Some people choose to have weddings in “ironic” settings like Las Vegas. And then there’s Ron DeSantis, whose “ironic” wedding was at Walt Disney World.
The Governor and First Lady Casey DeSantis talked about the location choice in an interview airing Monday.
“SiriusXM’s Patriot Presents Florida Governor Ron DeSantis” has the First Family of the Free State of Florida talking about what the Republican Governor calls a “kind of ironic” setting for nuptials, especially given the news cycles of the last year.
Indeed, the Governor’s political relationship with Disney changed for the worse in 2022 when Disney objected to the state’s Parental Rights in Education law (HB 1557). A 2023 Special Session saw changes to the previously Disney-controlled Reedy Creek Improvement District. The bill takes the control away from Disney in picking the board members of the revamped Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, and instead lets DeSantis appoint Florida residents to the five-member board.
But before that unhappiness, the First Family found wedded bliss at the Central Florida theme park.
The Governor credited the First Lady’s family with having “suggested (they) do the wedding there,” which “in looking forward to what we ended up doing as Governor and some of the face-offs that we had with some major institutions in Florida, it’s kind of ironic.”
It was left to Mrs. DeSantis to explain “how did this happen.”
“Well, because, you know, coming from Ohio, that’s where I grew up. And so my family always enjoyed going to Disney. I mean, that we looked forward to it. We enjoyed the rides. I mean, we enjoyed, this was just a retreat for us. And so we figured, you know, if we had this opportunity, my parents were like, man, it’d be really great to go back to Disney. And one of the other great things was the fact that they did a lot of the planning for you,” Mrs. DeSantis said.
“So it was a, I could just show up sort of thing. And it was really a lot of fun. It’s made a lot of news, obviously. You know, people are asking me, ‘Are you going to bring your kids back and are you going to go back to Disney?’ And I’m thinking, ‘Well, you know, not until things change a little bit over there.’ But it was a fun time. But definitely my family just had a storied history. As a matter of fact, they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary there, my parents did.”
And it seems that just like in the case of any marriage of long standing, the DeSantis/Disney rift may be working toward healing, despite the Governor’s assurances earlier this year that there’s a “new sheriff in town” regarding governance. Disney will retain key prerogatives, meanwhile, including tax-free bonds, its exemption from impact fees for construction projects, and other tax incentives.
Beyond the wedding talk in the interview, Mrs. DeSantis offers some description of the “meet cute” first date between the two, where she saw him as a doppelganger for Tom Cruise but did not see him as the potential future of American conservatism.
“We went out and we had a beer. That was the first time that I had ever met a fella and just followed them in their car to a place to go get a beer. And actually, it was one of the best conversations I ever had, and we had a lot of fun. And then who knew, though? You were such a cute guy in the Navy. I mean, if people could see you in your white uniform, I mean, you were like Tom Cruise. I mean, you were a nice guy. You were very attractive.”
“But people always say, ‘Did you ever know that he was going to run for politics?’ Heck no. I didn’t know we were going to go down this road. I’m very thankful for the people of this state that we did because you’ve done some wonderful things as a leader. But looking back on it, it was, I mean, you’re just a great guy. And I mean…God just put this wonderful opportunity for us – at least for me anyway – us to meet, and that opportunity to go to Beef o’ Brady’s.”
Here is the full audio of the interview with Ron and Casey DeSantis:
February 25, 2023 at 2:41 pm
February 25, 2023 at 7:00 pm
Casey is a ‘former news and television show host’. Yet she has trouble forming intelligible sentences?? Almost sounds like this actress forgot her lines. She sounds just like her husband.
Ms. Ohio
February 25, 2023 at 8:21 pm
Trust and believe that is not official Ohioian *SPEECH* my friend. It’s that typical Floridian bullshit; like calling it “SPEAK” LMFAO!!
Florida’s First Lady!
February 25, 2023 at 9:30 pm
Well sounds like a disgruntled democrat to me.
February 26, 2023 at 8:52 am
My Dad owned a commercial fishing boat with the name Donna Marie. Are you from Port Canaveral? The Coast Guard used to follow and board us with regularity because this boat was suspected as a drug running boat by the previous owners. I know this comment is not germane to the story, and probably won’t be published. However, if it does it would explain to a certain degree the gist of your comment.
February 26, 2023 at 12:38 pm
Yes you are right. You would think, I mean and I would have gotten help with you know my speech patterns. Has she ever listened to er you know herself??
February 26, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Let’s learn to say mean things to someone’s face, not on the internet. If you wouldn’t say it to their face then let’s all stop.
I will if you will. Let’s all take the pledge.
February 28, 2023 at 11:38 am
This obviously is a press release! As a journalist herself Casey De Santis could NEVERhave written this article. DISGRACEFUL.
Earl Pitts American
February 25, 2023 at 6:54 pm
Good Evening America,
Disney was an iconic part of America before it started grooming childern and it’s woke pandering. Now Disney is dirty and everybody looks at Disney the way you look at a stinky floater in a public toilet. You know: when you really gotta go but some inconsiderate slob before you did not flush their big long stinky log. Yeah thats the Disney of today.
Thank You America,
Earl Pitts American
Kay Whit
February 25, 2023 at 10:48 pm
You are disgusting! Talk about being Dirty? You’re whole response was filth. I assure you, Disney is not a filthy place, the only grooming they do is of Pluto the dog!
Earl Pitts American
February 26, 2023 at 7:57 am
Good Morning Kay,
You would not have responded in the way you did had you not seen the shocking truth of my words of wisdom and then had the butt hurt realization that is how most of the world looks at Disney.
Thank you Kay and I’m sorry I had to be so graphic to open your mind to the truth about Disney.
I know it hurts when a person realizes they have been guilty of “wrong thinking” and I’m honored you lashed out at me in your misguided anger for help. Conservatives love you and welcome your initial reaction of rejection upon exposure to my true words of wisdom. You are taking the first step of healing from a lifetime indoctrination of wrong thinking leftism. Welcome.
Thank You Kay,
Earl Pitts American And Kay’s New Conservative Friend
Jerry in the South
February 26, 2023 at 10:08 am
Hey Earl I was reading your post and laughing my butt off…at how intellectually you described Disney…then how you tried to shame Kay in her response….so I guess what tour saying is Disney has groomed kids since it opened in 1955 and then the second one in Florida in 1971…hmm guess the older generation is really groomed then…I mean wow the millions the have crossed their gates…so here is the problem…you blame a park instead of the person to hurt the business you hurt the man…funny how DeSantis backtracked real quick seeing how that moved backfired on him…talk about grooming…look at all the policies he’s Implemented…hmm just saying…is it “white privilege” or “white power”….kids get groomed at home…get their eyes open seeing the real world…I teach respect not hate…from your comment I don’t have to ask.
Earl Pitts American
February 26, 2023 at 11:11 am
Thank you Jerry for your initial shock at the realization you have dangerous leftist tendencies which have somehow been implanted into your brain. Thank you for reaching out for my help Jerry.
Many, such as Kay and yourself, are experiencing violent leftist withdrawal symptoms due to the exposure of my truthfull but somewhat graphic explanation of what Disney has become in the last 15 years. Yes Jerry, I sympathise with the pain in your brain at the sudden realization that you and your clique of leftist indoctinrated friends have been wrong for, again, around 15 years about Disney.
The good news, Jerry, is that you have reached out to your new bestest friend, Earl Pitts American, to extend the friendship hand and pull you out of your leftist indoctrinated state of shame and misery.
So, Jerry, from now on your path to recovery is clear and certian. You can and will be cured my new bestest friend.
First thing we are going to get you down to your local Supervisor of Elections, first thing tomorrow morning, where you will change your registration to Republican. I’ll be in contact with you, Jerry, for the next painless steps in de-programing your leftist infected brain.
Great job Jerry. We are on the way of re-integrating you into normal polite society. Great scott man you were so far over the leftist edge that you likely would have ended up spending the rest of your life in prison had you not cried out for help. Don’t worry, Jerry, together we will make you normal once again.
Thank You Jerry,
Your New Bestest Friend
Earl Pitts American
Earl Pitts Wife
February 26, 2023 at 5:01 pm
Stop messing around with these woke leftists and come shave my back!
And no, I’m not in the mood for any hanky panky tonight. Besides, Jesus doesn’t want us fornicating now that we are past our child bearing years.
Earl Pitts American
February 26, 2023 at 7:31 pm
I’m on my way my little sugar plum. And your boy Earl is bringing you a little something to put the hanky back into your sweet sweet panky!!!!
This is Davit
February 26, 2023 at 11:58 am
I agree, Disney stinks and I won’t step foot there because it’s crowded, uninteresting, and expensive; not for any other reason. Please explain specifically how Disney “started grooming children”.
Jim N
February 26, 2023 at 12:22 pm
Was Disney get underage teen girls drunk?
Mr. Haney
February 27, 2023 at 6:43 am
Get help, you need it.
Rob Desantos
February 27, 2023 at 1:31 pm
Thank you Earl Groomer American for demonstrating yet again that for today’s Republicans, every accusation is a confession.
February 26, 2023 at 4:54 am
So how does a prominent Catholic explain not getting married in a Catholic church which is standard requirement for Catholics?
February 26, 2023 at 6:45 am
As long as a Priest married them, but it doesn’t say if that’s what happened.
February 26, 2023 at 1:50 pm
A priest would have to get special permission based on extraordinary circumstances to get married anywhere other than a Catholic church. From what l read, the Bishop of Orlando diocese does not allow Catholic weddings at Disney World, so my question still holds.
This is Davit
February 26, 2023 at 11:59 am
I agree, Disney stinks and I won’t step foot there because it’s crowded, uninteresting, and expensive; not for any other reason. Please explain specifically how Disney “started grooming children”.
Earl Pitts American
February 26, 2023 at 2:41 pm
Thank You Davit,
If you have the Disney Channel in your home then your childern are being groomed right now as you drink your beer snuggled into your LAZY Boy in your man cave. They are introducing transexual subjects and characters to your kids right now.
Davit about that birds and the bees talk you havent yet got around to – Disney has already beat you to it. Except with the queer trans body mutulation…basically all the stuff you werent planning to discuss in your version of the birds and the bees talk.
Disney already got you Davit right there in your own home.
Thank You Davit,
Earl Pitts Americab
Mr. Haney
February 27, 2023 at 6:45 am
Somebody groomed you to be a bigot. Who might that be?
Ocean Joe
February 28, 2023 at 7:05 am
It’s a southern thing.
DeSantis DeSucks
February 27, 2023 at 11:41 am
Would suck to be one of his kids, Jesus!
Rob Desantos
February 27, 2023 at 1:35 pm
I’d actually call his wedding choice appropriate, seeing as he’s an opportunistic hypocrite willing to flip-flop on any position that will improve his standing among our stupidest voters.
Rob Desantos
February 27, 2023 at 1:35 pm
The only similarity between Desantos and Tom Cruise is that they’re both short.
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