The Florida Professional Firefighters (FPF) landed several of its top priorities this Legislative Session.
The proposed budget included provisions to restore age and years of service requirements; improve retiree health insurance subsidies; increase the length of time allowable in the Deferred Retirement Optional Program (DROP); and increase employer contributions to investment plans by 2 percentage points.
FPF, a state association representing more than 27,000 firefighters and emergency medical services personnel in Florida, began the fight to restore benefit levels for members last year. This year, the group entered into unprecedented partnerships with the Florida Fire Chiefs, Florida Police Chiefs, Florida Sheriffs, the Police Benevolent Association, the Fraternal Order of Police and the International Union of Police Associations.
Agreed upon in the Senate budget package (SB 7024) is the restoration of age requirements for full retirement benefits to 55 and the years of service requirement to 25 years, for special risk employees.
The package also increased the retiree health insurance subsidy for all Florida Retirement System (FRS) retirees from $5 per month to $7.50 per month.
It also increased the length of the DROP program to 8 years for all FRS members, eliminated the DROP window and increased the DROP interest rate from 1.3% to 4%.
All FRS members will also see the employer contribution to their investment plans increase by 2 percentage points.
While the Legislative Session saw some failures for firefighters and other public employees — an attempt to restore the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) didn’t clear the Senate — FPF leadership is heralding the Session as a big win for members and other public employees.
In a statement to Florida Politics responding to the Session, the group thanked leaders from all of its partner organizations, as well as House Speaker Paul Renner, Appropriations Chair Tom Leek, and several members of the Legislature.
And they noted that while the COLA initiative did not make it across the finish line this Session, House leadership has indicated it remains a top priority.
Pill Mill Bill McClure
May 5, 2023 at 11:53 am
Don’t forget first responder bonuses for votes and right wing police state propaganda campaign by Mini Hitler!
JJ Johnson
May 5, 2023 at 2:38 pm
Awe Pill Bill McClure, such a hater…..Your installed president is doing such a bang up job isn’t he? If not for his policies MAYBE the first responders wouldn’t need these concessions and a COLA that they were once promised and then were taken away. But you just keep drinking the Kool-Aid bud…..Power on
Pill Mill Bill McClure
May 6, 2023 at 11:21 pm
How is Biden responsible for their being no income tax in the State of Florida? For about $5 a month state income tax, officers could make $1000 more every month! Biden has never been governor of Florida.. only the hogs have been running this sht show for decades.
Pill Mill Bill McClure
May 6, 2023 at 11:23 pm
May 8, 2023 at 7:12 am
If there is nothing intelligent to say, don’t say anything. Your determination to mouth something derogatory about Mr. Biden is obvious but wrong. He had, has, nor ever will have anything to do with these retirement policies in Florida.
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