Lindsay Killen is joining The James Madison Institute as its new Vice President of National Strategy and Director of the Durden Center for the Advancement of Liberty.
In her new role, Killen will lead JMI’s efforts to connect and engage with partner organizations around the country to advance the organization’s “Blueprint: Florida” effort, which seeks to export Florida policies to other states. She will also expand JMI’s relationships with key congressional delegation members and committees to promote the principles of federalism.
Killen brings experience in federal and state-level policy engagement, serving most recently as Vice President for Strategy and Communications at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and Director of Policy at the Beacon Center of Tennessee. She continues to serve as senior fellow for the Beacon Center, policy fellow for the Heartland Institute, and national strategic adviser for the Mackinac Center’s Workers for Opportunity initiative.
“Lindsay has the perfect background for our new initiative — with time spent on Capitol Hill and with other think tanks like the Beacon Center in Tennessee and the Mackinac Center in Michigan, among others. She’s an expert in a number of relevant policy areas, and we can’t be more thrilled to welcome her and her family to JMI,” said JMI Senior Vice President Sal Nuzzo.
JMI President and CEO Dr. Bob McClure added, “The Sunshine State has become the most important place in the country when it comes to policy and politics. There is a reason Florida is referenced on the nightly news and in national media on a regular basis. The entire country is watching us. Our Blueprint: Florida initiative will export Florida’s successes to the rest of the country as we seek to reclaim the principles that have made this nation the freest, most prosperous on earth. We are thrilled to have Lindsay in this new and exciting role.”