Ron DeSantis has issued an invitation to Whoopi Goldberg to visit the Sunshine State.
During a Thursday night interview on Newsmax, the Governor responded to comments Goldberg made on The View, in which she insisted he isn’t ready to be President of the United States.
DeSantis told host Eric Bolling the talk show host had a standing invitation to visit Florida.
“Well, Whoopi should come to Florida,” DeSantis said. “We’re a pretty doggone diverse state here. In fact, a lot of people will say Florida is a microcosm of America.”
DeSantis delineated the state’s ethnic and geographical diversity.
“And yes, it’s not just because we have a large Hispanic population. You know, we’ve got a pretty significant African American population. We have people that moved to Florida from all across the country.”
“You go to the west coast of Florida, you got like the Midwest down there in March, in Florida. You think you’re in Wisconsin when you’re in Naples with the number of people that come down,” DeSantis said. “I don’t think there’s a place in this country that is more diverse across the board than the state of Florida.”
“So people can squawk and kind of be in their little bubble and try to, you know, further their own little narratives. But the reality is, I think Florida is doing it well and, you know what, people are by and large happy with the direction of the state across all these demographics.”
The Governor may have sidestepped Goldberg’s central criticism, however.
“Just because people have education, doesn’t mean they have any kind of real sense,” Whoopi said, as transcribed by The Wrap. “And the problem for me is I’ve listened to him now talk about what he’s doing for all the families and it occurred to me last night, you’re not helping families avoid anything! You have made life harder for many families.”
“Here’s the bottom line: people know what’s going on. You can hide it, you can put it down, you can do whatever, but the truth of the matter is, we have an issue in this country, and it has to do with race,” she added. “And kids are going to know it, because you are trying to hide it.”
“There are things that are going to come up that you can’t hide, that you can’t fix,” she said. “So dude, you’re not ready for America. You’re not ready for this country yet. ‘Cause you haven’t learned that we are a diverse nation! So, you can run if you want to, but I ain’t voting for you.”
Earl Pitts American
March 23, 2023 at 9:25 pm
Good evening America,
I have to cancel my contract to be Ms. W. G’s Florida escort Hot Man. My wife, the lovely Earline Pitts American, got wind of the plan and was worried I would get jungle fever. I only hope Ms. W. G. can somehow get over her disapointment in being without Earl escorting her around Florida.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Rob Desantos
March 24, 2023 at 12:18 pm
Sometimes I think EPA must be a sock-puppet caricature of a Florida Republican in these comments, but then I see real Florida Republicans and realize, they truly are this dumb.
Good luck America!
Earl Pitts American
March 25, 2023 at 8:09 pm
Good evening RD,
Stop bad mouthing my old highschool football teammate. W. G. was the center on our team and I was the quarterback. Of course she went by the nane Walter G. back in the day. Ahhhhh good times!!!
Anyway RD you need to check yourself as you may be a homerphobe, raciest, and a sexist. I may have to cancell you RD.
Thank you RD,
Earl Pitts American
Rob Desantos
March 27, 2023 at 4:00 pm
Are you okay?
March 24, 2023 at 2:24 pm
Tiny d should do an appearance on “The View” and show Whoopie what REAL presidential material looks like..
Exactly like
March 25, 2023 at 12:13 am
He talks like every person in a movie who try’s to explain why the place they are in is not a cultural failing cesspit. Lol
You know something?
March 25, 2023 at 12:50 am
I have seen more culture in my toilet bowl then Florida will ever have
And the day ron becomes president will be the day Florida has good education under him. So it will never happen. lol
Fat Nazi Ron
April 1, 2023 at 3:04 pm
We may have a diverse population here in FL, but I only pander to MY people, the under-educated rednecks, pseudo-christians, and white nationalists. The rest of you guys can go eff yourselves.
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