Gov. Ron DeSantis is in New York to commemorate the Sept. 11 attacks, but he’s also expressing worries about the source of future terror.
“I think that there is a good bet that somebody that’s come across that (Southern) border will commit an act of terrorism,” he told the Washington Examiner.
The Governor added that “9/11 was in part an immigration issue” since a “lot of these guys should not have been in the country — had overstayed visas and whatnot.”
DeSantis has made similar points in recent weeks.
During a Never Back Down “meet-and-greet” event in August, DeSantis suggested it’s only a matter of time before an illegal border crosser commits an act of terrorism domestically.
“Millions and millions of people coming illegally and understand there’s people coming from China, there’s people coming from the Middle East, there’s people coming from all across the world (to get a) free pass into our country,” DeSantis said.
“You are going to see at some point in our future … a terrorist attack that emanated from somebody that came across that Southern border. I mean, I hope that doesn’t happen, but I would absolutely bet that that would happen,” the Governor added in Algona, Iowa.
September 11, 2023 at 9:34 am
The Saudis came here via the southern border? Whoa we do have a problem down there. As far as terrorists go, don’t need to import any. They are already here and supporting DeSantis’s authoritarian agenda- our very own homegrown nazis and terrorists.
It's Complicated
September 11, 2023 at 9:58 am
More than half of the people coming across the southern border are from nations other than Central or South America. “106 countries represented among those crossing the U.
S. southern border” according to one NPR article. The human smuggling business is logistically complex and well-known to the intelligence and diplomatic communities of the nations these people pass through. It is big business, not some rag-tag organic effort.
Now, even the Mayor of NYC is recognizing the perils of illegal immigration. Not the least of which is it is fiscally unsustainable. You can expect the Democratic Party to ‘cancel’ the Mayor, soon, because his comments pointing out reality defy the party narrative.
Why do people oppose securing the southern border for the purposes of controlling immigration to the U.S.? Makes zero sense to have an open border, and is an issue the Democratic Party is taking serious ‘hits’ on within their own base.
September 11, 2023 at 10:58 am
Horse manure, old boy. It is up to the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to forge real legislation to secure the border, and they have refused to cooperate on the issue. For decades.
It is not a problem for just the Democratic Party, it is a problem for both parties, and Republicans are just as much to blame as Democrats.
Note, too, the Republicans have little incentive to see the problem solved — it’s their major race-baiting fear-mongering ticket to re-election.
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
September 11, 2023 at 9:42 am
Good Mornting America,
Listen up to what “The Ronald” is saying as he speaks truth into your Dook 4 Brains Addled Leftist or RINO clouded heads.
You all know truth and “The Ronald” is speaking truth.
Now its even more dangerous than ever after the Dook 4 Brains leftist/rino “Please Repeat 911” incentive message was sent out to The World of USA Haters.
Which is:
*caution the honest truth below information may be a little too true for Dook 4 Brains Lefty’s and RINO’s*
If you do a 911 repeat on American soil we will half heartidly do an invasion then a few years later we will turn tail and run away in the middle of the night leaving Billions in military gear behind and abandoning those that helped us so you can have sport with them tourturing and lopping off their heads when you get tired of tourturing our poor happless “left behinds”
Thank you America,
Beverly Brevity
September 11, 2023 at 11:10 am
Too many words, turd, not going to read them.
Dr. Franklin Waters
September 11, 2023 at 10:31 am
“Could be”. Anything “Could” happen, but Republican voters live and thrive off of a fear, so they’ll eat this BS right up.
September 11, 2023 at 10:49 am
Dear Ronnie,
Two questions:
When you were in Congress did you and your Republican colleagues write strict new immigration laws for the president to sign and implement?
In recent years since you jumped on the 2024 Republican Presidential Klown Kar …. have you addressed the border issue and strict new immigration laws with the dozen or so Florida Republican Representatives in Congress?
September 11, 2023 at 11:07 am
The continuing and future threat is right inside the GOP party and inside the borders, domestic terrorism, fueled by hate and linguistics chosen to divide the nation by DeSatan himself. Nazi symbols fly everywhere he goes. Mom’s for Liberty, origin of the family who started Blackwater, Proud Boys, Oath keepers, are the terror groups who have proven on January 6th they will do anything to advance their division agenda, like Hitler blaming Jews, race for their own problems. DeSatan blames his linguistic labels for the military recruiting problem when even our own DOD admitted for 10 years our military has a ‘Domestic terror’ problem, that is now overreaching to our law enforcement, and even our judiciary system. Until these issues are resolved, the border is meaningless, our threats are from within and always have been. January 6th was the reality and the truth, and DeSatan said he would pardon the 143 in prison now. What does that say about our problem?
September 11, 2023 at 11:08 am
Amazing how our eloquent governor refers to the murdering terrorists of 9/11 as “these guys.” He sounds like an eleven year old explaining the story to a friend on the playground. I’ve known dogs who barked more articulately than this man.
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