Hurricane Idalia has exited the state, but not before at least one major Florida landmark was impacted by the storm.
However, stories diverge as to what the impact actually is.
First Lady Casey DeSantis posted Wednesday to X that the Governor’s Mansion suffered storm damage when an old oak tree fell on the premises.
“100 year old oak tree falls on the Governor’s Mansion in Tallahassee — Mason, Madison, Mamie and I were home at the time, but thankfully no one was injured. Our prayers are with everyone impacted by the storm,” the First Lady wrote.
But during a press conference Wednesday at the Emergency Operations Center, Gov. Ron DeSantis offered his own account, seemingly contradicting the First Lady’s version of events.
“I don’t know that it fell on like the residence, per se. I think it was a little bit off to the side,” the Governor said.
The Governor was upbeat about the tree’s removal.
“I don’t know if they’re going to have to cut down the whole tree,” the Governor said. “If they do cut down the whole tree, that’s just going to be more room for my kids to hit baseballs in. And so, in some respects for us, even though the tree was nice, we’ll probably make do and just be quite all right.”
The Governor said the “ancient oak tree” split in half and “part of it fell.”
Florida Politics has reached out to the Governor’s Office for more information on the incident.
As residents on the Gulf Coast and points northward assess damage from the storm, they may find it relatable that the First Couple is doing the same.
Rick Whitaker
August 30, 2023 at 2:39 pm
i was hoping that the governor’s mansion would be destroyed, but i didn’t get my wish. desantis is a deplorable person. i wish him the worst
Julie Weaver
August 30, 2023 at 6:11 pm
I 2nd that. Florida needs to be DeSanitized.
P. Trigg
August 31, 2023 at 9:59 am
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 5:26 pm
i don’t believe in karma, but i do believe desantis should be removed in whatever way is quickest.
No such thing
August 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm
Karma please.
I stopped believing in karma after Ted Cruz took his 4th vacation and bragged about it.
August 30, 2023 at 9:17 pm
I think you are deplorable for writing this about someone’sDemocrat. It republican or democrat.
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 5:27 pm
if you are a gop thing, then i don’t care what you think
Lise Ramirez
September 1, 2023 at 4:21 am
That doesn’t make any sense. But you do you
James H Humphrey
August 31, 2023 at 8:13 am
What is it about him that makes you dislike him. What has he done to you that makes you want to whish him the worst. Has he increased your taxes, you must have something to support your wishing him the worst.
Michael Touhey
August 31, 2023 at 11:09 am
How about doing NOTHING about our home owners insurance fiasco. It’s a crime for what we are forced to pay for it. If you can’t provide Homeowners insurance your company should not be allowed to sell any insurance anywhere in the state.
Fran J
August 31, 2023 at 2:27 pm
I do agree with the insurance.. plus the counties, towns raising the property taxes… Where is it being used at??? Makes you go hmmmmm.
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 5:31 pm
i live in another state because of ron desantis. him being a maga maniac is enough. i can tell by your responce that you too are maga. good luck with that, you’ll need it. the people of florida look foolish for electing such a creep
Rodney Rosado
August 31, 2023 at 8:42 am
This is exactly why our country is the way it is, someone has given you permission to say such stuff about fellow Americans, you should be ashamed of yourself..you probably say ” we’re all in this together ” BS ..don’t expect any less in return..you get what you give!
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 5:38 pm
so you are saying that if i hate desantis and make a comment saying so that i don’t deserve respect for having a vastly different opinion than you? i thought maga maniacs respected the first admendment. oh’ only when we agree with you. i love my country, but not maga maggots. go back to italy and then i won’t affend you
September 4, 2023 at 4:27 pm
Oh, like how trump talks about his fellow Americans?? Makes fun of the handicap. Your hypocrisy is laughable.
P. Trigg
August 31, 2023 at 9:58 am
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 2:11 pm
I third that!
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 2:12 pm
Different Rick Whitaker. No relation (that I know of).
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 5:39 pm
i live in tennessee, but it’s nice to know that not all whitakers are maga
August 31, 2023 at 5:55 pm
You live in Tennesee and your making comments about our Governor! Stay in Tennesee…
Chris Pimentel
August 30, 2023 at 5:26 pm
Mr.Desantis You Don’t Have To Cut The Oak Tree Down , There Are Ways The Tree Can Survive
James H Humphrey
August 31, 2023 at 8:20 am
I have seen many oak trees, for whatever reason some of them just get old and start falling apart. Many of them start to rot and have a hollow in them and can no longer support the heavy weight of the branches, all it takes is for some wind to cause them to break and fall. It is not an easy thing to say, well, the tree can be saved, maybe or maybe not, depends on the damage. Question, have you seen the tree? Don’t just jump on it and say what you did without being able to first hand see the tree, maybe you just like to jump in with that to make DeSantis look bad, professionals will assess the damage and make a decision.
Fran J
August 31, 2023 at 2:29 pm
His boys wouldn’t have a place to play ball if they don’t cut the tree down. Take them to the park..Let the tree grow. if it is deemed safe and alive to continue to be one of Florida’s greatest assets.
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 5:42 pm
he’s a yale and harvard guy, he don’t know anything about horticulture or people
Sharon Woosley
August 30, 2023 at 5:53 pm
I would like to thank the Governor for his planning and the use of resources to protect the people and our state. 😊
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 7:56 pm
i also live in a state with a bad governor. but the florida facist beats all for being bad.
Bob Barquer
August 30, 2023 at 7:56 pm
So close, Mother Nature…. so close.
August 30, 2023 at 7:58 pm
This just shows what kind of person you are. How could you wish that on anybody, even your so-called enemy! What about thank you for helping people get through the storm.
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 7:43 pm
desantis is a fascist. is that who you are defending? how is desantis helping anybody get through anything? ron desantis cares about ron desantis. he doesn’t have a civil servant mind. if you think he’s a good guy, then you must share his values. i pity you.
August 30, 2023 at 8:01 pm
This was meant for Rick Whitaker…
Preston Russ
August 31, 2023 at 9:14 am
What a non-story! Amazing what the media will come up with to attack a great governor.
S. Johnston
August 31, 2023 at 6:34 pm
A non story brought out the crazies
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 7:53 pm
anybody that voted for desantis is horribly misinformed. being misinformed, i don’t expect you to understand. using the word “amen” in your post tells me that you are probably a 2000 year old cult member {christian}. so i don’t pay people like you much attention.
Rick Whitaker
August 31, 2023 at 7:48 pm
what great governor are you referring to? desantis is a facist. that don’t make you a good governor. now washington state has a good governor !
My Take
August 31, 2023 at 10:02 pm
It’s very simple.
Republicans hate trees, from specimens to forests. Just like they hate what lives in trees.
They want clearing and “ùsing” the groundspace.
Case closed.
My Take
September 1, 2023 at 3:47 am
More seriously, and as much as
I hate to admit it, northerners take better care of their valued trees. That tree on a northern governor’s mansion grounds or even a nice yard might still have the weak low-angle “crotch” between trunks and the internal decay, but it would have simple standard cable or bar connection between trunks to keep them from splitting apart. Tree “surgeons” install them every day.
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