President Joe Biden’s campaign has bought ads in Florida slamming Gov. Ron DeSantis’ abortion ban and former President Donald Trump for making it possible.
Entitled “These Guys,” the one-minute spot starts with images of young women visiting with physicians.
“Reproductive health care decisions are among the most personal a woman will ever make,” a narrator stated. “They are choices that should be made by you and your doctor, and the last people who should be involved are these guys.”
Video quickly cuts to Republican presidential contenders discussing abortion. It starts with images.
It shows an image of Trump, then plays audio of the former President boasting, “I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade.”
That references the Supreme Court overturning abortion rights protections in place for decades, a development that occurred after Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices.
The ad moves on to a headline about DeSantis signing a six-week abortion measure. It cuts to DeSantis defending the law at a debate. “I believe in a culture of life,” DeSantis said.
Notably, the Biden campaign announced the new ads the same day oral arguments took place on the constitutionality of Florida’s law in front of the state Supreme Court.
The ad also targets statements made by U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, a South Carolina Republican. Like DeSantis and Trump, Scott seeks the Republican nomination to challenge Biden’s re-election in 2024.
Of note, the video devotes two segments to Trump, unearthing video of Trump in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews saying he supported a criminal sentence of some sort for women obtaining illegal abortions.
The Biden campaign stressed his pro-abortion rights record. The ad shows the President and Vice President Kamala Harris, the first female Vice President, and said both are committed never to allow a nationwide abortion ban.
“As Donald Trump visits states where women are suffering the consequences of his extreme, anti-abortion agenda, this ad reminds voters in states that have passed some of the most extreme abortion bans of Trump’s key role in appointing conservative justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade,” said Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.
“We will not shy away from casting a spotlight on extreme Republicans and their dangerous efforts to take away women’s right to choose. President Biden and Vice President Harris stand with the overwhelming majority of Americans against these bans, and for codifying Roe into law.”
The ad, which will appear on digital platforms YouTube and Connected TV, will target women voters in Florida, South Dakota and Iowa. It’s part of a larger $25 million campaign playing ads in critical states, also including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Rick Whitaker
September 8, 2023 at 5:24 pm
money well spent. the light of truth needs to shine in the dark ages state of desantistan.
Impeach Biden
September 10, 2023 at 4:30 pm
You get lots of free time at the old folks home I see. When Biden shows up tell him I said hi. Maybe you two can be roommates.
My Take
September 8, 2023 at 8:34 pm
Remember “Potttersville?” (Probably not.)
Dems and other anti-Trump and anti-DirtSSantis groups need to be planning somè very dark and distopian ads and longer presentations on what New Trumpistan or DeSSanistan would look like . . . based on their OWN WORDS.
Fallen America. Spain 1942. Russia now.
Sonja Fitch
September 9, 2023 at 4:18 am
Stop! What is the penalty for men impregnating women ?
Michael K
September 10, 2023 at 7:45 am
It’s all about controlling women. And it’s still mostly men who are calling the shots.
Those constitutional “originalists” seem to forget that for most of US history, women couldn’t vote and had very few rights
Guido Crucil
September 10, 2023 at 9:10 am
First of all, there will never ever be a complete ban on abortion, as it’ll never pass in both the House & Senate. So STOP the lies. It’s an intellectual dishonest scare tactic to throw at Republican candidates. Most Republicans recognize that a more realistic approach to abortion limits is similar to the European approach whereby the limits are between 15-21 weeks.
September 10, 2023 at 9:22 am
But they passed a law at the low end of your proposed range and then further reduced it to 6 weeks after winning an election. Along with a slew of other extreme policies.
Peddle they understand something moderate elsewhere . When they start showing moderation instead of extremes no one should afford them any quarter.
Guy Crucil
September 10, 2023 at 10:42 am
Almost all Republicans recognize that the European approach to abortion and some type of limits holding between 15-21 weeks makes very reasonable sense – conversely, the Democrat party wants to allow killing babies up to the time of delivery.
September 10, 2023 at 11:48 am
No, Democrats don’t condone that, and I wish people would quit shilling that fable. Have you looked at the national or even Florida stats and polls on this subject?
Most were fine with the 24 weeks from Roe (which is the edge of viability). And most accepted the 15 weeks, but their issues were the lack of rape, incest, and fetal viability clauses.
And then they rammed down the 6 weeks ban which was more or less a defacto ban because of the 24 hour waiting period and the time it takes to get into an OBGYN in FL.
And this does not account grey area stuff like babies that need to be C-sectioned to save them at post 24 weeks, because most doctors don’t want to lose their licenses (of the ones still practicing in FL) by potentially running afoul of a very ambiguous law. Read the law. It’s incomplete at best.
These are the “moderation” lies. Most Democrats are not keen on “killing babies”. They are just tired of the “black and white” narrative and control being pushed by the GOP to pander to the Evangelicals.
Michael K
September 10, 2023 at 8:44 pm
That’s a lie and you know it.
Guy Crucil
September 10, 2023 at 3:25 pm
Name ONE (1) Democrat that has come out publicly and stated that they don’t support abortion up to the date of birth. Republicans have always supported Emergency surgeries and circumstances for abortions going beyond 15-21 months, but Democrats ALL support abortion for ANY excuse up to the birth date.
September 10, 2023 at 9:01 pm
“Republicans have always supported Emergency surgeries and circumstances for abortions going beyond 15-21 months”
First, 15-21 months would be the gestation and birth of an elephant, so I assume you typo-ed “weeks”
And yet they don’t put that level of detial with that level of specificity into the laws. Conenient you get a favorable talking point that’s ambiguous enough for doctors not to risk it. Therefore, a lame duck argument if it cannot be implmented.
And are you conflating the talking point phrase “up to birth date” with late term abortion?
Both Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.), and Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) have come out they do not support late-term abortions and accept limits on the procedure. So there is TWO (2).
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