As Floridians prepare to ring in the New Year, libations are likely to flow and Sunshine State residents have a favorite drinking way to make imbibing a bit more festive.
An analysis of Google search analytics by Yellow Octopus found Floridians are most interested in “Ring of Fire,” a drinking game that involves a pint glass filled with a beverage of choice surrounded by playing cards facing down in a circle. Players take turns drawing from the deck, careful not to break the circle (if you do, DRINK!). Each card comes with a rule that must be completed, all involving someone taking a swig.
Cosmopolitan calls it one of the best classic drinking games and one that’s “guaranteed to get you quiiiite” drunk, with of course the caveat that you should do so responsibly.
“Ring of Fire” was the second-most-popular drinking game, according to the Yellow Octopus analysis. “Ride the Bus,” another card-based game that involves guessing information about a card drawn, such as red or black or higher or lower than a particular number, and that also includes copious amounts of alcohol consumption.
The game “I Drink and I Know Things” was also a popular choice. It’s like trivia, but for drunk people.
Vermont, it turns out, is the most party-worthy state this New Year’s Eve, with more Google searches for drinking games than any other state in the nation.
Rules for Florida’s favorite “Ring of Fire” may vary from person to person, and the game can certainly be personalized, but Cosmo has a list of rules pertaining to each card.
Some examples, for a two card, the player who drew the card picks someone to take a drink. Conversely, if a person draws a three, they drink. Fours require women to drink, while sixes make the men at the table take a swig of their beverage. Five is the “thumb master” card, whereby the drawer places their thumb on the table and the last one to follow takes a drink.
Eight is always a good time. It allows the person who draws the card to pick a “mate” who has to drink every time they do for the duration of the game.
Other cards include “categories” for 10, which requires the drawer to pick a category for each participant to name words in the category until someone messes up (DRINK!); “make a rule” for jacks; ask a question for queens; a king requires the drawer to pour some of their drink into the cup in the middle, which the person to draw the last king has to completely down; and the ace cards are for “waterfall,” which requires everyone to chug their drinks until the person to the right of them stops.
We can see how this can turn into drunken chaos very quickly.
As always though, be sure to enjoy whatever your favorite drinking game is responsibly.