The immigration crisis is bad. But the state of political polling isn’t particularly good either.
That’s one takeaway from Ron DeSantis’ border security “roundtable” in Sierra Vista, Arizona, where he discounted Presidential Primary surveys that show him far behind former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race.
DeSantis referenced internal polling released to favored outlets by his affiliated Never Back Down super PAC: “Did you see the Iowa poll that just came out?”
“I mean, we can talk about polls all day long. I mean, I think that, you know, you’ve seen some great stuff,” DeSantis added. “I can tell you, when you run in these things, you run and you persuade people. I mean, that’s the whole point of it.”
DeSantis then suggested early polls don’t matter that much, arguing “you don’t do a poll a year out and say that that’s how the election runs out.”
The Governor used his own statewide elections to argue that point.
“I mean, if that were the case, you know, I wouldn’t have been elected in the first place as Governor,” DeSantis said. “And even my re-election, I had people saying we were going to win by a couple of percentage points. We won by 20 percentage points.”
DeSantis is “excited about the enthusiasm we’ve generated,” and promises “a lot of really good stuff over the ensuing weeks and months.” Polling averages nationally and in the early states suggest he will need that.
The Race to the White House national average has DeSantis trailing Trump, 53% to 22%.
In Iowa, DeSantis trails Trump, 52% to 23% on average. New Hampshire is a bit closer, with Trump leading 42% to 20%. In South Carolina, Trump leads 41% to 21%. And in Nevada, Trump leads 53% to 21%.
June 7, 2023 at 4:17 pm
Ron DeSantis was in Congress for YEARS ….. and passed no legislation to increase border security.
Ron DeStupid
June 7, 2023 at 4:23 pm
This clown managed to wage a war with Florida’s two largest industries; Tourism & Agriculture, and now he wonders why his approval ratings are circling the drain?
Can’t fix stupid.
Ron DeSantis, Can I Take Your Order, Please?
June 7, 2023 at 4:34 pm
He has been on a one-way ride to the bottom of White Supremacy.
Cucked Whites Go To The Back
June 7, 2023 at 4:32 pm
Degenerate Whites are being cuckolded in law, politics and business. Sports? Decades ago.
The White minority underclass will be our fruit-pickers; Sundays off!
Rob Desantos
June 7, 2023 at 4:59 pm
Like this lil guy or his boss Casey know anything about presidential elections.
Eduardo Slaveen Nation 👍
June 7, 2023 at 7:41 pm
He should have watched and learned from the Trump train wreck and figured out why it happened… therefore he’s toast along with Orange Hitler. Just wait and see.
University of North Florida
June 8, 2023 at 5:42 am
When this piece of garbage visits an insurance company I’ll care! Lost my vote a ways back
Dont Say FLA
June 8, 2023 at 7:50 am
Ron doesn’t care about success because, you know, it’s Florida taxpayers funding his campaign. Don’t believe that? Just look up how Florida just changed the sunshine law to exempt Ron DeSantis from anybody seeing how State of Florida’s money is spent on, by, or for Ron DeSantis and his campaign stunts that consume State of Florida’s resources like Florida National Guard for an example.
Ron Forrest Ron
June 8, 2023 at 8:18 am
Ron says, you know, polls don’t matter, and “if that were the case, you know, I wouldn’t have been elected in the first place as Governor.”
Ron forgets Trump’s endorsement put Ron in office. Does Willfall Ron really think Trump will endorse Ron DeSantis for President, turning around Ron’s Ron issue for Ron again?
Will Trump be endorsing Ron DeSantis for President? No, I don’t see that windfall happening for Ron this time around. Ron DeSantis is stuck with Ron DeSantis this time. There’s no getting around it.
Ron has special needs. Trump won’t be the village to take care of it for Ron this time around.
Michael K
June 9, 2023 at 12:02 pm
Polls do not matter. Just ask Canadian-born President Raphael Ted Cruz, who won the Iowa caucus in 2016, and whose father was an assassin.
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