Ron DeSantis‘ position on the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election continues to evolve.
During an interview on NBC News’ “Today,” the Republican presidential candidate made his strongest statement yet about former President Donald Trump’s defeat.
DeSantis in his interview at first didn’t offer a clear answer when asked if Trump lost, saying, “Whoever puts their hand on the Bible on Jan. 20 every four years is the winner.” But he gave a more direct answer when pressed again.
“Of course, he lost,” DeSantis said. “Joe Biden’s the President.”
DeSantis also offered procedural criticisms in the same interview, saying, “When they changed the rules for COVID, I think that was wrong. I think some of those changes were unconstitutional. When they do mass mail ballots, I think that’s wrong. I think ballot harvesting is wrong. I think the Zuckerbucks were wrong. I think the fact that the FBI was working with Facebook and these other tech companies to censor the Hunter Biden story was wrong. And so, I don’t think it was the perfect election.”
“I remember after, a lot of the media was saying, ‘This is the most secure election in history.’ How could it be the most secure with those millions of mail ballots going out?” DeSantis bemoaned.
“At the same time, at the time, after the election, they were talking about (Nicolás) Maduro stealing votes on the voting machines or whatever, and none of those theories proved to be true,” DeSantis added, speaking about Trump’s team.
The Governor then blamed Trump for the technical issues with the election.
“Here’s the issue that I think is important for Republican voters to think about: Why did we have all those mail votes? Because … Trump turned the government over to (Anthony) Fauci. They embraced lockdowns. They did the CARES Act, which funded mail-in ballots across the country. Donald Trump signed that bill that funded the mail ballots that all the Republicans have been so concerned about,” DeSantis said.
“Also, with the censorship of Hunter Biden, that was Donald Trump’s FBI that was working with that. He didn’t have control over his own government.”
DeSantis believes “Trump helped facilitate that whole set of circumstances.”
DeSantis has been more emphatic in recent days against Trump.
“I’ve said many times: The election is what it is,” DeSantis said on Friday in Iowa. “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true.”
DeSantis arguably was among those who “put out” theories, questioning “vote dumps that are happening a day or two or three days after Election Night” in the wake of the 2020 election in places like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Federal and state election officials and Trump’s own Attorney General said there was no credible evidence the election’s outcome was affected by fraud. The former President’s allegations were also roundly rejected by courts at the time, including judges he appointed.
Last week, Trump was charged by Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith with four felonies related to his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the violent riot by his supporters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Last month in an interview with CNN, DeSantis also pointed out that it’s time to move on from the 2020 Presidential Election.
“I don’t think it serves us good to have a Presidential Election focused on what happened four years ago in January. And so I want to focus on looking forward,” DeSantis added. “I don’t want to look back.”
The Governor seems to have evolved on the Presidential Election just as he did on the Jan. 6, 2021, riot that sought to stop the certification of the results.
Earlier this summer, DeSantis admonished Trump for standing by as chaos erupted on Jan. 6.
“I think it was shown how he was in the White House and didn’t do anything while things were going on. He should have come out more forcefully,” the Governor said during a West Columbia, South Carolina, news conference.
DeSantis seems to have been compelled to acknowledge reality in recent months. As recently as late June, he was asked about Jan. 6, and his comments basically gave Trump a pass for his actions ahead of the Capitol riot.
“So I wasn’t anywhere near Washington that day. I have nothing to do with what happened that day,” DeSantis responded, refusing to engage with a question about Trump’s behavior directly. “Obviously, I didn’t enjoy seeing, you know, what would happen, but we’ve got to go forward on this stuff.”
DeSantis’ shift in rhetoric has come as he seeks to reset his stagnant 2024 White House campaign. Trump, who remains widely popular with the Republican Party base, is the early and commanding front-runner in next year’s GOP presidential primary.
The Associated Press contributed to this post. Republished with permission.
Ocean Joe
August 7, 2023 at 8:26 am
“Of course he lost”
You sure about that?
You mean all that crybaby stuff from Trump following the election culminating in the Jan 6 ransacking was all for nothing?
Are you (like everybody else) calling Trump a liar?
You mean all those folks who own “Trump Won” flags are idiots?
You’re finally making some sense.
Too bad you ruined your chances with all the nutty stuff.
Earl Pitts American
August 7, 2023 at 8:48 am
Good mornting America,
Here it is at last America the beginning of the end of the DC Swamp. The swamp creatures went all in on running against Trump and beating Trump again. So much so that now that Desantis has finally blown up their evil plan the swamp has no money or will left to pivot to running against Desantis.
While we are not able to confirm or deny that Trump colluded with the swamp we are pretty sure the voters in our Great Nation are smart enough to know the truth and rally behind Desantis.
Thanking the powers of Truth, Justice, and The American Way that the DC Swamp/Trump collusion to ruin our Great Nation is finally clearly exposed to all conservative voters in our Great Nation.
America stand by for The Greatest Red Wave Landslide Victory in the history of The Free World.
Desantis 2024.
ps anybody who posts comments disagreable to me, Earl Pitts American, is a smelly d0-d0 pants and will be considered as chastized by the entire might and right of The Earl Pitts American Fan Club. Be forwarned d0-d0 pants!
Michael K
August 7, 2023 at 3:05 pm
A failing candidate grasping at straws, under pressure from billionaire donors, DeSantis now makes news for stating the obvious? And this is considered “courage” by Republicans?
Too little, too late for the little D. But the DeSantis quote on NBC: “it was not a good run election” truly shows what a moRon DeSantis is. Harvard and Yale should get their diplomas back.
August 7, 2023 at 3:39 pm
Besides being a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, a scientologist catholic, an antivaxxer, an authoritarian, an officer of torture (a sadist), an unlawful operative against sunshine laws, as well as a vindictive little guy, he’s also seems mentally ill.
My Take
August 7, 2023 at 4:49 pm
LOSER Trump’s responseS should be fun.
My Take
August 7, 2023 at 5:02 pm
A blended message.
August 7, 2023 at 4:50 pm
Imagine…. mail in ballots have a optical scan filter THAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH AN INDIVIDUAL ELIGIBLE VOTER! For Ron DeSantis to even suggest that these votes should be disallowed during a pandemic that killed over one million Americans is deplorable,
More evidence DeSantis should never be elected!
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