Donald Trump continues to try to goad Florida’s Governor into battle.
In the wake of extended denunciations of Ron DeSantis at a weekend rally in Waco and an extended interview on Fox News’ “Hannity,” the former President again offered familiar criticisms of his chief GOP rival’s shadow presidential campaign.
“Ron DeSanctimonious is being crushed in the polls. All of them, many globalists are having second thoughts. RINOs like Karl Rove, Pauline Ryan, and Jeb ‘Low energy’ Bush are beside themselves,” Trump contended. “They don’t know what’s going on.”
The former President turned his attention to polling data, which continues to generally show Trump again gaining at DeSantis’ expense, with the Governor seemingly unable to maintain the momentum he had after Election Day 2022.
“They have rarely witnessed a cratering of this magnitude. His polls are going down rapidly. Maybe they should have told Ron that trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare and having voted to destroy them three times is not a good thing to do,” Trump said, alluding to past policy positions DeSantis has since recanted.

“Also his record on the China Virus, crime and education is, despite his ever spinning PR machine, absolutely abysmal,” Trump added, alluding to arguments he has made about how DeSantis has been a “mediocre” Governor for those reasons.
DeSantis has not engaged Trump in any meaningful way despite months of pitched invective, and the former President has made critiques of the Florida Governor a centerpiece of his recent media hits and public appearances.
During the Fox News hit Monday, Trump claimed that without his endorsement, DeSantis would have never been elected Governor, and could have been relegated to working “in either a pizza parlor or a law office right now.”
He also claimed that DeSantis wrote him an endorsement, but the text needed a comprehensive rewrite.
“I said, ‘OK.’ I gave him a nice endorsement. I said, ‘You write out what you’d like and let me see it.’ He wrote it out. I thought it was terrible. I changed it and made it great. And I gave a great endorsement,” Trump contended.
March 28, 2023 at 6:02 pm
I have little love for Donald Trump, but there is some joy in his rebukes and insults of DeSantis.
March 28, 2023 at 7:12 pm
Slash and burn Republicans are doing America a big favor. Carry on and let me know if I can assist by throwing gasoline on your clown kar fire.
Johanna Moorer
March 28, 2023 at 7:57 pm
Holly Lesbian harssaing Presidentnof the completely unethical BBB of Central Florida in Longwood and her harassing lying NeoNaxi buddies all married to excops except ex Prison bitch Holly need to be exposed for harassing lying and Bullying all my hardworking coworkers off our jobs in 2011.Hollly Lesbian control freak liar as well as her Bitch lying Lesbian cops in Volusia County are THUGS LIARS and are responsible for dangerous MS13 gangs that sexually assault our teenage Christain raised daughters solicit our teens for bisexually pan sex orgie sex with physical threats and horrific intimidation with Nooooo regard for the lives of our innocent children that become sooo disraught by these intidations they are scared to death and start cutting themselves and because the bullying is soooo bad they many times contemplate suicide and submit to joining gangs and turn on their own moms!@@@BEN SCUM JOHNSON AND MIKE SCUM CHITWOOD OF VOLUSIA COUNTY ARE THUGS AS WELL AS THE DRUG CARTELS AND GANGS THAT PAY THESE THUGS OFF TO HARASS SINGLE MOMS LIKE MYSELF THAT WERE AND I AM QUITE SURE ARE PAID SHIT PAY HAVE TO BEG FOR .50 AN HOUR RAISES AND WEEE ARE SLAVES TO THEIR LIES SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND THE NEONAZI SCUM CORPORATE GREED LIARS NAMINGLY CORRUPT THEN Govermor 8 year worst corrupt Governor in Floridas history of drugs cocaine herion crystal meth labs and their gangs that pay these THUGS off that have DCF Thug liars sell our teens in Jew Bag run WEST Palm Beach for sextraffickg NEED to be JAILED and EXECUTED by a Saudi Arabian Firing Squad and then have Vladamir Putin and China put atomic bombs on their asses witb all their THUG JUDGES and lying JewBag attornies and thug cops BLOWN Up!!!!! In FACT North KOREA can bomb the DIKES CRACK whores in Deland at the corrupt Neighboorhood Center in drug run and crooked cop run Volusia County where LIAM the lying director allows drugs and thugs to be dealt at his unethical soooo called rehab!!!Florida is nothing but CROOKED Lying Politcans and THUG cops!!!!
johanna moorer
March 28, 2023 at 8:07 pm
Sooo in a lying nutshell Florida is run by harassing corporate greed Lesbian bisexual control freak LIARS that have their THUG DIKE COPS run the WOKE gang schools that are the worst Public school teachers in the nation and have the most MS13 gangs drugs and prostitution in the USA that destroys our teens imnocence!!cFlorida is run on drugs THUGS and completly CROOKED lying NEOFACIST Politicans!!!👅👅😝🤑🤑😝😝🤢🤢🤢🥶🥸🥸
Elliott Offen
March 28, 2023 at 9:21 pm
You’ve got some pretty significant psychological and intellectual disabilities. You’ve been grifted to a husk financially and intellectually by the hogs. I pity you. You sir, are a sub-ape. Apes have more sense than some of you losers.
March 28, 2023 at 11:14 pm
Hit a nerve, elliottt?
With the troubling political situation in Florida, I have to agree with Johanna. It was a clever post.
Yours, not so much.
Why Florida
March 29, 2023 at 2:16 pm
You can’t reason with stupidity.
woke and super proud
March 29, 2023 at 3:51 pm
Dear Tramp – Please add Runduh Santos and Rona DeSatan to your list of Nicknames, err, Ronnames. Thanks ole’ poopypants! PS, can’t wait to see your orange jumpsuit and how well it matches with your spray tan!
March 29, 2023 at 9:10 pm
“It’s not the heat. It’s the stupidity.”
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