} I was vice-chair of the LPCT for several years.
The problem with that assertion is that the scenario will never occur. I say that because it never has occurred in the history of mankind. OK, ok, that’s not entirely true. It works if the size of the community is between 50 & 150 souls. But beyond that it fails.
So when I say “the employer earned” the right, I say that because the employer created a business that almost certainly employs more than 50 people (assuming $1.00 widgets). It is the ability to generate wealth via capitalistic principles that allows the community to grow beyond the 150 person limit.
Of course of you prefer to break up the nation into <200 person communities, and charge them all to duplicate the core efforts that scream out for capitalization, OK, that's your delusion.
I invite you to read this poem: https://mises.org/library/tom-smith-and-his-incredible-bread-machine
December 18, 2022 at 7:20 pm
Cities with the highest concentration of voters would determine the outcome. Why would we want to do this?
Elliott Offen
December 18, 2022 at 8:36 pm
What the hell does it matter if “people in cities” determine the outcome? Because they live in more densely populated areas that means what? Who they vote for in a lot of cases would help people in rural areas, but the people in rural areas don’t believe that. Rural people vote for crumb bums who do nothing for them besides feed them a load of nationalist propaganda and pat them on the back for busting their arse for peanuts. They are anti-government besides locking people up so how will someone like that do anything to improve anyone’s life?
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 12:03 am
It matters because it’s far far easier to lie to and deceive urbanites into believing the most foolish of stories.
Want proof? just look at the urban shitholes run by Democrats. Lots of crime, homelessness, violence, illegal drugs, poverty, depravity, disease, higher prices, dirty air, dirty water, filthy streets, etc. Higher taxes, corrupt governments, wasted resources, pollution of all kinds including noise & light.
Elliott Offen
December 19, 2022 at 10:09 am
It’s far easier to dupe urbanites? Education levels are higher and much more wealth is generated in cities. All those negative things you cited are just externalities and don’t represent the majority of what’s going on in cities. Meanwhile we have rural people stoned on mind bending religion, far right and Q-Anon propaganda, anti-government propaganda, and many can’t even read! These are the people that Paul Pizza loves to grift off of. Join hands with trailer Tina you low class bum.
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 2:35 pm
Yeah, it is. Education & Intelligence have a far lower correlation that you’ve been told to believe.
Indoctrination is the defacto rule in the cities. That’s because even in the 21st century people are still easily frightened animals that find comfort in numbers.
They seek conformity. They yearn to be told what to do and when to do it, especially when the control comes with a great big illusory dose of ‘freedom’. True freedom is too scary for them to contemplate, because true freedom comes with true responsibility.
December 19, 2022 at 12:45 pm
Cities do not vote. People do. Citizens should have the freedom to live wherever they please without the government interfering (potentially coercing) through decreasing the value of a person’s vote if they move from a rural area to a city.
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 2:28 pm
And if you *READ* the Constitution, you’d understand that the people do not vote for the President! It’s only because of the dumbing down of Americans by the Progressive-Socialist left that you’ve been indoctrinated to think that’s the way it is. It’s not, it’s incorrect, it’s wrong. And anyone that says it is that way is a fool, and/or a liar.
December 20, 2022 at 12:26 am
Why *READ* when the PassarelliNotes Summary, Opinion & Insults Package is available??
Paul Passarelli
December 20, 2022 at 11:00 am
Only $299.95 for the rest of the year! $349. on January 1.
Order today and get an extra 100 pages of condescension & contempt for no additional cost.
How many can I put you down for?
Michael Tarnoff
December 20, 2022 at 4:27 pm
Paul Passerelli — you were correct when you stated that “people do not vote for the president”. They vote for electors, who then cast the state’s electoral votes for the president. However, you are mistaken to think that the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) changes that. It emphatically does not. Our Constitution clearly and unambiguously gives every state the right to decide for itself how they will allocate the electoral votes. Nearly every state has changed the way it allocates its electoral votes at least once during our country’s 245 year history — some have changes more than once, Even today, all 50 states do not use the same method for allocating their electoral votes. States that choose to join the NPVIC are CHOOSING to allocate their electoral votes for the candidate that wins the most votes nationally. They make that choice because they believe — based on circumstances now, in the year 2022 — it’s in the best interests of the citizens in their state, as well as best interests of the country of which their state is a part. And, if states with a majority of the electoral college votes (270) join the NPVIC, then the winner of the electoral college vote and the winner of the national popular vote will be the same candidate. Right now, there are 16 states plus Washington DC, with a combined total of 195 electoral votes, that have joined the NPVIC, so the Compact is 72% of the way toward the 270 vote majority. By exercising their right to change the way they allocate their electoral votes based on current circumstances, those states that join the NPVIC are doing exactly what our founders and our Constitution expected them to do.
Paul Passarelli
December 20, 2022 at 5:11 pm
You are technically correct. Right up to this point; you wrote: “They make that choice because they believe — based on circumstances now, in the year 2022 — it’s in the best interests of the citizens in their state, as well as best interests of the country of which their state is a part.”
Which is only partially true. Only fools & Democrats “believe” that the pact is in their best interest. Intelligent people *KNOW* that it is not!
It truly boggles the mind that the politicians in Connecticut have been able to bullshit the voters there to believe that the “Low Information Majority” in California, New York, Illinois, etc. could somehow execute better judgement tha themselves!
I mean that seriously. What kind of idiot hands over their sacred decision making authority to a mindless mob? Democrats; that’s who.
The people that support the pact are quite literally subversives to their state & their country. No wonder The Democrats in power find them so appealing to bribe.
It’s almost as if the Democrats are enamoured of the idea of pushing the country into a violent civil war. Not along geographic lines but on ideological divisions within communities.
Again I cannot imagine that any Americans would be so stupid as to push the country in that direction, but I can envision foreign agents that would.
So I say to you again. do you really want to end up as fertilizer because the ignorant chose to believe a lie that made them feel good about themselves? Because that’s then direction the Left is pushing & pulling us all. q.v. “#4” (above)
Paul Passarelli
December 18, 2022 at 8:38 pm
I find it handy when enemies of the Constitution out themselves as such.
We are not a Democracy. There is a good reason for that. Want to destroy the country? Put the Ignorant Urban Useful Idiots in charge. The IUUI literally don’t know which direction they are headed, whether that are going or coming, falling or standing up, peddling or stopping, just like Sleepy Joe
Jay Smif
December 19, 2022 at 9:22 am
We sure as hell are a democracy, weak old man, you’re nothing but poor, uneducated, suburban white trash that’s contributed NOTHING but hate and ignorance to society, and you’re “superior” to no one.
But hey, you’re old and will be dead soon, so that’s all that matters. Keep screaming at the sky, feeble, angry snowflake.
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 2:18 pm
Have you no shame?
Of all the Fake Aliases you could have used you pick this one to parade ignorance & arrogance, and, racial & generational anger?
This is one more reason why I loathe Democrats.
Elliott Offen
December 19, 2022 at 10:22 am
Enemies of The Constitution my arse. You far right mad men and terrorists days are numbered buddy. Trying to appropriate the Constitution to claim some kind of superiority and entitlement to rule regardless of anything. Many of you are headed to jail for your narcissistic lies and attack on the nation. You’ve lost it Paul Pizza.
Paul Passarelli
December 19, 2022 at 2:24 pm
you wrote: “Trying to appropriate the Constitution to claim some kind of superiority and entitlement to rule regardless of anything.” I did no such thing, Idiot Offen.
Yeah I can call you sad pathetic names too. But this will be the last time I stoop to that low level to counter you, as name calling is a blunt tool of an ignorant mind.
in all candor, Elliot (or whatever your real name is), I don’t know why you bother. Everyone who stays here for even a few days knows your number, and that your comments are not to be believed.
December 20, 2022 at 12:38 am
Have you ever even been in a city, Paul?
Paul Passarelli
December 20, 2022 at 11:14 am
Yes. I hated every minute of it.
When I lived in CT I *could* hop on the New Haven Line and be at Grand Central Station in under an hour. Or I could hop on the Merritt Parkway, to the Hutchinson River Parkway to the West Side Highway in ~ 90 minutes. Or I could take the back roads and be in White Plains in under 25 minutes. And of course I-95 S to the George Washington Bridge.
I lived in the City of Norwalk, we were bordered on the west by Stamford & Greenwich, and on the east by Bridgeport & New Haven. Danbury, Middletown & Hartford were to the north & northeast respectively. To the south was the shore of Long Island Sound.
Whenever I was *REQUIRED* to venture into a city, I had to steel myself for the inevitable flood of cortisol, histamine, and adrenaline, and all the negative reactions that I’d endure for the next 2-3 days.
Yeah, I can say in all seriousness if I could push a button and wall off every city until the oxygen ran out, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Many cities are actually breathtaking spectacles of engineering; it’s he human infestation of those cities that disappoints me.
Comments are closed.