Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is sounding the alarm about China, and what he claims is an inability from the White House to deal with the existential threat.
In a Fox Business Channel interview with Maria Bartiromo, the perennial China hawk again offered grim warnings.
“In the history of the world, no country has ever invested so much money so fast in undermining and overtaking the United States. The Soviet Union didn’t have that money. No one else has ever done it. This is the biggest challenge we have ever faced,” Rubio said Friday night.
The Senator noted the warnings are nothing new.
“We’ve been talking about these things for years, because these things have been developing over the last decade. Some of us that serve on Intel, we see it coming ahead of time. You cited the police station that China had in New York to target Chinese Americans who were pro-democracy. We’ve been seeing this coming for a long time, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, it’s an avalanche of news.”
The third-term Republican also pushed back against those who would diminish Beijing’s threat.
“One of the things that frustrates me is when I hear people say, you guys are being hyperbolic, you’re exaggerating, it’s a red scare, or, you’re doing this for political purposes. We’d better wake up, because the challenge is much bigger than our commitment.”
The Senator often criticizes the Joe Biden administration, and Friday saw more of the same.
Rubio ripped the White House for what he framed as outmoded thinking, calling the Biden Administration “creatures of a failed consensus that existed for 20, 25 years after the end of the Cold War.”
“Everybody thought, everyone’s going to become free and capitalist, China included. We’re going to flood them with American goods, and by trading with us, they’re going to import our values, and China’s going to change. It didn’t work out that way.”
Billy the ButtBoozler McSpaghetti
April 22, 2023 at 7:10 pm
This is the kind of idiot that starts wars..the whole old school neo con thing got us into so much trouble. Would be better to sell Florida to the Chinese than have these Republicans doing almost anything they do. We’d have better relations with China and among Americans if the Chinese were sold Florida..as opposed to letting conservatives continue to wreck the place with stupidity.
Billy the Bamboozler McBuzzard
April 22, 2023 at 10:47 pm
Need to sell Florida to China..so the rest of the country can make progress. This would improve Chinese American relations and also Florida would be better run and people happier. Better wages, social services, less exploitation, more jobs (state owned enterprise) and Chinese social credit system is better than having a record forever because you smacked some idiot.
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