Ron DeSantis continues to oppose increased U.S. involvement in Ukraine, with his latest position being against the Joe Biden administration supplying cluster bombs to the country, a move he says could “escalate the conflict.”
“I think it probably runs a risk of escalation,” DeSantis said Wednesday on the Howie Carr Show.
“Basically what I said from the beginning is no weapons that could lead to attacks inside Russia or escalating the conflict. We cannot become involved in this directly,” DeSantis said, warning that could further “diminish our own stockpiles and prevent us from being able to respond to exigencies around the world.”
DeSantis has largely opposed American involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war, though Wednesday was the first time he discussed cluster bombs.
On Tuesday, the presidential candidate told the Wisconsin Right Now website it was time to use American “leverage” to end the country’s continued attempts to defend territorial integrity as Russia’s invasion continues well into its second year.
“I think what we need to do is use our leverage to bring this to a sustainable peace. Because what we’re doing now is we’re depleting our reserves of weapons that’s going to make it more difficult for us to respond to events in Asia,” DeSantis said.
The Governor has received scrutiny for his positions on Ukraine, going back to when he called the war a “territorial dispute” outside of America’s “vital national interests.” DeSantis embraced the idea of a “settlement” and a “cease-fire” in recent months.
In comments made this Spring to Nikkei Asia, he warned against a repeat of the entrenched bloodshed in World War I, “like a Verdun situation, where you just have mass casualties, mass expense and end up with a stalemate.”
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
July 12, 2023 at 7:23 pm
Good evening America,
If “The Ronald” dont approve of the cluster bombs you too should not approve of the cluster bombs.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
My Take
July 12, 2023 at 7:51 pm
If Russia is whining about cluster bombs, they just need to experience more cluster bombs.
Until they go home.
My Take
July 13, 2023 at 1:47 am
Remember all the conservative comlaining when Israeli pilots were droppnig American made cluster bombs from American made fighter jets into neighborhoods in Beirut?
Yeah, me neither.
July 12, 2023 at 8:27 pm
Anti democratic neonazi DeathSantis fights for Russia Must be getting support from killer Putin
Christian Holocaust Now
July 13, 2023 at 5:15 am
Christians are all traitors
July 12, 2023 at 8:38 pm
De Santis is 100% spot on. We have NO business aiding Ukraine. The US is depleting our own resources. AMERICA FIRST should be the priority. Why on earth would our President be visiting the Ukraine when we have AMERICAN VETS dying in the streets of US cities? What kind of POS does this? Giving billions to this coked out freak a zoid Zelinsky because Hunter did corrupt business there and banged a bunch of Ukrainian hookers? Oh, okay, sure that’s wonderful. Thanks for looking out for the USA you selfish pigs. The ONLY reason USA is there in this shite hole sex trafficking nazi run cesspool is because Ukraine has paid off weak, coked out compromised fools like Hunter Biden and provided sex trafficked girls to US officials in high high places. Yep. And you want to judge Russia? Please. The truth isn’t so nice is it? Go back to drinking your cafe lattes and shopping at Whole Foods while evil gains ground.
The Angelic
July 12, 2023 at 9:34 pm
Serve Satan as you wish. This is America and you Luciferians are free to worship Ol’ Scratch. Your traditional burning cross in a cow pasture or a MAGA mass in an evangelical megachurch. Your right and your choice. We will laugh and mock but not interfere. But we will indoctrinate your children better. For God is on our side.
Ron DeSantis is a traitor
July 13, 2023 at 2:53 am
Why do you like Putin’s cock so much?
Who Knows Better
July 14, 2023 at 12:52 am
…because it’s better than yours?
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