In the wake of a strategy memo circulating from the Ron DeSantis camp ahead of next week’s GOP presidential debate, Vivek Ramaswamy is offering his response.
During an interview on Fox News, Ramaswamy swatted at “super PAC puppets” and drew a contrast between himself and “professional politician” DeSantis, who he says relies on “prepped memos from super PAC paid political consultants with pre-prepped robotic attack lines against (his) opponents.”
“Sometimes when you have professional politicians, they use attacks on other candidates as a substitute for a message of their own. I’m in this race focused on my own message rather than attacking those other candidates. The truth is I’m an outsider. I’m not a professional politician,” Ramaswamy said.
“I think we have a choice between super PAC puppets who are being propped up with prepped lines and millions of dollars to go along with it, versus in my case, I’m an outsider.”
Ramaswamy went on to contend that DeSantis is an agent of mere “incremental reform” rather than “revolution.”
“I think a lot of establishment politicians can offer incremental reform of the administrative state or declaring independence from our enemies on the global stage, including the likes of China. Do you want incremental reform or do you want revolution? And I stand on the side of the American Revolution, those values that set this nation into motion 250 years ago. So I do think that’s threatening to a number of other candidates in this race.”
The memo, from advisors to the Never Back Down super PAC, outlines a strategy of taking a “sledge-hammer to Vivek Ramaswamy,” calling him ‘Fake Vivek’ Or ‘Vivek the Fake.’”
With the game plan having been released for public consumption, however, Ramaswamy has nearly a week to continue hammering DeSantis before the candidates take the debate stage Wednesday in Milwaukee.
Dont Say FLA
August 17, 2023 at 3:30 pm
Rhonda is THE little pink sock in this GOP primary.
Schilling DeSantis DeGenerates
August 18, 2023 at 12:24 pm
The Curt Schilling of Election 2024.
August 17, 2023 at 3:50 pm
Now that the damaging DeSantis audio recording has been resurrected …..Ramaswamy should ask DeSantis how and where DeSantis received the call to push for fake electors in the 2020 election.
Cucked By Your PAC-Daddy
August 18, 2023 at 12:23 pm
Cuckolded by YOUR OWN PAC!?!
Isn’t a PAC supposed to stealth-support your candidate?
Well, I didn’t go to an Ivy school and I’m no Naval Law Officer, BUT…even I know you don’t drive the bus over your own candidate, then back up over him on the interwebs.
My Take
August 19, 2023 at 5:49 am
Now there is talk of attacking Ramenswampy’s faith. A lousy practice in general but maybe not too bad when restrictèd to big shot pols. But only if all religions are attacked and maligned. The Trumpvangelicals would be a fun tàrget.
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