A former Republican presidential candidate is diagnosing issues with a 2024 hopeful’s campaign.
During an interview on Newsmax, Rick Santorum dissected issues with the faltering Ron DeSantis campaign, saying a lot of the problem came down to “message” and “ideas.”
“DeSantis has been under a microscope,” Santorum said.
He added that “every campaign has fits and starts and has message issues,” but for DeSantis, those issues have been compounded by the “intensity of media that is covering it.”
“And DeSantis, by being the alternative to Trump early on, really was in that fishbowl and he went through what I would argue almost every campaign goes. But in his case, every little glitch got major coverage.”
Santorum believes DeSantis hasn’t talked enough about issues, meanwhile.
“And one of the things that I think that DeSantis has been a little short on is, is really ideas and laying out his agenda,” Santorum added, saying he believes the Governor has “started to do (that in) the last couple of weeks.”
Santorum, who won 11 states in the 2012 GOP Primary campaign, said other candidates may pose threats to DeSantis.
One of them is Vivek Ramaswamy, who Santorum says has “connected with people in the early Primary states and he’s a dynamic personality,” a “young guy (who) has some really new and interesting ideas.”
Santorum also lauded former United Nations envoy Nikki Haley for her take on Social Security reform.
He also namechecked U.S. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina as someone who could challenge DeSantis for second place, but with some caveats.
“If you look at Tim, his message is, you know, sort of repetitive. He doesn’t (get) off the script and that’s something he’s going to have to break away from if he’s going to break out,” Santorum said. “He’s got to be able to focus on different things, not just tell his story.”
Ron DiSaster
August 11, 2023 at 11:02 am
Wow, hell must be freezing, because I actually agree with Rick Santorum on something.
DeSantis is a one issue candidate, “Woke”. And nobody who matters cares about that. People are sick of that word and the nonsense culture wars that he keeps stoking only to to divide people. DeSantis is a hateful divider, not a uniter.
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
August 11, 2023 at 2:02 pm
Santorum’s got a point there America,
Has anyone got any questions?
Yes, you there in the front row, whats your name son? Thank you little Tommy go ahead with your question.
“So, Mr. Earl Pitts American, why is Desantis even under the media’s microscope if hes such a bad candidate like every media artical’s we see state that Desantis is”?
Great question little Tommy; the reason is that the media 100% knows Desantis is the one and only candidate that can beat the Democrats in 2024 little Tommy.
“But what about Trump”?
Sorry little Tommy but Trump will loose again just like last time.
Thank you little Tommy you are now smarter than all the grown ups you know.
“Thank you Mr. Earl Pitts American”.
There you have it America,
Out of the mouth of little Tommy comes the most political truth you have heard so far this month
August 11, 2023 at 11:25 am
Rick Santorum is irrelevant and lucky anyone is asking him about anything. He’s right about DeSantis here, but his take on Vivek Ramaswamy is delusional. Calling him a “young guy (who) has some really new and interesting ideas,” is ridiculous, Ramaswamy spouts the same crap that Trump and DeSantis spout, so he’s hardly the source of any new and interesting ideas. He’s just not White, and that makes him, along with Tim Scott, valuable to the GOP as token “proof” that they’re not a party that embraces racism. One of them might get picked by Trump for the VP nomination, but neither will ever get the nod for the top job because the GOP knows damn well their many racist voters would not be happy with that, and would stay home.
Dont Say FLA
August 11, 2023 at 11:52 am
Tough talker Ron DeSantis is under a microscope because that’s the only way anybody can see CaCa CaCa Casey’s little Chia Pet.
Michael K
August 11, 2023 at 11:58 am
Here’s the deal: DeSantis is all ambition, no vision. He’s nothing more than grievance, shrieking under the vague notion of “woke,” which has no meaning. It’s just a place card for whatever he’s against – which is just about everyone and everything. He’s weak and petty because he does understand that bullying is not strength – it’ weakness and cowardice.
On top of it, he’s a poor public speaker, lacks compassion and connection, and does not think well on his feet. His lack of charisma, with his Jackie-O wannabe wife using little kids as props make him as appealing as a case of diarrhea.
Santorum, a self-righteous culture warrior, went down in flames for his out-of-touch radical right-wing Catholic views. America didn’t want that then, and does not want that now. The messenger is the message.
Papa Smurf
August 11, 2023 at 12:03 pm
Smurf smurf smurf smurfed smurf woke? Smurf smurf smurf smurfing smurf smurf.
My Take
August 11, 2023 at 12:21 pm
DeSSgustus is a gŕeasy smear of santorum (look it up).
Michael K
August 11, 2023 at 4:32 pm
We need an appropriate Ronda equivalent. Dan Savage, are you listening?
August 11, 2023 at 2:41 pm
An unfortunate unexpected Santorum family pregnancy resulted in a legal abortion.
Every single Republican Presidential contender has stated that they endorse a 100% nationwide abortion ban.
Living under those extreme Republican candidate abortion restrictions Santorum‘s beautiful wife might have lost her life and that of her unborn fetus!
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