As war rages in Ukraine, Ron DeSantis is calling for a “sustainable peace.”
The presidential candidate told the Wisconsin Right Now website that it was time to use American “leverage” to end the country’s continued attempts to defend territorial integrity as Russia’s invasion continues well into its second year.
“I think what we need to do is use our leverage to bring this to a sustainable peace. Because what we’re doing now is we’re depleting our reserves of weapons that’s going to make it more difficult for us to respond to events in Asia,” DeSantis said.
The Governor then said the weapons were better off in a country not currently being invaded.
“Some of these weapons were originally earmarked for Taiwan, which I do think the defense of Taiwan, you know, is a significant American interest. And so Biden’s policy is just have a lengthy war of attrition, have a blank check and I don’t think that that serves American interests,” DeSantis continued.
“And so let’s bring this thing in, use whatever leverage we can use to bring it in and you want a sustainable peace in a way that doesn’t reward aggression,” DeSantis said, leaving it open as to what the terms of peace would be to accomplish that aim.
The Governor has sounded in the past wobbly on his position, and this latest attempt in a low-profile interview perpetuates his seeming belief that the Ukraine war is no concern of the United States.
Criticized by Republicans and Democrats after he called the Ukraine war a simple “territorial dispute” outside of America’s “vital national interests,” DeSantis embraced the idea of a “settlement” and a “cease-fire” in recent months.
In comments made this Spring to Nikkei Asia, he warned against a repeat of the entrenched bloodshed in World War I, “like a Verdun situation, where you just have mass casualties, mass expense and end up with a stalemate.”
My Take
July 11, 2023 at 10:11 pm
Replace the weapons.
Build more. Lots more.
Let prosperous Taiwan pay for most of what is needed for there.
Get our production lines at least partially active, even if largely (and thankfully) on standby.
Jonathon Moseley
July 12, 2023 at 9:10 am
So says the war manufacturer’s sales brochure.
US production lines of death are running at full speed 3 shifts a day and they say it will be 10 to 15 years before they can rebuild the inventories we sent to Ukraine.
Hope that is good for your 401(k).
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians had to die to increase the stock prices in your investment portfolio, but, small price to pay, right?
July 11, 2023 at 10:49 pm
Does DeSantis have evidence that we are not restocking our defense weapons or is this just another Republican attempt at a new conspiracy theory?
Jonathon Moseley
July 12, 2023 at 9:11 am
The companies making money off of forever war say it will take 10 to 15 years to replace what we sent to Ukraine
Michael K
July 12, 2023 at 12:26 am
Dear Ron: sustainable peace begins at home. Stop instigating war on people who disagree with you, including women, LGBTQ people, educators, migrant s, young people and people of color.
You are unfit for the world stage.
My Take
July 12, 2023 at 1:35 am
What do Neocons–stuck off in their tarpits–think of their scions, the MAGA rats and WOKE vermin? The Neocons would want US war over Ukraine (or most anywhere else). Their heirs are surrender monkeys for most threatened places.
You can be Christian and not be a Racist
July 12, 2023 at 6:00 am
AntiSemitism is the cornerstone of Christianity.
Dont Say FLA
July 12, 2023 at 7:34 am
“Sustainable peace” and “The war would be over in 24 hours” are both confessions from the GOP candidates that they would drop aid immediately and effectively gift Ukraine to Putin.
And of course the Ron Don’s Serf Shop candidates would do that. Putin invaded Ukraine, staying on plan as if Trump had won a second term, even though Trump did not win that second term. Putin invaded anyways. Putin is in pain. Trump and Rhonda want to be there to help Putin.
Jonathon Moseley
July 12, 2023 at 9:13 am
Putin has already taken Ukraine.
There is no choice but World War 3 and a global thermonuclear war.
There are lots of things in life we want but cannot have.
I want to date Kirsten Dunst, actress. Not gonna happen.
Dont Say FLA
July 12, 2023 at 9:32 am
You’re a woke groomer
woker than thou
July 12, 2023 at 9:10 pm
Who gives a rat’s ass about Taiwan? NOT ME. Rona should get the Oval Office and use all those weapons on the WOKE FOLK, right? After all, he is at war with them.
Xian Jintao
July 13, 2023 at 12:31 pm
Go ahead and assume you’re going to make some political splash by “focusing on China” and “Tiwaan.” You send your military anywhere near China and you’ll be sorry. Your stupid politicans are used to no consequences but let me tell you what… you mess with China and there will be consequences. You take your rhetoric too far and end up making mistakes with China..we gonna nuke your ass. We’re not playing games with your stupid rich people in the USA.
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